use std::{ fs::{self}, panic::AssertUnwindSafe, path::Path, time::Duration, }; use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result}; use bundlers::get_bundlers; use criterion::{ criterion_group, criterion_main, measurement::WallTime, BenchmarkGroup, BenchmarkId, Criterion, }; use tokio::{ runtime::Runtime, time::{sleep, timeout}, }; use util::{ build_test, create_browser, AsyncBencherExtension, PageGuard, PreparedApp, BINDING_NAME, }; use self::util::resume_on_error; mod bundlers; mod util; const MAX_UPDATE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60); fn bench_startup(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut g = c.benchmark_group("bench_startup"); g.sample_size(10); g.measurement_time(Duration::from_secs(80)); bench_startup_internal(g, false); } fn bench_hydration(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut g = c.benchmark_group("bench_hydration"); g.sample_size(10); g.measurement_time(Duration::from_secs(80)); bench_startup_internal(g, true); } fn bench_startup_internal(mut g: BenchmarkGroup, hydration: bool) { let runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap(); let browser = &runtime.block_on(create_browser()); for bundler in get_bundlers() { let wait_for_hydration = if !bundler.has_server_rendered_html() { // For bundlers without server rendered html "startup" means time to hydration // as they only render an empty screen without hydration. Since startup and // hydration would be the same we skip the hydration benchmark for them. if hydration { continue; } else { true } } else { hydration }; for module_count in get_module_counts() { let input = (bundler.as_ref(), module_count); resume_on_error(AssertUnwindSafe(|| { g.bench_with_input( BenchmarkId::new(bundler.get_name(), format!("{} modules", module_count)), &input, |b, &(bundler, module_count)| { let test_app = build_test(module_count, bundler); let template_dir = test_app.path(); b.to_async(&runtime).try_iter_async( || async { PreparedApp::new(bundler, template_dir.to_path_buf()) }, |mut app| async { app.start_server()?; let mut guard = app.with_page(browser).await?; if wait_for_hydration { guard.wait_for_hydration().await?; } // Defer the dropping of the guard to `teardown`. Ok(guard) }, |_guard| async move {}, ); }, ); })); } } g.finish(); } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] enum CodeLocation { Effect, Evaluation, } fn bench_hmr_to_eval(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut g = c.benchmark_group("bench_hmr_to_eval"); g.sample_size(10); g.measurement_time(Duration::from_secs(60)); bench_hmr_internal(g, CodeLocation::Evaluation); } fn bench_hmr_to_commit(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut g = c.benchmark_group("bench_hmr_to_commit"); g.sample_size(10); g.measurement_time(Duration::from_secs(60)); bench_hmr_internal(g, CodeLocation::Effect); } fn bench_hmr_internal(mut g: BenchmarkGroup, location: CodeLocation) { let runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap(); let browser = &runtime.block_on(create_browser()); for bundler in get_bundlers() { for module_count in get_module_counts() { let input = (bundler.as_ref(), module_count); resume_on_error(AssertUnwindSafe(|| { g.bench_with_input( BenchmarkId::new(bundler.get_name(), format!("{} modules", module_count)), &input, |b, &(bundler, module_count)| { let test_app = build_test(module_count, bundler); let template_dir = test_app.path(); fn add_code( app_path: &Path, code: &str, location: CodeLocation, ) -> Result<()> { let triangle_path = app_path.join("src/triangle.jsx"); let mut contents = fs::read_to_string(&triangle_path)?; const INSERTED_CODE_COMMENT: &str = "// Inserted Code:\n"; const COMPONENT_START: &str = "function Container({ style }) {\n"; match location { CodeLocation::Effect => { let a = contents .find(COMPONENT_START) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("unable to find component start"))?; let b = contents .find("\n return <>") .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("unable to find component start"))?; contents.replace_range( a..b, &format!( "{COMPONENT_START} React.useEffect(() => {{ {code} \ }});\n" ), ); } CodeLocation::Evaluation => { let b = contents .find(COMPONENT_START) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("unable to find component start"))?; if let Some(a) = contents.find(INSERTED_CODE_COMMENT) { contents.replace_range( a..b, &format!("{INSERTED_CODE_COMMENT}{code}\n"), ); } else { contents.insert_str( b, &format!("{INSERTED_CODE_COMMENT}{code}\n"), ); } } } fs::write(&triangle_path, contents)?; Ok(()) } async fn make_change<'a>( guard: &mut PageGuard<'a>, location: CodeLocation, ) -> Result<()> { let msg = format!("TURBOPACK_BENCH_CHANGE_{}", guard.app_mut().counter()); add_code(, &format!("globalThis.{BINDING_NAME}('{msg}');"), location, )?; // Wait for the change introduced above to be reflected at runtime. // This expects HMR or automatic reloading to occur. timeout(MAX_UPDATE_TIMEOUT, guard.wait_for_binding(&msg)) .await? .context("update was not registered by bundler")?; Ok(()) } b.to_async(Runtime::new().unwrap()).try_iter_async( || async { let mut app = PreparedApp::new(bundler, template_dir.to_path_buf())?; app.start_server()?; let mut guard = app.with_page(browser).await?; guard.wait_for_hydration().await?; guard .page() .evaluate_expression("globalThis.HMR_IS_HAPPENING = true") .await?; // Make warmup change make_change(&mut guard, location).await?; Ok(guard) }, |mut guard| async move { make_change(&mut guard, location).await?; // Defer the dropping of the guard to `teardown`. Ok(guard) }, |guard| async move { let hmr_is_happening = guard .page() .evaluate_expression("globalThis.HMR_IS_HAPPENING") .await .unwrap(); // Make sure that we are really measuring HMR and not accidentically // full refreshing the page assert!(hmr_is_happening.value().unwrap().as_bool().unwrap()); }, ); }, ); })); } } } fn bench_restart(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut g = c.benchmark_group("bench_restart"); g.sample_size(10); g.measurement_time(Duration::from_secs(60)); let runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap(); let browser = &runtime.block_on(create_browser()); for bundler in get_bundlers() { for module_count in get_module_counts() { let input = (bundler.as_ref(), module_count); resume_on_error(AssertUnwindSafe(|| { g.bench_with_input( BenchmarkId::new(bundler.get_name(), format!("{} modules", module_count)), &input, |b, &(bundler, module_count)| { let test_app = build_test(module_count, bundler); let template_dir = test_app.path(); b.to_async(Runtime::new().unwrap()).try_iter_async( || async { // Run a complete build, shut down, and test running it again let mut app = PreparedApp::new(bundler, template_dir.to_path_buf())?; app.start_server()?; let mut guard = app.with_page(browser).await?; guard.wait_for_hydration().await?; let mut app = guard.close_page().await?; // Give it 4 seconds time to store the cache sleep(Duration::from_secs(4)).await; app.stop_server()?; Ok(app) }, |mut app| async { app.start_server()?; let mut guard = app.with_page(browser).await?; guard.wait_for_hydration().await?; // Defer the dropping of the guard to `teardown`. Ok(guard) }, |_guard| async move {}, ); }, ); })); } } } fn get_module_counts() -> Vec { let config = std::env::var("TURBOPACK_BENCH_COUNTS").ok(); match config.as_deref() { None | Some("") => { vec![100, 1_000] } Some(config) => config .split(',') .map(|s| s.parse().expect("Invalid value for TURBOPACK_BENCH_COUNTS")) .collect(), } } criterion_group!( name = benches; config = Criterion::default(); targets = bench_startup, bench_hydration, bench_restart, bench_hmr_to_eval, bench_hmr_to_commit ); criterion_main!(benches);