import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http' import { format as formatUrl, UrlWithParsedQuery, parse as parseUrl } from 'url' import { parse as parseQs, ParsedUrlQuery } from 'querystring' import { Rewrite } from '../../../../lib/load-custom-routes' import { normalizeLocalePath } from '../../../../next-server/lib/i18n/normalize-locale-path' import pathMatch from '../../../../next-server/lib/router/utils/path-match' import { getRouteRegex } from '../../../../next-server/lib/router/utils/route-regex' import { getRouteMatcher } from '../../../../next-server/lib/router/utils/route-matcher' import prepareDestination from '../../../../next-server/lib/router/utils/prepare-destination' import { __ApiPreviewProps } from '../../../../next-server/server/api-utils' import { BuildManifest } from '../../../../next-server/server/get-page-files' import { GetServerSideProps, GetStaticPaths, GetStaticProps, } from '../../../../types' import accept from '@hapi/accept' import { detectLocaleCookie } from '../../../../next-server/lib/i18n/detect-locale-cookie' import { detectDomainLocale } from '../../../../next-server/lib/i18n/detect-domain-locale' import { denormalizePagePath } from '../../../../next-server/server/denormalize-page-path' import cookie from 'next/dist/compiled/cookie' import { TEMPORARY_REDIRECT_STATUS } from '../../../../next-server/lib/constants' import { NextConfig } from '../../../../next-server/server/config' const getCustomRouteMatcher = pathMatch(true) export const vercelHeader = 'x-vercel-id' export type ServerlessHandlerCtx = { page: string pageModule: any pageComponent?: any pageConfig?: any pageGetStaticProps?: GetStaticProps pageGetStaticPaths?: GetStaticPaths pageGetServerSideProps?: GetServerSideProps appModule?: any errorModule?: any documentModule?: any notFoundModule?: any runtimeConfig: any buildManifest?: BuildManifest reactLoadableManifest?: any basePath: string rewrites: Rewrite[] pageIsDynamic: boolean generateEtags: boolean distDir: string buildId: string escapedBuildId: string assetPrefix: string poweredByHeader: boolean canonicalBase: string encodedPreviewProps: __ApiPreviewProps i18n?: NextConfig['i18n'] experimental: { initServer: () => Promise onError: ({ err }: { err: Error }) => Promise } } export function getUtils({ page, i18n, basePath, rewrites, pageIsDynamic, }: { page: ServerlessHandlerCtx['page'] i18n?: ServerlessHandlerCtx['i18n'] basePath: ServerlessHandlerCtx['basePath'] rewrites: ServerlessHandlerCtx['rewrites'] pageIsDynamic: ServerlessHandlerCtx['pageIsDynamic'] }) { let defaultRouteRegex: ReturnType | undefined let dynamicRouteMatcher: ReturnType | undefined let defaultRouteMatches: ParsedUrlQuery | undefined if (pageIsDynamic) { defaultRouteRegex = getRouteRegex(page) dynamicRouteMatcher = getRouteMatcher(defaultRouteRegex) defaultRouteMatches = dynamicRouteMatcher(page) as ParsedUrlQuery } function handleRewrites(parsedUrl: UrlWithParsedQuery) { for (const rewrite of rewrites) { const matcher = getCustomRouteMatcher(rewrite.source) const params = matcher(parsedUrl.pathname) if (params) { const { parsedDestination } = prepareDestination( rewrite.destination, params, parsedUrl.query, true ) Object.assign(parsedUrl.query, parsedDestination.query) delete (parsedDestination as any).query Object.assign(parsedUrl, parsedDestination) let fsPathname = parsedUrl.pathname if (basePath) { fsPathname = fsPathname!.replace(new RegExp(`^${basePath}`), '') || '/' } if (i18n) { const destLocalePathResult = normalizeLocalePath( fsPathname!, i18n.locales ) fsPathname = destLocalePathResult.pathname parsedUrl.query.nextInternalLocale = destLocalePathResult.detectedLocale || params.nextInternalLocale } if (fsPathname === page) { break } if (pageIsDynamic && dynamicRouteMatcher) { const dynamicParams = dynamicRouteMatcher(fsPathname) if (dynamicParams) { parsedUrl.query = { ...parsedUrl.query, ...dynamicParams, } break } } } } return parsedUrl } function handleBasePath(req: IncomingMessage, parsedUrl: UrlWithParsedQuery) { // always strip the basePath if configured since it is required req.url = req.url!.replace(new RegExp(`^${basePath}`), '') || '/' parsedUrl.pathname = parsedUrl.pathname!.replace(new RegExp(`^${basePath}`), '') || '/' } function getParamsFromRouteMatches( req: IncomingMessage, renderOpts?: any, detectedLocale?: string ) { return getRouteMatcher( (function () { const { groups, routeKeys } = defaultRouteRegex! return { re: { // Simulate a RegExp match from the \`req.url\` input exec: (str: string) => { const obj = parseQs(str) // favor named matches if available const routeKeyNames = Object.keys(routeKeys || {}) const filterLocaleItem = (val: string | string[]) => { if (i18n) { // locale items can be included in route-matches // for fallback SSG pages so ensure they are // filtered const isCatchAll = Array.isArray(val) const _val = isCatchAll ? val[0] : val if ( typeof _val === 'string' && i18n.locales.some((item) => { if (item.toLowerCase() === _val.toLowerCase()) { detectedLocale = item renderOpts.locale = detectedLocale return true } return false }) ) { // remove the locale item from the match if (isCatchAll) { ;(val as string[]).splice(0, 1) } // the value is only a locale item and // shouldn't be added return isCatchAll ? val.length === 0 : true } } return false } if (routeKeyNames.every((name) => obj[name])) { return routeKeyNames.reduce((prev, keyName) => { const paramName = routeKeys?.[keyName] if (paramName && !filterLocaleItem(obj[keyName])) { prev[groups[paramName].pos] = obj[keyName] } return prev }, {} as any) } return Object.keys(obj).reduce((prev, key) => { if (!filterLocaleItem(obj[key])) { return Object.assign(prev, { [key]: obj[key], }) } return prev }, {}) }, }, groups, } })() as any )(req.headers['x-now-route-matches'] as string) as ParsedUrlQuery } function interpolateDynamicPath(pathname: string, params: ParsedUrlQuery) { if (!defaultRouteRegex) return pathname for (const param of Object.keys(defaultRouteRegex.groups)) { const { optional, repeat } = defaultRouteRegex.groups[param] let builtParam = `[${repeat ? '...' : ''}${param}]` if (optional) { builtParam = `[${builtParam}]` } const paramIdx = pathname!.indexOf(builtParam) if (paramIdx > -1) { let paramValue: string if (Array.isArray(params[param])) { paramValue = (params[param] as string[]).join('/') } else { paramValue = params[param] as string } pathname = pathname.substr(0, paramIdx) + encodeURI(paramValue || '') + pathname.substr(paramIdx + builtParam.length) } } return pathname } function normalizeVercelUrl(req: IncomingMessage, trustQuery: boolean) { // make sure to normalize req.url on Vercel to strip dynamic params // from the query which are added during routing if (pageIsDynamic && trustQuery && defaultRouteRegex) { const _parsedUrl = parseUrl(req.url!, true) delete (_parsedUrl as any).search for (const param of Object.keys(defaultRouteRegex.groups)) { delete _parsedUrl.query[param] } req.url = formatUrl(_parsedUrl) } } function normalizeDynamicRouteParams(params: ParsedUrlQuery) { let hasValidParams = true if (!defaultRouteRegex) return { params, hasValidParams } params = Object.keys(defaultRouteRegex.groups).reduce((prev, key) => { let value: string | string[] | undefined = params[key] // if the value matches the default value we can't rely // on the parsed params, this is used to signal if we need // to parse x-now-route-matches or not const isDefaultValue = Array.isArray(value) ? value.every((val, idx) => val === defaultRouteMatches![key][idx]) : value === defaultRouteMatches![key] if (isDefaultValue || typeof value === 'undefined') { hasValidParams = false } // non-provided optional values should be undefined so normalize // them to undefined if ( defaultRouteRegex!.groups[key].optional && (!value || (Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 1 && // fallback optional catch-all SSG pages have // [[...paramName]] for the root path on Vercel (value[0] === 'index' || value[0] === `[[...${key}]]`))) ) { value = undefined delete params[key] } // query values from the proxy aren't already split into arrays // so make sure to normalize catch-all values if ( value && typeof value === 'string' && defaultRouteRegex!.groups[key].repeat ) { value = value.split('/') } if (value) { prev[key] = value } return prev }, {} as ParsedUrlQuery) return { params, hasValidParams, } } function handleLocale( req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, parsedUrl: UrlWithParsedQuery, routeNoAssetPath: string, shouldNotRedirect: boolean ) { if (!i18n) return let defaultLocale = i18n.defaultLocale let detectedLocale = detectLocaleCookie(req, i18n.locales) let acceptPreferredLocale = i18n.localeDetection !== false ? accept.language(req.headers['accept-language'], i18n.locales) : detectedLocale const { host } = req.headers || {} // remove port from host and remove port if present const hostname = host && host.split(':')[0].toLowerCase() const detectedDomain = detectDomainLocale(, hostname) if (detectedDomain) { defaultLocale = detectedDomain.defaultLocale detectedLocale = defaultLocale } // if not domain specific locale use accept-language preferred detectedLocale = detectedLocale || acceptPreferredLocale let localeDomainRedirect const localePathResult = normalizeLocalePath( parsedUrl.pathname!, i18n.locales ) routeNoAssetPath = normalizeLocalePath(routeNoAssetPath, i18n.locales) .pathname if (localePathResult.detectedLocale) { detectedLocale = localePathResult.detectedLocale req.url = formatUrl({ ...parsedUrl, pathname: localePathResult.pathname, }) ;(req as any).__nextStrippedLocale = true parsedUrl.pathname = localePathResult.pathname } // If a detected locale is a domain specific locale and we aren't already // on that domain and path prefix redirect to it to prevent duplicate // content from multiple domains if (detectedDomain) { const localeToCheck = localePathResult.detectedLocale ? detectedLocale : acceptPreferredLocale const matchedDomain = detectDomainLocale(, undefined, localeToCheck ) if (matchedDomain && matchedDomain.domain !== detectedDomain.domain) { localeDomainRedirect = `http${matchedDomain.http ? '' : 's'}://${ matchedDomain.domain }/${localeToCheck === matchedDomain.defaultLocale ? '' : localeToCheck}` } } const denormalizedPagePath = denormalizePagePath(parsedUrl.pathname || '/') const detectedDefaultLocale = !detectedLocale || detectedLocale.toLowerCase() === defaultLocale.toLowerCase() const shouldStripDefaultLocale = false // detectedDefaultLocale && // denormalizedPagePath.toLowerCase() === \`/\${i18n.defaultLocale.toLowerCase()}\` const shouldAddLocalePrefix = !detectedDefaultLocale && denormalizedPagePath === '/' detectedLocale = detectedLocale || i18n.defaultLocale if ( !shouldNotRedirect && !req.headers[vercelHeader] && i18n.localeDetection !== false && (localeDomainRedirect || shouldAddLocalePrefix || shouldStripDefaultLocale) ) { // set the NEXT_LOCALE cookie when a user visits the default locale // with the locale prefix so that they aren't redirected back to // their accept-language preferred locale if (shouldStripDefaultLocale && acceptPreferredLocale !== defaultLocale) { const previous = res.getHeader('set-cookie') res.setHeader('set-cookie', [ ...(typeof previous === 'string' ? [previous] : Array.isArray(previous) ? previous : []), cookie.serialize('NEXT_LOCALE', defaultLocale, { httpOnly: true, path: '/', }), ]) } res.setHeader( 'Location', formatUrl({ // make sure to include any query values when redirecting ...parsedUrl, pathname: localeDomainRedirect ? localeDomainRedirect : shouldStripDefaultLocale ? basePath || '/' : `${basePath}/${detectedLocale}`, }) ) res.statusCode = TEMPORARY_REDIRECT_STATUS res.end() return } detectedLocale = localePathResult.detectedLocale || (detectedDomain && detectedDomain.defaultLocale) || defaultLocale return { defaultLocale, detectedLocale, routeNoAssetPath, } } return { handleLocale, handleRewrites, handleBasePath, defaultRouteRegex, normalizeVercelUrl, dynamicRouteMatcher, defaultRouteMatches, interpolateDynamicPath, getParamsFromRouteMatches, normalizeDynamicRouteParams, } }