import { codeFrameColumns } from 'next/dist/compiled/babel/code-frame' import ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin from '@next/react-refresh-utils/ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin' import crypto from 'crypto' import { readFileSync, realpathSync } from 'fs' import chalk from 'chalk' import semver from 'next/dist/compiled/semver' // @ts-ignore No typings yet import TerserPlugin from './webpack/plugins/terser-webpack-plugin/src/index.js' import path from 'path' import { webpack, isWebpack5, init as initWebpack, } from 'next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack' import { DOT_NEXT_ALIAS, NEXT_PROJECT_ROOT, NEXT_PROJECT_ROOT_DIST_CLIENT, PAGES_DIR_ALIAS, } from '../lib/constants' import { fileExists } from '../lib/file-exists' import { getPackageVersion } from '../lib/get-package-version' import { Rewrite } from '../lib/load-custom-routes' import { getTypeScriptConfiguration } from '../lib/typescript/getTypeScriptConfiguration' import { CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_MAIN, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_POLYFILLS, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_WEBPACK, REACT_LOADABLE_MANIFEST, SERVERLESS_DIRECTORY, SERVER_DIRECTORY, } from '../next-server/lib/constants' import { execOnce } from '../next-server/lib/utils' import { findPageFile } from '../server/lib/find-page-file' import { WebpackEntrypoints } from './entries' import * as Log from './output/log' import { collectPlugins, PluginMetaData, VALID_MIDDLEWARE, } from './plugins/collect-plugins' import { build as buildConfiguration } from './webpack/config' import { __overrideCssConfiguration } from './webpack/config/blocks/css/overrideCssConfiguration' import { pluginLoaderOptions } from './webpack/loaders/next-plugin-loader' import BuildManifestPlugin from './webpack/plugins/build-manifest-plugin' import ChunkNamesPlugin from './webpack/plugins/chunk-names-plugin' import { CssMinimizerPlugin } from './webpack/plugins/css-minimizer-plugin' import { JsConfigPathsPlugin } from './webpack/plugins/jsconfig-paths-plugin' import { DropClientPage } from './webpack/plugins/next-drop-client-page-plugin' import NextJsSsrImportPlugin from './webpack/plugins/nextjs-ssr-import' import NextJsSSRModuleCachePlugin from './webpack/plugins/nextjs-ssr-module-cache' import PagesManifestPlugin from './webpack/plugins/pages-manifest-plugin' import { ProfilingPlugin } from './webpack/plugins/profiling-plugin' import { ReactLoadablePlugin } from './webpack/plugins/react-loadable-plugin' import { ServerlessPlugin } from './webpack/plugins/serverless-plugin' import WebpackConformancePlugin, { DuplicatePolyfillsConformanceCheck, GranularChunksConformanceCheck, MinificationConformanceCheck, ReactSyncScriptsConformanceCheck, } from './webpack/plugins/webpack-conformance-plugin' import { WellKnownErrorsPlugin } from './webpack/plugins/wellknown-errors-plugin' import { NextConfig } from '../next-server/server/config' type ExcludesFalse = (x: T | false) => x is T const devtoolRevertWarning = execOnce( (devtool: webpack.Configuration['devtool']) => { console.warn( chalk.yellow.bold('Warning: ') + chalk.bold(`Reverting webpack devtool to '${devtool}'.\n`) + 'Changing the webpack devtool in development mode will cause severe performance regressions.\n' + 'Read more:' ) } ) function parseJsonFile(filePath: string) { const JSON5 = require('next/dist/compiled/json5') const contents = readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8') // Special case an empty file if (contents.trim() === '') { return {} } try { return JSON5.parse(contents) } catch (err) { const codeFrame = codeFrameColumns( String(contents), { start: { line: err.lineNumber, column: err.columnNumber } }, { message: err.message, highlightCode: true } ) throw new Error(`Failed to parse "${filePath}":\n${codeFrame}`) } } function getOptimizedAliases(isServer: boolean): { [pkg: string]: string } { if (isServer) { return {} } const stubWindowFetch = path.join(__dirname, 'polyfills', 'fetch', 'index.js') const stubObjectAssign = path.join(__dirname, 'polyfills', 'object-assign.js') const shimAssign = path.join(__dirname, 'polyfills', 'object.assign') return Object.assign( {}, { unfetch$: stubWindowFetch, 'isomorphic-unfetch$': stubWindowFetch, 'whatwg-fetch$': path.join( __dirname, 'polyfills', 'fetch', 'whatwg-fetch.js' ), }, { 'object-assign$': stubObjectAssign, // Stub Package: object.assign 'object.assign/auto': path.join(shimAssign, 'auto.js'), 'object.assign/implementation': path.join( shimAssign, 'implementation.js' ), 'object.assign$': path.join(shimAssign, 'index.js'), 'object.assign/polyfill': path.join(shimAssign, 'polyfill.js'), 'object.assign/shim': path.join(shimAssign, 'shim.js'), // Replace: full URL polyfill with platform-based polyfill url: require.resolve('native-url'), } ) } type ClientEntries = { [key: string]: string | string[] } export function attachReactRefresh( webpackConfig: webpack.Configuration, targetLoader: webpack.RuleSetUseItem ) { let injections = 0 const reactRefreshLoaderName = '@next/react-refresh-utils/loader' const reactRefreshLoader = require.resolve(reactRefreshLoaderName) webpackConfig.module?.rules.forEach((rule) => { const curr = rule.use // When the user has configured `defaultLoaders.babel` for a input file: if (curr === targetLoader) { ++injections rule.use = [reactRefreshLoader, curr as webpack.RuleSetUseItem] } else if ( Array.isArray(curr) && curr.some((r) => r === targetLoader) && // Check if loader already exists: !curr.some( (r) => r === reactRefreshLoader || r === reactRefreshLoaderName ) ) { ++injections const idx = curr.findIndex((r) => r === targetLoader) // Clone to not mutate user input rule.use = [...curr] // inject / input: [other, babel] output: [other, refresh, babel]: rule.use.splice(idx, 0, reactRefreshLoader) } }) if (injections) { `automatically enabled Fast Refresh for ${injections} custom loader${ injections > 1 ? 's' : '' }` ) } } export default async function getBaseWebpackConfig( dir: string, { buildId, config, dev = false, isServer = false, pagesDir, target = 'server', reactProductionProfiling = false, entrypoints, rewrites, }: { buildId: string config: NextConfig dev?: boolean isServer?: boolean pagesDir: string target?: string reactProductionProfiling?: boolean entrypoints: WebpackEntrypoints rewrites: Rewrite[] } ): Promise { initWebpack( config.future?.webpack5 || (config.future?.webpack5 !== false && Number(process.env.NEXT_WEBPACK5) > 0) ) let plugins: PluginMetaData[] = [] let babelPresetPlugins: { dir: string; config: any }[] = [] const hasRewrites = rewrites.length > 0 || dev if (config.experimental.plugins) { plugins = await collectPlugins(dir, config.env, config.plugins) pluginLoaderOptions.plugins = plugins for (const plugin of plugins) { if (plugin.middleware.includes('babel-preset-build')) { babelPresetPlugins.push({ dir:, config: plugin.config, }) } } } const reactVersion = await getPackageVersion({ cwd: dir, name: 'react' }) const hasReactRefresh: boolean = dev && !isServer const hasJsxRuntime: boolean = Boolean(reactVersion) && // 17.0.0-rc.0 had a breaking change not compatible with Next.js, but was // fixed in rc.1. semver.gte(reactVersion!, '17.0.0-rc.1') const distDir = path.join(dir, config.distDir) const defaultLoaders = { babel: { loader: 'next-babel-loader', options: { isServer, distDir, pagesDir, cwd: dir, // Webpack 5 has a built-in loader cache cache: !isWebpack5, babelPresetPlugins, development: dev, hasReactRefresh, hasJsxRuntime, }, }, // Backwards compat hotSelfAccept: { loader: 'noop-loader', }, } const babelIncludeRegexes: RegExp[] = [ /next[\\/]dist[\\/]next-server[\\/]lib/, /next[\\/]dist[\\/]client/, /next[\\/]dist[\\/]pages/, /[\\/](strip-ansi|ansi-regex)[\\/]/, ...(config.experimental.plugins ? => new RegExp(`src(\\\\|/)${name}`)) : []), ] // Support for NODE_PATH const nodePathList = (process.env.NODE_PATH || '') .split(process.platform === 'win32' ? ';' : ':') .filter((p) => !!p) const isServerless = target === 'serverless' const isServerlessTrace = target === 'experimental-serverless-trace' // Intentionally not using isTargetLikeServerless helper const isLikeServerless = isServerless || isServerlessTrace const outputDir = isLikeServerless ? SERVERLESS_DIRECTORY : SERVER_DIRECTORY const outputPath = path.join(distDir, isServer ? outputDir : '') const totalPages = Object.keys(entrypoints).length const clientEntries = !isServer ? ({ // Backwards compatibility 'main.js': [], [CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_MAIN]: `./` + path .relative( dir, path.join( NEXT_PROJECT_ROOT_DIST_CLIENT, dev ? `next-dev.js` : 'next.js' ) ) .replace(/\\/g, '/'), [CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_POLYFILLS]: path.join( NEXT_PROJECT_ROOT_DIST_CLIENT, 'polyfills.js' ), } as ClientEntries) : undefined let typeScriptPath: string | undefined try { typeScriptPath = require.resolve('typescript', { paths: [dir] }) } catch (_) {} const tsConfigPath = path.join(dir, 'tsconfig.json') const useTypeScript = Boolean( typeScriptPath && (await fileExists(tsConfigPath)) ) let jsConfig // jsconfig is a subset of tsconfig if (useTypeScript) { const ts = (await import(typeScriptPath!)) as typeof import('typescript') const tsConfig = await getTypeScriptConfiguration(ts, tsConfigPath) jsConfig = { compilerOptions: tsConfig.options } } const jsConfigPath = path.join(dir, 'jsconfig.json') if (!useTypeScript && (await fileExists(jsConfigPath))) { jsConfig = parseJsonFile(jsConfigPath) } let resolvedBaseUrl if (jsConfig?.compilerOptions?.baseUrl) { resolvedBaseUrl = path.resolve(dir, jsConfig.compilerOptions.baseUrl) } function getReactProfilingInProduction() { if (reactProductionProfiling) { return { 'react-dom$': 'react-dom/profiling', 'scheduler/tracing': 'scheduler/tracing-profiling', } } } const clientResolveRewrites = require.resolve( 'next/dist/next-server/lib/router/utils/resolve-rewrites' ) const resolveConfig = { // Disable .mjs for node_modules bundling extensions: isServer ? [ '.js', '.mjs', ...(useTypeScript ? ['.tsx', '.ts'] : []), '.jsx', '.json', '.wasm', ] : [ '.mjs', '.js', ...(useTypeScript ? ['.tsx', '.ts'] : []), '.jsx', '.json', '.wasm', ], modules: [ 'node_modules', ...nodePathList, // Support for NODE_PATH environment variable ], alias: { next: NEXT_PROJECT_ROOT, ...(isWebpack5 && !isServer ? { stream: require.resolve('stream-browserify'), path: require.resolve('path-browserify'), crypto: require.resolve('crypto-browserify'), buffer: require.resolve('buffer'), vm: require.resolve('vm-browserify'), } : undefined), [PAGES_DIR_ALIAS]: pagesDir, [DOT_NEXT_ALIAS]: distDir, ...getOptimizedAliases(isServer), ...getReactProfilingInProduction(), [clientResolveRewrites]: hasRewrites ? clientResolveRewrites : require.resolve('next/dist/client/dev/noop.js'), }, mainFields: isServer ? ['main', 'module'] : ['browser', 'module', 'main'], plugins: isWebpack5 ? // webpack 5+ has the PnP resolver built-in by default: [] : [require('pnp-webpack-plugin')], } const terserOptions: any = { parse: { ecma: 8, }, compress: { ecma: 5, warnings: false, // The following two options are known to break valid JavaScript code comparisons: false, inline: 2, // }, mangle: { safari10: true }, output: { ecma: 5, safari10: true, comments: false, // Fixes usage of Emoji and certain Regex ascii_only: true, }, } const isModuleCSS = (module: { type: string }): boolean => { return ( // mini-css-extract-plugin module.type === `css/mini-extract` || // extract-css-chunks-webpack-plugin (old) module.type === `css/extract-chunks` || // extract-css-chunks-webpack-plugin (new) module.type === `css/extract-css-chunks` ) } // Contains various versions of the Webpack SplitChunksPlugin used in different build types const splitChunksConfigs: { [propName: string]: webpack.Options.SplitChunksOptions } = { dev: { cacheGroups: { default: false, vendors: false, // In webpack 5 vendors was renamed to defaultVendors defaultVendors: false, }, }, prodGranular: { chunks: 'all', cacheGroups: { default: false, vendors: false, // In webpack 5 vendors was renamed to defaultVendors defaultVendors: false, framework: { chunks: 'all', name: 'framework', // This regex ignores nested copies of framework libraries so they're // bundled with their issuer. // test: /(? 160000 && /node_modules[/\\]/.test(module.identifier()) ) }, name(module: { type: string libIdent?: Function updateHash: (hash: crypto.Hash) => void }): string { const hash = crypto.createHash('sha1') if (isModuleCSS(module)) { module.updateHash(hash) } else { if (!module.libIdent) { throw new Error( `Encountered unknown module type: ${module.type}. Please open an issue.` ) } hash.update(module.libIdent({ context: dir })) } return hash.digest('hex').substring(0, 8) }, priority: 30, minChunks: 1, reuseExistingChunk: true, }, commons: { name: 'commons', minChunks: totalPages, priority: 20, }, shared: { name(module, chunks) { return ( crypto .createHash('sha1') .update( chunks.reduce( (acc: string, chunk: webpack.compilation.Chunk) => { return acc + }, '' ) ) .digest('hex') + (isModuleCSS(module) ? '_CSS' : '') ) }, priority: 10, minChunks: 2, reuseExistingChunk: true, }, }, maxInitialRequests: 25, minSize: 20000, }, } // Select appropriate SplitChunksPlugin config for this build let splitChunksConfig: webpack.Options.SplitChunksOptions if (dev) { splitChunksConfig = } else { splitChunksConfig = splitChunksConfigs.prodGranular } const crossOrigin = config.crossOrigin let customAppFile: string | null = await findPageFile( pagesDir, '/_app', config.pageExtensions ) if (customAppFile) { customAppFile = path.resolve(path.join(pagesDir, customAppFile)) } const conformanceConfig = Object.assign( { ReactSyncScriptsConformanceCheck: { enabled: true, }, MinificationConformanceCheck: { enabled: true, }, DuplicatePolyfillsConformanceCheck: { enabled: true, BlockedAPIToBePolyfilled: Object.assign( [], ['fetch'], config.conformance?.DuplicatePolyfillsConformanceCheck ?.BlockedAPIToBePolyfilled || [] ), }, GranularChunksConformanceCheck: { enabled: true, }, }, config.conformance ) function handleExternals(context: any, request: any, callback: any) { if (request === 'next') { return callback(undefined, `commonjs ${request}`) } const notExternalModules = [ 'next/app', 'next/document', 'next/link', 'next/image', 'next/error', 'string-hash', 'next/constants', ] if (notExternalModules.indexOf(request) !== -1) { return callback() } // We need to externalize internal requests for files intended to // not be bundled. const isLocal: boolean = request.startsWith('.') || // Always check for unix-style path, as webpack sometimes // normalizes as posix. path.posix.isAbsolute(request) || // When on Windows, we also want to check for Windows-specific // absolute paths. (process.platform === 'win32' && path.win32.isAbsolute(request)) const isLikelyNextExternal = isLocal && /[/\\]next-server[/\\]/.test(request) // Relative requires don't need custom resolution, because they // are relative to requests we've already resolved here. // Absolute requires (require('/foo')) are extremely uncommon, but // also have no need for customization as they're already resolved. if (isLocal && !isLikelyNextExternal) { return callback() } // Resolve the import with the webpack provided context, this // ensures we're resolving the correct version when multiple // exist. let res: string try { res = require.resolve(request, { paths: [context] }) } catch (err) { // If the request cannot be resolved, we need to tell webpack to // "bundle" it so that webpack shows an error (that it cannot be // resolved). return callback() } // Same as above, if the request cannot be resolved we need to have // webpack "bundle" it so it surfaces the not found error. if (!res) { return callback() } let isNextExternal: boolean = false if (isLocal) { // we need to process next-server/lib/router/router so that // the DefinePlugin can inject process.env values isNextExternal = /next[/\\]dist[/\\]next-server[/\\](?!lib[/\\]router[/\\]router)/.test( res ) if (!isNextExternal) { return callback() } } // `isNextExternal` special cases Next.js' internal requires that // should not be bundled. We need to skip the base resolve routine // to prevent it from being bundled (assumes Next.js version cannot // mismatch). if (!isNextExternal) { // Bundled Node.js code is relocated without its node_modules tree. // This means we need to make sure its request resolves to the same // package that'll be available at runtime. If it's not identical, // we need to bundle the code (even if it _should_ be external). let baseRes: string | null try { baseRes = require.resolve(request, { paths: [dir] }) } catch (err) { baseRes = null } // Same as above: if the package, when required from the root, // would be different from what the real resolution would use, we // cannot externalize it. if ( !baseRes || (baseRes !== res && // if res and baseRes are symlinks they could point to the the same file realpathSync(baseRes) !== realpathSync(res)) ) { return callback() } } // Default pages have to be transpiled if ( !res.match(/next[/\\]dist[/\\]next-server[/\\]/) && (res.match(/[/\\]next[/\\]dist[/\\]/) || // This is the @babel/plugin-transform-runtime "helpers: true" option res.match(/node_modules[/\\]@babel[/\\]runtime[/\\]/)) ) { return callback() } // Webpack itself has to be compiled because it doesn't always use module relative paths if ( res.match(/node_modules[/\\]webpack/) || res.match(/node_modules[/\\]css-loader/) ) { return callback() } // Anything else that is standard JavaScript within `node_modules` // can be externalized. if (isNextExternal || res.match(/node_modules[/\\].*\.js$/)) { const externalRequest = isNextExternal ? // Generate Next.js external import path.posix.join( 'next', 'dist', path .relative( // Root of Next.js package: path.join(__dirname, '..'), res ) // Windows path normalization .replace(/\\/g, '/') ) : request return callback(undefined, `commonjs ${externalRequest}`) } // Default behavior: bundle the code! callback() } const emacsLockfilePattern = '**/.#*' let webpackConfig: webpack.Configuration = { externals: !isServer ? // make sure importing "next" is handled gracefully for client // bundles in case a user imported types and it wasn't removed // TODO: should we warn/error for this instead? ['next'] : !isServerless ? [ isWebpack5 ? ({ context, request }, callback) => handleExternals(context, request, callback) : (context, request, callback) => handleExternals(context, request, callback), ] : [ // When the 'serverless' target is used all node_modules will be compiled into the output bundles // So that the 'serverless' bundles have 0 runtime dependencies '@ampproject/toolbox-optimizer', // except this one // Mark this as external if not enabled so it doesn't cause a // webpack error from being missing ...(config.experimental.optimizeCss ? [] : ['critters']), ], optimization: { // Webpack 5 uses a new property for the same functionality ...(isWebpack5 ? { emitOnErrors: !dev } : { noEmitOnErrors: dev }), checkWasmTypes: false, nodeEnv: false, splitChunks: isServer ? false : splitChunksConfig, runtimeChunk: isServer ? isWebpack5 && !isLikeServerless ? { name: 'webpack-runtime' } : undefined : { name: CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_WEBPACK }, minimize: !(dev || isServer), minimizer: [ // Minify JavaScript new TerserPlugin({ cacheDir: path.join(distDir, 'cache', 'next-minifier'), parallel: config.experimental.cpus, terserOptions, }), // Minify CSS new CssMinimizerPlugin({ postcssOptions: { map: { // `inline: false` generates the source map in a separate file. // Otherwise, the CSS file is needlessly large. inline: false, // `annotation: false` skips appending the `sourceMappingURL` // to the end of the CSS file. Webpack already handles this. annotation: false, }, }, }), ], }, context: dir, node: { setImmediate: false, }, // Kept as function to be backwards compatible entry: async () => { return { ...(clientEntries ? clientEntries : {}), ...entrypoints, ...(isServer ? { 'init-server.js': 'next-plugin-loader?middleware=on-init-server!', 'on-error-server.js': 'next-plugin-loader?middleware=on-error-server!', } : {}), } }, watchOptions: { ignored: [ '**/.git/**', '**/node_modules/**', '**/.next/**', // can be removed after is released emacsLockfilePattern, ], }, output: { ...(isWebpack5 ? { environment: { arrowFunction: false, bigIntLiteral: false, const: false, destructuring: false, dynamicImport: false, forOf: false, module: false, }, } : {}), path: outputPath, // On the server we don't use the chunkhash filename: isServer ? '[name].js' : `static/chunks/[name]${dev ? '' : '-[chunkhash]'}.js`, library: isServer ? undefined : '_N_E', libraryTarget: isServer ? 'commonjs2' : 'assign', hotUpdateChunkFilename: isWebpack5 ? 'static/webpack/[id].[fullhash].hot-update.js' : 'static/webpack/[id].[hash].hot-update.js', hotUpdateMainFilename: isWebpack5 ? 'static/webpack/[fullhash].hot-update.json' : 'static/webpack/[hash].hot-update.json', // This saves chunks with the name given via `import()` chunkFilename: isServer ? `${dev ? '[name]' : '[name].[contenthash]'}.js` : `static/chunks/${dev ? '[name]' : '[name].[contenthash]'}.js`, strictModuleExceptionHandling: true, crossOriginLoading: crossOrigin, futureEmitAssets: !dev, webassemblyModuleFilename: 'static/wasm/[modulehash].wasm', }, performance: false, resolve: resolveConfig, resolveLoader: { // The loaders Next.js provides alias: [ 'emit-file-loader', 'error-loader', 'next-babel-loader', 'next-client-pages-loader', 'next-serverless-loader', 'noop-loader', 'next-plugin-loader', ].reduce((alias, loader) => { // using multiple aliases to replace `resolveLoader.modules` alias[loader] = path.join(__dirname, 'webpack', 'loaders', loader) return alias }, {} as Record), modules: [ 'node_modules', ...nodePathList, // Support for NODE_PATH environment variable ], plugins: isWebpack5 ? [] : [require('pnp-webpack-plugin')], }, module: { rules: [ ...(isWebpack5 ? [ // TODO: FIXME: do NOT webpack 5 support with this // x-ref: { test: /\.m?js/, resolve: { fullySpecified: false, }, } as any, ] : []), { test: /\.(tsx|ts|js|mjs|jsx)$/, include: [dir, ...babelIncludeRegexes], exclude: (excludePath: string) => { if (babelIncludeRegexes.some((r) => r.test(excludePath))) { return false } return /node_modules/.test(excludePath) }, use: config.experimental.babelMultiThread ? [ // Move Babel transpilation into a thread pool (2 workers, unlimited batch size). // Applying a cache to the off-thread work avoids paying transfer costs for unchanged modules. { loader: 'next/dist/compiled/cache-loader', options: { cacheContext: dir, cacheDirectory: path.join(dir, '.next', 'cache', 'webpack'), cacheIdentifier: `webpack${isServer ? '-server' : ''}`, }, }, { loader: require.resolve('next/dist/compiled/thread-loader'), options: { workers: 2, workerParallelJobs: Infinity, }, }, hasReactRefresh ? require.resolve('@next/react-refresh-utils/loader') : '', defaultLoaders.babel, ].filter(Boolean) : hasReactRefresh ? [ require.resolve('@next/react-refresh-utils/loader'), defaultLoaders.babel, ] : defaultLoaders.babel, }, ].filter(Boolean), }, plugins: [ hasReactRefresh && new ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin(webpack), // Makes sure `Buffer` and `process` are polyfilled in client-side bundles (same behavior as webpack 4) isWebpack5 && !isServer && new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ Buffer: [require.resolve('buffer'), 'Buffer'], process: [require.resolve('process')], }), // This plugin makes sure `output.filename` is used for entry chunks !isWebpack5 && new ChunkNamesPlugin(), new webpack.DefinePlugin({ ...Object.keys(process.env).reduce( (prev: { [key: string]: string }, key: string) => { if (key.startsWith('NEXT_PUBLIC_')) { prev[`process.env.${key}`] = JSON.stringify(process.env[key]!) } return prev }, {} ), ...Object.keys(config.env).reduce((acc, key) => { if (/^(?:NODE_.+)|^(?:__.+)$/i.test(key)) { throw new Error( `The key "${key}" under "env" in next.config.js is not allowed.` ) } return { ...acc, [`process.env.${key}`]: JSON.stringify(config.env[key]), } }, {}), // TODO: enforce `NODE_ENV` on `process.env`, and add a test: 'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify( dev ? 'development' : 'production' ), 'process.env.__NEXT_CROSS_ORIGIN': JSON.stringify(crossOrigin), 'process.browser': JSON.stringify(!isServer), 'process.env.__NEXT_TEST_MODE': JSON.stringify( process.env.__NEXT_TEST_MODE ), // This is used in client/dev-error-overlay/hot-dev-client.js to replace the dist directory ...(dev && !isServer ? { 'process.env.__NEXT_DIST_DIR': JSON.stringify(distDir), } : {}), 'process.env.__NEXT_TRAILING_SLASH': JSON.stringify( config.trailingSlash ), 'process.env.__NEXT_BUILD_INDICATOR': JSON.stringify( config.devIndicators.buildActivity ), 'process.env.__NEXT_PLUGINS': JSON.stringify( config.experimental.plugins ), 'process.env.__NEXT_STRICT_MODE': JSON.stringify( config.reactStrictMode ), 'process.env.__NEXT_REACT_MODE': JSON.stringify( config.experimental.reactMode ), 'process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_FONTS': JSON.stringify( config.experimental.optimizeFonts && !dev ), 'process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_IMAGES': JSON.stringify( config.experimental.optimizeImages ), 'process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_CSS': JSON.stringify( !!config.experimental.optimizeCss && !dev ), 'process.env.__NEXT_SCROLL_RESTORATION': JSON.stringify( config.experimental.scrollRestoration ), 'process.env.__NEXT_IMAGE_OPTS': JSON.stringify({ deviceSizes: config.images.deviceSizes, imageSizes: config.images.imageSizes, path: config.images.path, loader: config.images.loader, ...(dev ? { // pass domains in development to allow validating on the client domains:, } : {}), }), 'process.env.__NEXT_ROUTER_BASEPATH': JSON.stringify(config.basePath), 'process.env.__NEXT_HAS_REWRITES': JSON.stringify(hasRewrites), 'process.env.__NEXT_I18N_SUPPORT': JSON.stringify(!!config.i18n), 'process.env.__NEXT_I18N_DOMAINS': JSON.stringify(config.i18n?.domains), 'process.env.__NEXT_ANALYTICS_ID': JSON.stringify(config.analyticsId), ...(isServer ? { // Fix bad-actors in the npm ecosystem (e.g. `node-formidable`) // This is typically found in unmaintained modules from the // pre-webpack era (common in server-side code) 'global.GENTLY': JSON.stringify(false), } : undefined), // stub process.env with proxy to warn a missing value is // being accessed in development mode ...(config.experimental.pageEnv && dev ? { 'process.env': ` new Proxy(${isServer ? 'process.env' : '{}'}, { get(target, prop) { if (typeof target[prop] === 'undefined') { console.warn(\`An environment variable (\${prop}) that was not provided in the environment was accessed.\nSee more info here:\`) } return target[prop] } }) `, } : {}), }), !isServer && new ReactLoadablePlugin({ filename: REACT_LOADABLE_MANIFEST, }), !isServer && new DropClientPage(), // Moment.js is an extremely popular library that bundles large locale files // by default due to how Webpack interprets its code. This is a practical // solution that requires the user to opt into importing specific locales. // config.future.excludeDefaultMomentLocales && new webpack.IgnorePlugin({ resourceRegExp: /^\.\/locale$/, contextRegExp: /moment$/, }), ...(dev ? (() => { // Even though require.cache is server only we have to clear assets from both compilations // This is because the client compilation generates the build manifest that's used on the server side const { NextJsRequireCacheHotReloader, } = require('./webpack/plugins/nextjs-require-cache-hot-reloader') const devPlugins = [new NextJsRequireCacheHotReloader()] if (!isServer) { devPlugins.push(new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin()) } return devPlugins })() : []), // Webpack 5 no longer requires this plugin in production: !isWebpack5 && !dev && new webpack.HashedModuleIdsPlugin(), !dev && new webpack.IgnorePlugin({ resourceRegExp: /react-is/, contextRegExp: /(next-server|next)[\\/]dist[\\/]/, }), isServerless && isServer && new ServerlessPlugin(), isServer && new PagesManifestPlugin(isLikeServerless), !isWebpack5 && target === 'server' && isServer && new NextJsSSRModuleCachePlugin({ outputPath }), isServer && new NextJsSsrImportPlugin(), !isServer && new BuildManifestPlugin({ buildId, rewrites, }), new ProfilingPlugin(), config.experimental.optimizeFonts && !dev && isServer && (function () { const { FontStylesheetGatheringPlugin, } = require('./webpack/plugins/font-stylesheet-gathering-plugin') return new FontStylesheetGatheringPlugin() })(), config.experimental.conformance && !isWebpack5 && !dev && new WebpackConformancePlugin({ tests: [ !isServer && conformanceConfig.MinificationConformanceCheck.enabled && new MinificationConformanceCheck(), conformanceConfig.ReactSyncScriptsConformanceCheck.enabled && new ReactSyncScriptsConformanceCheck({ AllowedSources: conformanceConfig.ReactSyncScriptsConformanceCheck .allowedSources || [], }), !isServer && conformanceConfig.DuplicatePolyfillsConformanceCheck.enabled && new DuplicatePolyfillsConformanceCheck({ BlockedAPIToBePolyfilled: conformanceConfig.DuplicatePolyfillsConformanceCheck .BlockedAPIToBePolyfilled, }), !isServer && conformanceConfig.GranularChunksConformanceCheck.enabled && new GranularChunksConformanceCheck( splitChunksConfigs.prodGranular ), ].filter(Boolean), }), new WellKnownErrorsPlugin(), ].filter((Boolean as any) as ExcludesFalse), } // Support tsconfig and jsconfig baseUrl if (resolvedBaseUrl) { webpackConfig.resolve?.modules?.push(resolvedBaseUrl) } if (jsConfig?.compilerOptions?.paths && resolvedBaseUrl) { webpackConfig.resolve?.plugins?.unshift( new JsConfigPathsPlugin(jsConfig.compilerOptions.paths, resolvedBaseUrl) ) } if (isWebpack5) { // futureEmitAssets is on by default in webpack 5 delete webpackConfig.output?.futureEmitAssets // webpack 5 no longer polyfills Node.js modules: if (webpackConfig.node) delete webpackConfig.node.setImmediate if (dev) { if (!webpackConfig.optimization) { webpackConfig.optimization = {} } webpackConfig.optimization.providedExports = false webpackConfig.optimization.usedExports = false } const nextPublicVariables = Object.keys(process.env) .reduce((acc: string[], key: string) => { if (key.startsWith('NEXT_PUBLIC_')) { return [...acc, `${key}=${process.env[key]}`] } return acc }, []) .join('|') const nextEnvVariables = Object.keys(config.env).reduce( (prev: string, key: string) => { return `${prev}|${key}=${config.env[key]}` }, '' ) const configVars = JSON.stringify({ crossOrigin: config.crossOrigin, pageExtensions: config.pageExtensions, trailingSlash: config.trailingSlash, buildActivity: config.devIndicators.buildActivity, plugins: config.experimental.plugins, reactStrictMode: config.reactStrictMode, reactMode: config.experimental.reactMode, optimizeFonts: config.experimental.optimizeFonts, optimizeImages: config.experimental.optimizeImages, scrollRestoration: config.experimental.scrollRestoration, basePath: config.basePath, pageEnv: config.experimental.pageEnv, excludeDefaultMomentLocales: config.future.excludeDefaultMomentLocales, assetPrefix: config.assetPrefix, target, reactProductionProfiling, }) const cache: any = { type: 'filesystem', // Includes: // - Next.js version // - NEXT_PUBLIC_ variable values (they affect caching) TODO: make this module usage only // - next.config.js `env` key // - next.config.js keys that affect compilation version: `${process.env.__NEXT_VERSION}|${nextPublicVariables}|${nextEnvVariables}|${configVars}`, cacheDirectory: path.join(dir, '.next', 'cache', 'webpack'), } // Adds `next.config.js` as a buildDependency when custom webpack config is provided if (config.webpack && config.configFile) { cache.buildDependencies = { config: [config.configFile], } } webpackConfig.cache = cache // @ts-ignore TODO: remove ignore when webpack 5 is stable webpackConfig.optimization.realContentHash = false } webpackConfig = await buildConfiguration(webpackConfig, { rootDirectory: dir, customAppFile, isDevelopment: dev, isServer, assetPrefix: config.assetPrefix || '', sassOptions: config.sassOptions, productionBrowserSourceMaps: config.productionBrowserSourceMaps, future: config.future, }) let originalDevtool = webpackConfig.devtool if (typeof config.webpack === 'function') { webpackConfig = config.webpack(webpackConfig, { dir, dev, isServer, buildId, config, defaultLoaders, totalPages, webpack, }) if (!webpackConfig) { throw new Error( 'Webpack config is undefined. You may have forgot to return properly from within the "webpack" method of your next.config.js.\n' + 'See more info here' ) } if (dev && originalDevtool !== webpackConfig.devtool) { webpackConfig.devtool = originalDevtool devtoolRevertWarning(originalDevtool) } if (typeof (webpackConfig as any).then === 'function') { console.warn( '> Promise returned in next config.' ) } } // Backwards compat with webpack-dev-middleware options object if (typeof config.webpackDevMiddleware === 'function') { const options = config.webpackDevMiddleware({ watchOptions: webpackConfig.watchOptions, }) if (options.watchOptions) { webpackConfig.watchOptions = options.watchOptions } } function canMatchCss(rule: webpack.RuleSetCondition | undefined): boolean { if (!rule) { return false } const fileNames = [ '/tmp/test.css', '/tmp/test.scss', '/tmp/test.sass', '/tmp/test.less', '/tmp/test.styl', ] if (rule instanceof RegExp && fileNames.some((input) => rule.test(input))) { return true } if (typeof rule === 'function') { if ( fileNames.some((input) => { try { if (rule(input)) { return true } } catch (_) {} return false }) ) { return true } } if (Array.isArray(rule) && rule.some(canMatchCss)) { return true } return false } const hasUserCssConfig = webpackConfig.module?.rules.some( (rule) => canMatchCss(rule.test) || canMatchCss(rule.include) ) ?? false if (hasUserCssConfig) { // only show warning for one build if (isServer) { console.warn( chalk.yellow.bold('Warning: ') + chalk.bold( 'Built-in CSS support is being disabled due to custom CSS configuration being detected.\n' ) + 'See here for more info:\n' ) } if (webpackConfig.module?.rules.length) { // Remove default CSS Loader webpackConfig.module.rules = webpackConfig.module.rules.filter( (r) => !( typeof r.oneOf?.[0]?.options === 'object' && r.oneOf[0].options.__next_css_remove === true ) ) } if (webpackConfig.plugins?.length) { // Disable CSS Extraction Plugin webpackConfig.plugins = webpackConfig.plugins.filter( (p) => (p as any).__next_css_remove !== true ) } if (webpackConfig.optimization?.minimizer?.length) { // Disable CSS Minifier webpackConfig.optimization.minimizer = webpackConfig.optimization.minimizer.filter( (e) => (e as any).__next_css_remove !== true ) } } else if (!config.future.strictPostcssConfiguration) { await __overrideCssConfiguration(dir, !dev, webpackConfig) } // Inject missing React Refresh loaders so that development mode is fast: if (hasReactRefresh) { attachReactRefresh(webpackConfig, defaultLoaders.babel) } // check if using @zeit/next-typescript and show warning if ( isServer && webpackConfig.module && Array.isArray(webpackConfig.module.rules) ) { let foundTsRule = false webpackConfig.module.rules = webpackConfig.module.rules.filter( (rule): boolean => { if (!(rule.test instanceof RegExp)) return true if ('noop.ts'.match(rule.test) && !'noop.js'.match(rule.test)) { // remove if it matches @zeit/next-typescript foundTsRule = rule.use === defaultLoaders.babel return !foundTsRule } return true } ) if (foundTsRule) { console.warn( '\n@zeit/next-typescript is no longer needed since Next.js has built-in support for TypeScript now. Please remove it from your next.config.js and your .babelrc\n' ) } } // Patch `@zeit/next-sass`, `@zeit/next-less`, `@zeit/next-stylus` for compatibility if (webpackConfig.module && Array.isArray(webpackConfig.module.rules)) { ;[], function ( rule: webpack.RuleSetRule ) { if (!(rule.test instanceof RegExp && Array.isArray(rule.use))) { return } const isSass = rule.test.source === '\\.scss$' || rule.test.source === '\\.sass$' const isLess = rule.test.source === '\\.less$' const isCss = rule.test.source === '\\.css$' const isStylus = rule.test.source === '\\.styl$' // Check if the rule we're iterating over applies to Sass, Less, or CSS if (!(isSass || isLess || isCss || isStylus)) { return } ;[], function (use: webpack.RuleSetUseItem) { if ( !( use && typeof use === 'object' && // Identify use statements only pertaining to `css-loader` (use.loader === 'css-loader' || use.loader === 'css-loader/locals') && use.options && typeof use.options === 'object' && // The `minimize` property is a good heuristic that we need to // perform this hack. The `minimize` property was only valid on // old `css-loader` versions. Custom setups (that aren't next-sass, // next-less or next-stylus) likely have the newer version. // We still handle this gracefully below. (, 'minimize') || use.options, 'exportOnlyLocals' )) ) ) { return } // Try to monkey patch within a try-catch. We shouldn't fail the build // if we cannot pull this off. // The user may not even be using the `next-sass` or `next-less` or // `next-stylus` plugins. // If it does work, great! try { // Resolve the version of `@zeit/next-css` as depended on by the Sass, // Less or Stylus plugin. const correctNextCss = require.resolve('@zeit/next-css', { paths: [ isCss ? // Resolve `@zeit/next-css` from the base directory dir : // Else, resolve it from the specific plugins require.resolve( isSass ? '@zeit/next-sass' : isLess ? '@zeit/next-less' : isStylus ? '@zeit/next-stylus' : 'next' ), ], }) // If we found `@zeit/next-css` ... if (correctNextCss) { // ... resolve the version of `css-loader` shipped with that // package instead of whichever was hoisted highest in your // `node_modules` tree. const correctCssLoader = require.resolve(use.loader, { paths: [correctNextCss], }) if (correctCssLoader) { // We saved the user from a failed build! use.loader = correctCssLoader } } } catch (_) { // The error is not required to be handled. } }) }) } // Backwards compat for `main.js` entry key const originalEntry: any = webpackConfig.entry if (typeof originalEntry !== 'undefined') { webpackConfig.entry = async () => { const entry: WebpackEntrypoints = typeof originalEntry === 'function' ? await originalEntry() : originalEntry // Server compilation doesn't have main.js if (clientEntries && entry['main.js'] && entry['main.js'].length > 0) { const originalFile = clientEntries[ CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_MAIN ] as string entry[CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_MAIN] = [ ...entry['main.js'], originalFile, ] } delete entry['main.js'] return entry } } if (!dev) { // entry is always a function webpackConfig.entry = await (webpackConfig.entry as webpack.EntryFunc)() } return webpackConfig }