import { join, resolve, relative, dirname } from 'path' import { Compiler } from 'webpack' // This plugin modifies the require-ensure code generated by Webpack // to work with Next.js SSR export default class NextJsSsrImportPlugin { apply(compiler: Compiler) { compiler.hooks.compilation.tap('NextJsSSRImport', (compilation: any) => { compilation.mainTemplate.hooks.requireEnsure.tap( 'NextJsSSRImport', (code: string, chunk: any) => { // Update to load chunks from our custom chunks directory const outputPath = resolve('/') const pagePath = join('/', dirname( const relativePathToBaseDir = relative(pagePath, outputPath) // Make sure even in windows, the path looks like in unix // Node.js require system will convert it accordingly const relativePathToBaseDirNormalized = relativePathToBaseDir.replace( /\\/g, '/' ) return code .replace( 'require("./"', `require("${relativePathToBaseDirNormalized}/"` ) .replace( 'readFile(join(__dirname', `readFile(join(__dirname, "${relativePathToBaseDirNormalized}"` ) } ) }) } }