#!/usr/bin/env node import arg from 'next/dist/compiled/arg/index.js' import { existsSync, watchFile } from 'fs' import { startServer } from '../server/lib/start-server' import { getPort, printAndExit } from '../server/lib/utils' import * as Log from '../build/output/log' import { startedDevelopmentServer } from '../build/output' import { cliCommand } from '../lib/commands' import isError from '../lib/is-error' import { getProjectDir } from '../lib/get-project-dir' import { CONFIG_FILES } from '../shared/lib/constants' import path from 'path' import type { NextConfig } from '../types' import type { NextConfigComplete } from '../server/config-shared' import { traceGlobals } from '../trace/shared' let isTurboSession = false let sessionStopHandled = false let sessionStarted = Date.now() const handleSessionStop = async () => { if (sessionStopHandled) return sessionStopHandled = true const { eventCliSession } = require('../telemetry/events/session-stopped') as typeof import('../telemetry/events/session-stopped') const telemetry = traceGlobals.get('telemetry') as InstanceType< typeof import('../telemetry/storage').Telemetry > if (!telemetry) { process.exit(0) } telemetry.record( eventCliSession({ cliCommand: 'dev', turboFlag: isTurboSession, durationMilliseconds: Date.now() - sessionStarted, pagesDir: !!traceGlobals.get('pagesDir'), appDir: !!traceGlobals.get('appDir'), }) ) await telemetry.flush() process.exit(0) } process.on('SIGINT', handleSessionStop) process.on('SIGTERM', handleSessionStop) const nextDev: cliCommand = async (argv) => { const validArgs: arg.Spec = { // Types '--help': Boolean, '--port': Number, '--hostname': String, '--turbo': Boolean, // To align current messages with native binary. // Will need to adjust subcommand later. '--show-all': Boolean, '--root': String, // Aliases '-h': '--help', '-p': '--port', '-H': '--hostname', } let args: arg.Result try { args = arg(validArgs, { argv }) } catch (error) { if (isError(error) && error.code === 'ARG_UNKNOWN_OPTION') { return printAndExit(error.message, 1) } throw error } if (args['--help']) { console.log(` Description Starts the application in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.) Usage $ next dev -p represents the directory of the Next.js application. If no directory is provided, the current directory will be used. Options --port, -p A port number on which to start the application --hostname, -H Hostname on which to start the application (default: --help, -h Displays this message `) process.exit(0) } const dir = getProjectDir(args._[0]) // Check if pages dir exists and warn if not if (!existsSync(dir)) { printAndExit(`> No such directory exists as the project root: ${dir}`) } async function preflight() { const { getPackageVersion } = await Promise.resolve( require('../lib/get-package-version') ) const [sassVersion, nodeSassVersion] = await Promise.all([ getPackageVersion({ cwd: dir, name: 'sass' }), getPackageVersion({ cwd: dir, name: 'node-sass' }), ]) if (sassVersion && nodeSassVersion) { Log.warn( 'Your project has both `sass` and `node-sass` installed as dependencies, but should only use one or the other. ' + 'Please remove the `node-sass` dependency from your project. ' + ' Read more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/duplicate-sass' ) } } const port = getPort(args) // If neither --port nor PORT were specified, it's okay to retry new ports. const allowRetry = args['--port'] === undefined && process.env.PORT === undefined // We do not set a default host value here to prevent breaking // some set-ups that rely on listening on other interfaces const host = args['--hostname'] const devServerOptions = { allowRetry, dev: true, dir, hostname: host, isNextDevCommand: true, port, } // check for postcss, babelrc, swc plugins async function validateNextConfig(isCustomTurbopack: boolean) { const { findConfigPath } = require('../lib/find-config') as typeof import('../lib/find-config') const { getPkgManager } = require('../lib/helpers/get-pkg-manager') as typeof import('../lib/helpers/get-pkg-manager') const { getBabelConfigFile } = require('../build/webpack-config') as typeof import('../build/webpack-config') const { defaultConfig } = require('../server/config-shared') as typeof import('../server/config-shared') const { default: loadConfig } = require('../server/config') as typeof import('../server/config') const { PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER } = require('../shared/lib/constants') as typeof import('../shared/lib/constants') const chalk = require('next/dist/compiled/chalk') as typeof import('next/dist/compiled/chalk') const { interopDefault } = require('../lib/interop-default') as typeof import('../lib/interop-default') const findUp = require('next/dist/compiled/find-up') as typeof import('next/dist/compiled/find-up') // To regenerate the TURBOPACK gradient require('gradient-string')('blue', 'red')('>>> TURBOPACK') const isTTY = process.stdout.isTTY const turbopackGradient = `${chalk.bold( isTTY ? '\x1B[38;2;0;0;255m>\x1B[39m\x1B[38;2;23;0;232m>\x1B[39m\x1B[38;2;46;0;209m>\x1B[39m \x1B[38;2;70;0;185mT\x1B[39m\x1B[38;2;93;0;162mU\x1B[39m\x1B[38;2;116;0;139mR\x1B[39m\x1B[38;2;139;0;116mB\x1B[39m\x1B[38;2;162;0;93mO\x1B[39m\x1B[38;2;185;0;70mP\x1B[39m\x1B[38;2;209;0;46mA\x1B[39m\x1B[38;2;232;0;23mC\x1B[39m\x1B[38;2;255;0;0mK\x1B[39m' : '>>> TURBOPACK' )} ${chalk.dim('(alpha)')}\n\n` let thankYouMsg = `Thank you for trying Next.js v13 with Turbopack! As a reminder,\nTurbopack is currently in alpha and not yet ready for production.\nWe appreciate your ongoing support as we work to make it ready\nfor everyone.\n` let unsupportedParts = '' // TODO: warning for postcss mentioning sidecar let babelrc = await getBabelConfigFile(dir) if (babelrc) babelrc = path.basename(babelrc) let hasNonDefaultConfig let postcssFile let tailwindFile let rawNextConfig: NextConfig = {} try { rawNextConfig = interopDefault( await loadConfig(PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER, dir, undefined, true) ) as NextConfig if (typeof rawNextConfig === 'function') { rawNextConfig = (rawNextConfig as any)(PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER, { defaultConfig, }) } const checkUnsupportedCustomConfig = ( configKey = '', parentUserConfig: any, parentDefaultConfig: any ): boolean => { try { // these should not error if ( configKey === 'serverComponentsExternalPackages' || configKey === 'appDir' || configKey === 'transpilePackages' || configKey === 'reactStrictMode' || configKey === 'swcMinify' || configKey === 'configFileName' ) { return false } let userValue = parentUserConfig?.[configKey] let defaultValue = parentDefaultConfig?.[configKey] if (typeof defaultValue !== 'object') { return defaultValue !== userValue } return Object.keys(userValue || {}).some((key: string) => { return checkUnsupportedCustomConfig(key, userValue, defaultValue) }) } catch (e) { console.error( `Unexpected error occurred while checking ${configKey}`, e ) return false } } hasNonDefaultConfig = Object.keys(rawNextConfig).some((key) => checkUnsupportedCustomConfig(key, rawNextConfig, defaultConfig) ) const packagePath = findUp.sync('package.json', { cwd: dir }) let hasSideCar = false if (packagePath) { const pkgData = require(packagePath) hasSideCar = Object.values( (pkgData.scripts || {}) as Record ).some( (script) => script.includes('tailwind') || script.includes('postcss') ) } postcssFile = !hasSideCar && (await findConfigPath(dir, 'postcss')) tailwindFile = !hasSideCar && (await findConfigPath(dir, 'tailwind')) if (postcssFile) postcssFile = path.basename(postcssFile) if (tailwindFile) tailwindFile = path.basename(tailwindFile) } catch (e) { console.error('Unexpected error occurred while checking config', e) } const hasWarningOrError = tailwindFile || postcssFile || babelrc || hasNonDefaultConfig if (!hasWarningOrError) { thankYouMsg = chalk.dim(thankYouMsg) } console.log(turbopackGradient + thankYouMsg) let feedbackMessage = `Learn more about Next.js v13 and Turbopack: ${chalk.underline( 'https://nextjs.link/with-turbopack' )}\nPlease direct feedback to: ${chalk.underline( 'https://nextjs.link/turbopack-feedback' )}\n` if (!hasWarningOrError) { feedbackMessage = chalk.dim(feedbackMessage) } if (babelrc) { unsupportedParts += `\n- Babel detected (${chalk.cyan( babelrc )})\n ${chalk.dim( `Babel is not yet supported. To use Turbopack at the moment,\n you'll need to remove your usage of Babel.` )}` } if (hasNonDefaultConfig) { unsupportedParts += `\n\n- Unsupported Next.js configuration option(s) (${chalk.cyan( 'next.config.js' )})\n ${chalk.dim( `The only configurations options supported are:\n - ${chalk.cyan( 'experimental.serverComponentsExternalPackages' )}\n - ${chalk.cyan( 'experimental.transpilePackages' )}\n To use Turbopack, remove other configuration options.` )} ` } if (postcssFile || tailwindFile) { console.warn( `${chalk.bold.yellow( 'Warning:' )} You are using configuration that may require additional\nsetup with Turbopack. If you already made these changes please\nignore this warning.\n` ) } if (postcssFile) { console.warn( `- PostCSS detected (${chalk.cyan(postcssFile)})\n` + ` ${chalk.dim( 'PostCSS is not yet supported by Next.js v13 with Turbopack.\n To use with Turbopack, see: https://nextjs.link/turbopack-postcss' )}\n` ) } if (tailwindFile) { console.warn( `- Tailwind detected (${chalk.cyan(tailwindFile)})\n` + ` ${chalk.dim( 'Tailwind is not yet supported by Next.js v13 with Turbopack.\n To use with Turbopack, see: https://nextjs.link/turbopack-tailwind' )}\n` ) } if (unsupportedParts) { const pkgManager = getPkgManager(dir) console.error( `${chalk.bold.red( 'Error:' )} You are using configuration and/or tools that are not yet\nsupported by Next.js v13 with Turbopack:\n${unsupportedParts}\n If you cannot make the changes above, but still want to try out\nNext.js v13 with Turbopack, create the Next.js v13 playground app\nby running the following commands: ${chalk.bold.cyan( `${ pkgManager === 'npm' ? 'npx create-next-app' : `${pkgManager} create next-app` } --example with-turbopack with-turbopack-app` )}\n cd with-turbopack-app\n ${pkgManager} run dev ` ) console.warn(feedbackMessage) if (!isCustomTurbopack) { process.exit(1) } else { console.warn( `\n${chalk.bold.yellow( 'Warning:' )} Unsupported config found; but continuing with custom Turbopack binary.\n` ) } } console.log(feedbackMessage) return rawNextConfig } if (args['--turbo']) { isTurboSession = true const { loadBindings, __isCustomTurbopackBinary } = require('../build/swc') as typeof import('../build/swc') const { eventCliSession } = require('../telemetry/events/version') as typeof import('../telemetry/events/version') const { findPagesDir } = require('../lib/find-pages-dir') as typeof import('../lib/find-pages-dir') const { setGlobal } = require('../trace') as typeof import('../trace') const { Telemetry } = require('../telemetry/storage') as typeof import('../telemetry/storage') const findUp = require('next/dist/compiled/find-up') as typeof import('next/dist/compiled/find-up') const isCustomTurbopack = await __isCustomTurbopackBinary() const rawNextConfig = await validateNextConfig(isCustomTurbopack) const distDir = path.join(dir, rawNextConfig.distDir || '.next') const { pagesDir, appDir } = findPagesDir( dir, !!rawNextConfig.experimental?.appDir ) const telemetry = new Telemetry({ distDir, }) setGlobal('appDir', appDir) setGlobal('pagesDir', pagesDir) setGlobal('telemetry', telemetry) if (!isCustomTurbopack) { telemetry.record( eventCliSession(distDir, rawNextConfig as NextConfigComplete, { webpackVersion: 5, cliCommand: 'dev', isSrcDir: path .relative(dir, pagesDir || appDir || '') .startsWith('src'), hasNowJson: !!(await findUp('now.json', { cwd: dir })), isCustomServer: false, turboFlag: true, pagesDir: !!pagesDir, appDir: !!appDir, }) ) } const turboJson = findUp.sync('turbo.json', { cwd: dir }) // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow const packagePath = findUp.sync('package.json', { cwd: dir }) let bindings: any = await loadBindings() let server = bindings.turbo.startDev({ ...devServerOptions, showAll: args['--show-all'] ?? false, root: args['--root'] ?? (turboJson ? path.dirname(turboJson) : packagePath ? path.dirname(packagePath) : undefined), serverComponentsExternalPackages: rawNextConfig.experimental?.serverComponentsExternalPackages, }) // Start preflight after server is listening and ignore errors: preflight().catch(() => {}) await telemetry.flush() return server } else { startServer(devServerOptions) .then(async (app) => { const appUrl = `http://${app.hostname}:${app.port}` startedDevelopmentServer(appUrl, `${host || ''}:${app.port}`) // Start preflight after server is listening and ignore errors: preflight().catch(() => {}) // Finalize server bootup: await app.prepare() }) .catch((err) => { if (err.code === 'EADDRINUSE') { let errorMessage = `Port ${port} is already in use.` const pkgAppPath = require('next/dist/compiled/find-up').sync( 'package.json', { cwd: dir, } ) const appPackage = require(pkgAppPath) if (appPackage.scripts) { const nextScript = Object.entries(appPackage.scripts).find( (scriptLine) => scriptLine[1] === 'next' ) if (nextScript) { errorMessage += `\nUse \`npm run ${nextScript[0]} -- -p \`.` } } console.error(errorMessage) } else { console.error(err) } process.nextTick(() => process.exit(1)) }) } for (const CONFIG_FILE of CONFIG_FILES) { watchFile(path.join(dir, CONFIG_FILE), (cur: any, prev: any) => { if (cur.size > 0 || prev.size > 0) { console.log( `\n> Found a change in ${CONFIG_FILE}. Restart the server to see the changes in effect.` ) } }) } } export { nextDev }