import chalk from 'chalk' import findUp from 'next/dist/compiled/find-up' import { promises, existsSync, exists as existsOrig, readFileSync, writeFileSync, } from 'fs' import Worker from 'jest-worker' import { cpus } from 'os' import { dirname, join, resolve, sep } from 'path' import { promisify } from 'util' import { AmpPageStatus, formatAmpMessages } from '../build/output/index' import * as Log from '../build/output/log' import createSpinner from '../build/spinner' import { API_ROUTE, SSG_FALLBACK_EXPORT_ERROR } from '../lib/constants' import { recursiveCopy } from '../lib/recursive-copy' import { recursiveDelete } from '../lib/recursive-delete' import { BUILD_ID_FILE, CLIENT_PUBLIC_FILES_PATH, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH, CONFIG_FILE, EXPORT_DETAIL, EXPORT_MARKER, PAGES_MANIFEST, PHASE_EXPORT, PRERENDER_MANIFEST, SERVERLESS_DIRECTORY, SERVER_DIRECTORY, } from '../next-server/lib/constants' import loadConfig, { isTargetLikeServerless, NextConfig, } from '../next-server/server/config' import { eventCliSession } from '../telemetry/events' import { hasNextSupport } from '../telemetry/ci-info' import { Telemetry } from '../telemetry/storage' import { normalizePagePath, denormalizePagePath, } from '../next-server/server/normalize-page-path' import { loadEnvConfig } from '@next/env' import { PrerenderManifest } from '../build' import exportPage from './worker' import { PagesManifest } from '../build/webpack/plugins/pages-manifest-plugin' import { getPagePath } from '../next-server/server/require' import { tracer, traceFn, traceAsyncFn } from '../build/tracer' import opentelemetryApi from '@opentelemetry/api' const exists = promisify(existsOrig) function divideSegments(number: number, segments: number): number[] { const result = [] while (number > 0 && segments > 0) { const dividedNumber = number < segments ? number : Math.floor(number / segments) number -= dividedNumber segments-- result.push(dividedNumber) } return result } const createProgress = (total: number, label: string) => { const segments = divideSegments(total, 4) let currentSegmentTotal = segments.shift() let currentSegmentCount = 0 let curProgress = 0 let progressSpinner = createSpinner(`${label} (${curProgress}/${total})`, { spinner: { frames: [ '[ ]', '[= ]', '[== ]', '[=== ]', '[ ===]', '[ ==]', '[ =]', '[ ]', '[ =]', '[ ==]', '[ ===]', '[====]', '[=== ]', '[== ]', '[= ]', ], interval: 80, }, }) return () => { curProgress++ currentSegmentCount++ // Make sure we only log once per fully generated segment if (currentSegmentCount !== currentSegmentTotal) { return } currentSegmentTotal = segments.shift() currentSegmentCount = 0 const newText = `${label} (${curProgress}/${total})` if (progressSpinner) { progressSpinner.text = newText } else { console.log(newText) } if (curProgress === total && progressSpinner) { progressSpinner.stop() console.log(newText) } } } type ExportPathMap = { [page: string]: { page: string; query?: { [key: string]: string } } } interface ExportOptions { outdir: string silent?: boolean threads?: number pages?: string[] buildExport?: boolean statusMessage?: string } export default async function exportApp( dir: string, options: ExportOptions, configuration?: NextConfig ): Promise { const nextExportSpan = tracer.startSpan('next-export') return traceAsyncFn(nextExportSpan, async () => { dir = resolve(dir) // attempt to load global env values so they are available in next.config.js traceFn(tracer.startSpan('load-dotenv'), () => loadEnvConfig(dir, false, Log) ) const nextConfig = configuration || traceFn(tracer.startSpan('load-next-config'), () => loadConfig(PHASE_EXPORT, dir) ) const threads = options.threads || Math.max(cpus().length - 1, 1) const distDir = join(dir, nextConfig.distDir) const telemetry = options.buildExport ? null : new Telemetry({ distDir }) if (telemetry) { telemetry.record( eventCliSession(PHASE_EXPORT, distDir, { cliCommand: 'export', isSrcDir: null, hasNowJson: !!(await findUp('now.json', { cwd: dir })), isCustomServer: null, }) ) } const subFolders = nextConfig.trailingSlash const isLikeServerless = !== 'server' if (!options.silent && !options.buildExport) {`using build directory: ${distDir}`) } const buildIdFile = join(distDir, BUILD_ID_FILE) if (!existsSync(buildIdFile)) { throw new Error( `Could not find a production build in the '${distDir}' directory. Try building your app with 'next build' before starting the static export.` ) } const customRoutesDetected = ['rewrites', 'redirects', 'headers'].filter( (config) => typeof nextConfig[config] === 'function' ) if ( !hasNextSupport && !options.buildExport && customRoutesDetected.length > 0 ) { Log.warn( `rewrites, redirects, and headers are not applied when exporting your application, detected (${customRoutesDetected.join( ', ' )}). See more info here:` ) } const buildId = readFileSync(buildIdFile, 'utf8') const pagesManifest = !options.pages && (require(join( distDir, isLikeServerless ? SERVERLESS_DIRECTORY : SERVER_DIRECTORY, PAGES_MANIFEST )) as PagesManifest) let prerenderManifest: PrerenderManifest | undefined = undefined try { prerenderManifest = require(join(distDir, PRERENDER_MANIFEST)) } catch (_) {} const excludedPrerenderRoutes = new Set() const pages = options.pages || Object.keys(pagesManifest) const defaultPathMap: ExportPathMap = {} let hasApiRoutes = false for (const page of pages) { // _document and _app are not real pages // _error is exported as 404.html later on // API Routes are Node.js functions if (page.match(API_ROUTE)) { hasApiRoutes = true continue } if (page === '/_document' || page === '/_app' || page === '/_error') { continue } // iSSG pages that are dynamic should not export templated version by // default. In most cases, this would never work. There is no server that // could run `getStaticProps`. If users make their page work lazily, they // can manually add it to the `exportPathMap`. if (prerenderManifest?.dynamicRoutes[page]) { excludedPrerenderRoutes.add(page) continue } defaultPathMap[page] = { page } } // Initialize the output directory const outDir = options.outdir if (outDir === join(dir, 'public')) { throw new Error( `The 'public' directory is reserved in Next.js and can not be used as the export out directory.` ) } if (outDir === join(dir, 'static')) { throw new Error( `The 'static' directory is reserved in Next.js and can not be used as the export out directory.` ) } await recursiveDelete(join(outDir)) await promises.mkdir(join(outDir, '_next', buildId), { recursive: true }) writeFileSync( join(distDir, EXPORT_DETAIL), JSON.stringify({ version: 1, outDirectory: outDir, success: false, }), 'utf8' ) // Copy static directory if (!options.buildExport && existsSync(join(dir, 'static'))) { if (!options.silent) {'Copying "static" directory') } await traceAsyncFn(tracer.startSpan('copy-static-directory'), () => recursiveCopy(join(dir, 'static'), join(outDir, 'static')) ) } // Copy .next/static directory if ( !options.buildExport && existsSync(join(distDir, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH)) ) { if (!options.silent) {'Copying "static build" directory') } await traceAsyncFn(tracer.startSpan('copy-next-static-directory'), () => recursiveCopy( join(distDir, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH), join(outDir, '_next', CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH) ) ) } // Get the exportPathMap from the config file if (typeof nextConfig.exportPathMap !== 'function') { if (!options.silent) { `No "exportPathMap" found in "${CONFIG_FILE}". Generating map from "./pages"` ) } nextConfig.exportPathMap = async (defaultMap: ExportPathMap) => { return defaultMap } } const { i18n, images: { loader = 'default' }, } = nextConfig if (i18n && !options.buildExport) { throw new Error( `i18n support is not compatible with next export. See here for more info on deploying:` ) } if (!options.buildExport) { const { isNextImageImported } = await traceAsyncFn( tracer.startSpan('is-next-image-imported'), () => promises .readFile(join(distDir, EXPORT_MARKER), 'utf8') .then((text) => JSON.parse(text)) .catch(() => ({})) ) if (isNextImageImported && loader === 'default' && !hasNextSupport) { throw new Error( `Image Optimization using Next.js' default loader is not compatible with \`next export\`. Possible solutions: - Use \`next start\`, which starts the Image Optimization API. - Use Vercel to deploy, which supports Image Optimization. - Configure a third-party loader in \`next.config.js\`. Read more:` ) } } // Start the rendering process const renderOpts = { dir, buildId, nextExport: true, assetPrefix: nextConfig.assetPrefix.replace(/\/$/, ''), distDir, dev: false, hotReloader: null, basePath: nextConfig.basePath, canonicalBase: nextConfig.amp?.canonicalBase || '', ampValidatorPath: nextConfig.experimental.amp?.validator || undefined, ampSkipValidation: nextConfig.experimental.amp?.skipValidation || false, ampOptimizerConfig: nextConfig.experimental.amp?.optimizer || undefined, locales: i18n?.locales, locale: i18n?.defaultLocale, defaultLocale: i18n?.defaultLocale, domainLocales: i18n?.domains, } const { serverRuntimeConfig, publicRuntimeConfig } = nextConfig if (Object.keys(publicRuntimeConfig).length > 0) { ;(renderOpts as any).runtimeConfig = publicRuntimeConfig } // We need this for server rendering the Link component. ;(global as any).__NEXT_DATA__ = { nextExport: true, } if (!options.silent && !options.buildExport) {`Launching ${threads} workers`) } const exportPathMap = await traceAsyncFn( tracer.startSpan('run-export-path-map'), () => nextConfig.exportPathMap(defaultPathMap, { dev: false, dir, outDir, distDir, buildId, }) ) if (!exportPathMap['/404'] && !exportPathMap['/404.html']) { exportPathMap['/404'] = exportPathMap['/404.html'] = { page: '/_error', } } // make sure to prevent duplicates const exportPaths = [ Set( Object.keys(exportPathMap).map((path) => denormalizePagePath(normalizePagePath(path)) ) ), ] const filteredPaths = exportPaths.filter( // Remove API routes (route) => !exportPathMap[route].page.match(API_ROUTE) ) if (filteredPaths.length !== exportPaths.length) { hasApiRoutes = true } if (prerenderManifest && !options.buildExport) { const fallbackEnabledPages = new Set() for (const key of Object.keys(prerenderManifest.dynamicRoutes)) { // only error if page is included in path map if (!exportPathMap[key] && !excludedPrerenderRoutes.has(key)) { continue } if (prerenderManifest.dynamicRoutes[key].fallback !== false) { fallbackEnabledPages.add(key) } } if (fallbackEnabledPages.size) { throw new Error( `Found pages with \`fallback\` enabled:\n${[ ...fallbackEnabledPages, ].join('\n')}\n${SSG_FALLBACK_EXPORT_ERROR}\n` ) } } // Warn if the user defines a path for an API page if (hasApiRoutes) { if (!options.silent) { Log.warn( chalk.yellow( `Statically exporting a Next.js application via \`next export\` disables API routes.` ) + `\n` + chalk.yellow( `This command is meant for static-only hosts, and is` + ' ' + chalk.bold(`not necessary to make your application static.`) ) + `\n` + chalk.yellow( `Pages in your application without server-side data dependencies will be automatically statically exported by \`next build\`, including pages powered by \`getStaticProps\`.` ) + `\n` + chalk.yellow( `Learn more:` ) ) } } const progress = !options.silent && createProgress( filteredPaths.length, `${} ${options.statusMessage || 'Exporting'}` ) const pagesDataDir = options.buildExport ? outDir : join(outDir, '_next/data', buildId) const ampValidations: AmpPageStatus = {} let hadValidationError = false const publicDir = join(dir, CLIENT_PUBLIC_FILES_PATH) // Copy public directory if (!options.buildExport && existsSync(publicDir)) { if (!options.silent) {'Copying "public" directory') } await traceAsyncFn(tracer.startSpan('copy-public-directory'), () => recursiveCopy(publicDir, outDir, { filter(path) { // Exclude paths used by pages return !exportPathMap[path] }, }) ) } const worker = new Worker(require.resolve('./worker'), { maxRetries: 0, numWorkers: threads, enableWorkerThreads: true, exposedMethods: ['default'], }) as Worker & { default: typeof exportPage } worker.getStdout().pipe(process.stdout) worker.getStderr().pipe(process.stderr) let renderError = false const errorPaths: string[] = [] await Promise.all( (path) => { const pageExportSpan = tracer.startSpan('export-page', { attributes: { path }, }) return traceAsyncFn(pageExportSpan, async () => { const spanContext = {} opentelemetryApi.propagation.inject(, spanContext ) const result = await worker.default({ path, pathMap: exportPathMap[path], distDir, outDir, pagesDataDir, renderOpts, serverRuntimeConfig, subFolders, buildExport: options.buildExport, serverless: isTargetLikeServerless(, optimizeFonts: nextConfig.experimental.optimizeFonts, optimizeImages: nextConfig.experimental.optimizeImages, optimizeCss: nextConfig.experimental.optimizeCss, spanContext, }) for (const validation of result.ampValidations || []) { const { page, result: ampValidationResult } = validation ampValidations[page] = ampValidationResult hadValidationError = hadValidationError || (Array.isArray(ampValidationResult?.errors) && ampValidationResult.errors.length > 0) } renderError = renderError || !!result.error if (!!result.error) errorPaths.push(path) if (options.buildExport && configuration) { if (typeof result.fromBuildExportRevalidate !== 'undefined') { configuration.initialPageRevalidationMap[path] = result.fromBuildExportRevalidate } if (result.ssgNotFound === true) { configuration.ssgNotFoundPaths.push(path) } } if (progress) progress() }) }) ) worker.end() // copy prerendered routes to outDir if (!options.buildExport && prerenderManifest) { await Promise.all( Object.keys(prerenderManifest.routes).map(async (route) => { const { srcRoute } = prerenderManifest!.routes[route] const pageName = srcRoute || route const pagePath = getPagePath(pageName, distDir, isLikeServerless) const distPagesDir = join( pagePath, // strip leading / and then recurse number of nested dirs // to place from base folder pageName .substr(1) .split('/') .map(() => '..') .join('/') ) route = normalizePagePath(route) const orig = join(distPagesDir, route) const htmlDest = join( outDir, `${route}${ subFolders && route !== '/index' ? `${sep}index` : '' }.html` ) const ampHtmlDest = join( outDir, `${route}.amp${subFolders ? `${sep}index` : ''}.html` ) const jsonDest = join(pagesDataDir, `${route}.json`) await promises.mkdir(dirname(htmlDest), { recursive: true }) await promises.mkdir(dirname(jsonDest), { recursive: true }) await promises.copyFile(`${orig}.html`, htmlDest) await promises.copyFile(`${orig}.json`, jsonDest) if (await exists(`${orig}.amp.html`)) { await promises.mkdir(dirname(ampHtmlDest), { recursive: true }) await promises.copyFile(`${orig}.amp.html`, ampHtmlDest) } }) ) } if (Object.keys(ampValidations).length) { console.log(formatAmpMessages(ampValidations)) } if (hadValidationError) { throw new Error( `AMP Validation caused the export to fail.` ) } if (renderError) { throw new Error( `Export encountered errors on following paths:\n\t${errorPaths .sort() .join('\n\t')}` ) } writeFileSync( join(distDir, EXPORT_DETAIL), JSON.stringify({ version: 1, outDirectory: outDir, success: true, }), 'utf8' ) if (telemetry) { await telemetry.flush() } }) }