import _JSXStyle from "styled-jsx/style"; import styles from "./styles"; const styles2 = require("./styles2"); export const Test1 = ()=>

external only

<_JSXStyle id={styles.__hash}>{styles} <_JSXStyle id={styles2.__hash}>{styles2}
; export const Test2 = ()=>

external and static

<_JSXStyle id={"81a68341e430a972"}>{"p.jsx-81a68341e430a972 {color:red}"} <_JSXStyle id={styles.__hash}>{styles}
; export const Test3 = ({ color })=>

external and dynamic

<_JSXStyle id={"26b457d3bc475235"} dynamic={[ color ]}>{`p.__jsx-style-dynamic-selector {color:${color}}`} <_JSXStyle id={styles.__hash}>{styles}
; export const Test4 = ({ color })=>

external, static and dynamic

<_JSXStyle id={"ceba8c9ce34e3d0c"}>{"p.jsx-ceba8c9ce34e3d0c {display:inline-block}"} <_JSXStyle id={"c86b0d7e7328204f"} dynamic={[ color ]}>{`p.__jsx-style-dynamic-selector {color:${color}}`} <_JSXStyle id={styles.__hash}>{styles}
; export const Test5 = ()=>

static only

<_JSXStyle id={"ceba8c9ce34e3d0c"}>{"p.jsx-df0159ebd3f9fb6f {display:inline-block}"} <_JSXStyle id={"81a68341e430a972"}>{"p.jsx-df0159ebd3f9fb6f {color:red}"}
; export const Test6 = ({ color })=>

static and dynamic

<_JSXStyle id={"ceba8c9ce34e3d0c"}>{"p.jsx-ceba8c9ce34e3d0c {display:inline-block}"} <_JSXStyle id={"f0677f918e6b5a01"} dynamic={[ color ]}>{`p.__jsx-style-dynamic-selector {color:${color}}`}
; export const Test7 = ({ color })=>

dynamic only

<_JSXStyle id={"4adc07771eb3723"} dynamic={[ color ]}>{`p.__jsx-style-dynamic-selector {color:${color}}`}
; export const Test8 = ({ color })=>{ if (color) { const innerProps = { color }; return

dynamic with scoped compound variable

<_JSXStyle id={"a552a4a765a9ca4e"} dynamic={[ innerProps.color ]}>{`p.__jsx-style-dynamic-selector {color:${innerProps.color}}`}
; } }; export const Test9 = ({ color })=>{ const innerProps = { color }; return

dynamic with compound variable

<_JSXStyle id={"7ef39e3312c80ead"} dynamic={[ innerProps.color ]}>{`p.__jsx-style-dynamic-selector {color:${innerProps.color}}`}
; }; const foo = "red"; export const Test10 = ()=>

dynamic with constant variable

<_JSXStyle id={"688a08f9e73a5653"}>{`p.jsx-688a08f9e73a5653 {color:${foo}}`}
; export const Test11 = ({ color })=>{ const items = Array.from({ length: 5 }).map((item, i)=>
  • <_JSXStyle id={"ebe03db0369a2939"} dynamic={[ color ]}>{`.item.__jsx-style-dynamic-selector {color:${color}}`} Item #{i + 1}
  • ); return ; };