import { Compiler, Plugin } from 'webpack' export class SharedRuntimePlugin implements Plugin { apply(compiler: Compiler) { const installedModules = [ '// The module cache', 'var installedModules = {};', ].join('\n') const nextInstalledModules = [ '// The Next.js shared module cache', 'var installedModules = window.__next_installed_modules__ || (window.__next_installed_modules__ = {});', ].join('\n') compiler.hooks.compilation.tap('SharedRuntimePlugin', compilation => { ;(compilation.mainTemplate as any).hooks.localVars.intercept({ register: (tapInfo: any) => { if (!( === 'MainTemplate' && tapInfo.type === 'sync')) { return tapInfo } const { fn } = tapInfo return { ...tapInfo, fn: function() { const ret = fn.apply(this, arguments) return typeof ret === 'string' ? ret.replace(installedModules, nextInstalledModules) : ret }, } }, }) }) } }