import chalk from 'chalk' export function getGlobalImportError(file: string | null) { return `Global CSS ${chalk.bold( 'cannot' )} be imported from files other than your ${chalk.bold( 'Custom ' )}. Please move all global CSS imports to ${chalk.cyan( file ? file : 'pages/_app.js' )}. Or convert the import to Component-Level CSS (CSS Modules).\nRead more:` } export function getGlobalModuleImportError() { return `Global CSS ${chalk.bold( 'cannot' )} be imported from within ${chalk.bold( 'node_modules' )}.\nRead more:` } export function getLocalModuleImportError() { return `CSS Modules ${chalk.bold( 'cannot' )} be imported from within ${chalk.bold( 'node_modules' )}.\nRead more:` } export function getCustomDocumentError() { return `CSS ${chalk.bold('cannot')} be imported within ${chalk.cyan( 'pages/_document.js' )}. Please move global styles to ${chalk.cyan('pages/_app.js')}.` }