# Next Script for Google Analytics > Prefer `next/script` component when using the inline script for Google Analytics. ### Why This Error Occurred An inline script was used for Google analytics which might impact your webpage's performance. ### Possible Ways to Fix It #### Using gtag.js If you are using the [gtag.js](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gtagjs) script to add analytics, use the `next/script` component with the right loading strategy to defer loading of the script until necessary. ```jsx import Script from 'next/script' function Home() { return (
) } export default Home ``` #### Using analytics.js If you are using the [analytics.js](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs) script to add analytics: ```jsx import Script from 'next/script' function Home() { return (
) } export default Home ``` If you are using the [alternative async variant](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs#alternative_async_tag): ```jsx import Script from 'next/script' function Home() { return (