import chalk from 'chalk' import crypto from 'crypto' import findUp from 'find-up' import fs from 'fs' import textTable from 'next/dist/compiled/text-table' import path from 'path' import stripAnsi from 'strip-ansi' import { promisify } from 'util' import { isValidElementType } from 'react-is' import prettyBytes from '../lib/pretty-bytes' import { recursiveReadDir } from '../lib/recursive-readdir' import { fileExists } from '../lib/file-exists' import { getPageChunks } from './webpack/plugins/chunk-graph-plugin' const fsStat = promisify(fs.stat) const fsReadFile = promisify(fs.readFile) export function collectPages( directory: string, pageExtensions: string[] ): Promise { return recursiveReadDir( directory, new RegExp(`\\.(?:${pageExtensions.join('|')})$`) ) } export interface PageInfo { isAmp?: boolean size: number chunks?: ReturnType static?: boolean serverBundle: string } export function printTreeView( list: string[], pageInfos: Map, serverless: boolean ) { const getPrettySize = (_size: number): string => { const size = prettyBytes(_size) // green for 0-100kb if (_size < 100 * 1000) return // yellow for 100-250kb if (_size < 250 * 1000) return chalk.yellow(size) // red for >= 250kb return } const messages: string[][] = [ ['Page', 'Size', 'Files', 'Packages'].map(entry => chalk.underline(entry)), ] list .sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)) .forEach((item, i) => { const symbol = i === 0 ? list.length === 1 ? '─' : '┌' : i === list.length - 1 ? '└' : '├' const pageInfo = pageInfos.get(item) messages.push([ `${symbol} ${ item.startsWith('/_') ? ' ' : pageInfo && pageInfo.static ? chalk.bold('⚡') : serverless ? 'λ' : 'σ' } ${item}`, ...(pageInfo ? [ pageInfo.isAmp ? chalk.cyan('AMP') : pageInfo.size >= 0 ? getPrettySize(pageInfo.size) : '', pageInfo.chunks ? pageInfo.chunks.internal.size.toString() : '', pageInfo.chunks ? pageInfo.chunks.external.size.toString() : '', ] : ['', '', '']), ]) }) console.log( textTable(messages, { align: ['l', 'l', 'r', 'r'], stringLength: str => stripAnsi(str).length, }) ) console.log() console.log( textTable( [ serverless ? [ 'λ', '(Lambda)', `page was emitted as a lambda (i.e. ${chalk.cyan( 'getInitialProps' )})`, ] : [ 'σ', '(Server)', `page will be server rendered (i.e. ${chalk.cyan( 'getInitialProps' )})`, ], [ chalk.bold('⚡'), '(Static File)', 'page was prerendered as static HTML', ], ], { align: ['l', 'l', 'l'], stringLength: str => stripAnsi(str).length, } ) ) console.log() } function flatten(arr: T[][]): T[] { return arr.reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), [] as T[]) } function getPossibleFiles(pageExtensions: string[], pages: string[]) { const res = => pageExtensions .map(e => `${page}.${e}`) .concat( => `${path.join(page, 'index')}.${e}`)) .concat(page) ) return flatten(res) } export async function getFileForPage({ page, pagesDirectory, pageExtensions, }: { page: string pagesDirectory: string pageExtensions: string[] }) { const theFile = getPossibleFiles(pageExtensions, [ path.join(pagesDirectory, page), ]).find(f => fs.existsSync(f) && fs.lstatSync(f).isFile()) if (theFile) { return path.sep + path.relative(pagesDirectory, theFile) } return theFile } export async function getSpecifiedPages( dir: string, pagesString: string, pageExtensions: string[] ) { const pagesDir = path.join(dir, 'pages') const reservedPages = ['/_app', '/_document', '/_error'] const explodedPages = [ Set([...pagesString.split(','), ...reservedPages]), ].map(p => { let resolvedPage: string | undefined if (path.isAbsolute(p)) { resolvedPage = getPossibleFiles(pageExtensions, [ path.join(pagesDir, p), p, ]).find(f => fs.existsSync(f) && fs.lstatSync(f).isFile()) } else { resolvedPage = getPossibleFiles(pageExtensions, [ path.join(pagesDir, p), path.join(dir, p), ]).find(f => fs.existsSync(f) && fs.lstatSync(f).isFile()) } return { original: p, resolved: resolvedPage || null } }) const missingPage = explodedPages.find( ({ original, resolved }) => !resolved && !reservedPages.includes(original) ) if (missingPage) { throw new Error(`Unable to identify page: ${missingPage.original}`) } const resolvedPagePaths = explodedPages .filter(page => page.resolved) .map(page => '/' + path.relative(pagesDir, page.resolved!)) return resolvedPagePaths.sort() } export async function getCacheIdentifier({ pagesDirectory, env = {}, }: { pagesDirectory: string env?: any }) { let selectivePageBuildingCacheIdentifier = '' const envObject = env ? Object.keys(env) .sort() // eslint-disable-next-line .reduce((a, c) => ((a[c] = env[c]), a), {} as any) : {} selectivePageBuildingCacheIdentifier += JSON.stringify(envObject) const pkgPath = await findUp('package.json', { cwd: pagesDirectory }) if (pkgPath) { const yarnLock = path.join(path.dirname(pkgPath), 'yarn.lock') const packageLock = path.join(path.dirname(pkgPath), 'package-lock.json') if (await fileExists(yarnLock)) { selectivePageBuildingCacheIdentifier += await fsReadFile(yarnLock, 'utf8') } else if (await fileExists(packageLock)) { selectivePageBuildingCacheIdentifier += await fsReadFile( packageLock, 'utf8' ) } else { selectivePageBuildingCacheIdentifier += JSON.stringify(require(pkgPath)) } } return crypto .createHash('sha1') .update(selectivePageBuildingCacheIdentifier) .digest('hex') } export async function getPageSizeInKb( page: string, distPath: string, buildId: string ): Promise { const clientBundle = path.join( distPath, `static/${buildId}/pages/`, `${page}.js` ) try { return (await fsStat(clientBundle)).size } catch (_) {} return -1 } export function isPageStatic( serverBundle: string, runtimeEnvConfig: any ): { static?: boolean; prerender?: boolean } { try { require('next-server/config').setConfig(runtimeEnvConfig) const mod = require(serverBundle) const Comp = mod.default || mod if (!Comp || !isValidElementType(Comp) || typeof Comp === 'string') { throw new Error('INVALID_DEFAULT_EXPORT') } return { static: typeof (Comp as any).getInitialProps !== 'function', prerender: mod.config && mod.config.experimentalPrerender === true, } } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') return {} throw err } } export function hasCustomAppGetInitialProps( _appBundle: string, runtimeEnvConfig: any ): boolean { require('next-server/config').setConfig(runtimeEnvConfig) let mod = require(_appBundle) if (_appBundle.endsWith('_app.js')) { mod = mod.default || mod } else { // since we don't output _app in serverless mode get it from a page mod = mod._app } return mod.getInitialProps !== mod.origGetInitialProps }