import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http' import { ParsedUrlQuery } from 'querystring' import React from 'react' import { renderToString, renderToStaticMarkup } from 'react-dom/server' import { NextRouter } from '../lib/router/router' import mitt, { MittEmitter } from '../lib/mitt' import { loadGetInitialProps, isResSent, getDisplayName, ComponentsEnhancer, RenderPage, DocumentInitialProps, NextComponentType, DocumentType, AppType, NextPageContext, } from '../lib/utils' import Head, { defaultHead } from '../lib/head' // @ts-ignore types will be added later as it's an internal module import Loadable from '../lib/loadable' import { DataManagerContext } from '../lib/data-manager-context' import { LoadableContext } from '../lib/loadable-context' import { RouterContext } from '../lib/router-context' import { DataManager } from '../lib/data-manager' import { getPageFiles, BuildManifest } from './get-page-files' import { AmpStateContext } from '../lib/amp-context' import optimizeAmp from './optimize-amp' import { isInAmpMode } from '../lib/amp' // Uses a module path because of the compiled output directory location import { PageConfig } from 'next/types' export type ManifestItem = { id: number | string name: string file: string publicPath: string } type ReactLoadableManifest = { [moduleId: string]: ManifestItem[] } function noRouter() { const message = 'No router instance found. you should only use "next/router" inside the client side of your app.' throw new Error(message) } class ServerRouter implements NextRouter { route: string pathname: string query: ParsedUrlQuery asPath: string events: any // TODO: Remove in the next major version, as this would mean the user is adding event listeners in server-side `render` method static events: MittEmitter = mitt() constructor(pathname: string, query: ParsedUrlQuery, as: string) { this.route = pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') || '/' this.pathname = pathname this.query = query this.asPath = as } push(): any { noRouter() } replace(): any { noRouter() } reload() { noRouter() } back() { noRouter() } prefetch(): any { noRouter() } beforePopState() { noRouter() } } function enhanceComponents( options: ComponentsEnhancer, App: AppType, Component: NextComponentType ): { App: AppType Component: NextComponentType } { // For backwards compatibility if (typeof options === 'function') { return { App, Component: options(Component), } } return { App: options.enhanceApp ? options.enhanceApp(App) : App, Component: options.enhanceComponent ? options.enhanceComponent(Component) : Component, } } function render( renderElementToString: (element: React.ReactElement) => string, element: React.ReactElement, ampMode: any ): { html: string; head: React.ReactElement[] } { let html let head try { html = renderElementToString(element) } finally { head = Head.rewind() || defaultHead(isInAmpMode(ampMode)) } return { html, head } } type RenderOpts = { documentMiddlewareEnabled: boolean ampBindInitData: boolean staticMarkup: boolean buildId: string canonicalBase: string runtimeConfig?: { [key: string]: any } dangerousAsPath: string assetPrefix?: string hasCssMode: boolean err?: Error | null autoExport?: boolean nextExport?: boolean skeleton?: boolean dev?: boolean ampMode?: any ampPath?: string dataOnly?: boolean inAmpMode?: boolean hybridAmp?: boolean buildManifest: BuildManifest reactLoadableManifest: ReactLoadableManifest pageConfig: PageConfig Component: React.ComponentType Document: DocumentType DocumentMiddleware: (ctx: NextPageContext) => void App: AppType ErrorDebug?: React.ComponentType<{ error: Error }> ampValidator?: (html: string, pathname: string) => Promise } function renderDocument( Document: DocumentType, { dataManagerData, props, docProps, pathname, query, buildId, canonicalBase, assetPrefix, runtimeConfig, nextExport, autoExport, skeleton, dynamicImportsIds, dangerousAsPath, hasCssMode, err, dev, ampPath, ampState, inAmpMode, hybridAmp, staticMarkup, devFiles, files, dynamicImports, }: RenderOpts & { dataManagerData: string props: any docProps: DocumentInitialProps pathname: string query: ParsedUrlQuery dangerousAsPath: string ampState: any ampPath: string inAmpMode: boolean hybridAmp: boolean dynamicImportsIds: string[] dynamicImports: ManifestItem[] files: string[] devFiles: string[] } ): string { return ( '' + renderToStaticMarkup( ) ) } export async function renderToHTML( req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, pathname: string, query: ParsedUrlQuery, renderOpts: RenderOpts ): Promise { pathname = pathname === '/index' ? '/' : pathname const { err, dev = false, documentMiddlewareEnabled = false, ampBindInitData = false, staticMarkup = false, ampPath = '', App, Document, pageConfig = {}, DocumentMiddleware, Component, buildManifest, reactLoadableManifest, ErrorDebug, } = renderOpts await Loadable.preloadAll() // Make sure all dynamic imports are loaded const defaultAppGetInitialProps = App.getInitialProps === (App as any).origGetInitialProps let isAutoExport = typeof (Component as any).getInitialProps !== 'function' && defaultAppGetInitialProps let isPrerender = pageConfig.experimentalPrerender === true const isStaticPage = isPrerender || isAutoExport // TODO: revisit `?_nextPreviewSkeleton=(truthy)` const isSkeleton = isPrerender && !!query._nextPreviewSkeleton // remove from query so it doesn't end up in document delete query._nextPreviewSkeleton if (dev) { const { isValidElementType } = require('react-is') if (!isValidElementType(Component)) { throw new Error( `The default export is not a React Component in page: "${pathname}"` ) } if (!isValidElementType(App)) { throw new Error( `The default export is not a React Component in page: "/_app"` ) } if (!isValidElementType(Document)) { throw new Error( `The default export is not a React Component in page: "/_document"` ) } if (isStaticPage) { // remove query values except ones that will be set during export query = { amp: query.amp, } req.url = pathname renderOpts.nextExport = true } } if (isSkeleton) renderOpts.nextExport = true if (isAutoExport) renderOpts.autoExport = true // @ts-ignore url will always be set const asPath: string = req.url const router = new ServerRouter(pathname, query, asPath) const ctx = { err, req: isStaticPage ? undefined : req, res: isStaticPage ? undefined : res, pathname, query, asPath, AppTree: (props: any) => { return ( ) }, } let props: any const isDataPrerender = pageConfig.experimentalPrerender === true && req.headers['content-type'] === 'application/json' if (documentMiddlewareEnabled && typeof DocumentMiddleware === 'function') { await DocumentMiddleware(ctx) } let dataManager: DataManager | undefined if (ampBindInitData) { dataManager = new DataManager() } const ampState = { ampFirst: pageConfig.amp === true, hasQuery: Boolean(query.amp), hybrid: pageConfig.amp === 'hybrid', } const reactLoadableModules: string[] = [] const AppContainer = ({ children }: any) => ( reactLoadableModules.push(moduleName)} > {children} ) try { props = isSkeleton && !isDataPrerender ? { pageProps: {} } : await loadGetInitialProps(App, { AppTree: ctx.AppTree, Component, router, ctx, }) } catch (err) { if (!dev || !err) throw err ctx.err = err renderOpts.err = err } if (isDataPrerender) { res.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json') res.end(JSON.stringify(props.pageProps || {})) return null } // the response might be finished on the getInitialProps call if (isResSent(res)) return null const devFiles = buildManifest.devFiles const files = [ Set([ ...getPageFiles(buildManifest, pathname), ...getPageFiles(buildManifest, '/_app'), ]), ] const renderElementToString = staticMarkup ? renderToStaticMarkup : renderToString const renderPageError = (): { html: string; head: any } | void => { if (ctx.err && ErrorDebug) { return render( renderElementToString, , ampState ) } if (dev && (props.router || props.Component)) { throw new Error( `'router' and 'Component' can not be returned in getInitialProps from _app.js` ) } } let renderPage: RenderPage if (ampBindInitData) { const ssrPrepass = require('react-ssr-prepass') renderPage = async ( options: ComponentsEnhancer = {} ): Promise<{ html: string; head: any; dataOnly?: true }> => { const renderError = renderPageError() if (renderError) return renderError const { App: EnhancedApp, Component: EnhancedComponent, } = enhanceComponents(options, App, Component) const Application = () => ( ) const element = try { return render(renderElementToString, element, ampState) } catch (err) { if (err && typeof err === 'object' && typeof err.then === 'function') { await ssrPrepass(element) if (renderOpts.dataOnly) { return { html: '', head: [], dataOnly: true, } } else { return render(renderElementToString, element, ampState) } } throw err } } } else { renderPage = ( options: ComponentsEnhancer = {} ): { html: string; head: any } => { const renderError = renderPageError() if (renderError) return renderError const { App: EnhancedApp, Component: EnhancedComponent, } = enhanceComponents(options, App, Component) return render( renderElementToString, , ampState ) } } const docProps = await loadGetInitialProps(Document, { ...ctx, renderPage }) // the response might be finished on the getInitialProps call if (isResSent(res)) return null let dataManagerData = '[]' if (dataManager) { dataManagerData = JSON.stringify([...dataManager.getData()]) } if (!docProps || typeof docProps.html !== 'string') { const message = `"${getDisplayName( Document )}.getInitialProps()" should resolve to an object with a "html" prop set with a valid html string` throw new Error(message) } if (docProps.dataOnly) { return dataManagerData } const dynamicImportIdsSet = new Set() const dynamicImports: ManifestItem[] = [] for (const mod of reactLoadableModules) { const manifestItem = reactLoadableManifest[mod] if (manifestItem) { => { dynamicImports.push(item) dynamicImportIdsSet.add( as string) }) } } const dynamicImportsIds = [...dynamicImportIdsSet] const inAmpMode = isInAmpMode(ampState) const hybridAmp = ampState.hybrid // update renderOpts so export knows current state renderOpts.inAmpMode = inAmpMode renderOpts.hybridAmp = hybridAmp if (isSkeleton) renderOpts.skeleton = true let html = renderDocument(Document, { ...renderOpts, dangerousAsPath: router.asPath, dataManagerData, ampState, props, docProps, pathname, ampPath, query, inAmpMode, hybridAmp, dynamicImportsIds, dynamicImports, files, devFiles, }) if (inAmpMode && html) { // use replace to allow rendering directly to body in AMP mode html = html.replace( '__NEXT_AMP_RENDER_TARGET__', `${docProps.html}` ) html = await optimizeAmp(html) if (renderOpts.ampValidator) { await renderOpts.ampValidator(html, pathname) } } if (inAmpMode || hybridAmp) { // fix & being escaped for amphtml rel link html = html.replace(/&amp=1/g, '&=1') } return html } function errorToJSON(err: Error): Error { const { name, message, stack } = err return { name, message, stack } } function serializeError( dev: boolean | undefined, err: Error ): Error & { statusCode?: number } { if (dev) { return errorToJSON(err) } return { name: 'Internal Server Error.', message: '500 - Internal Server Error.', statusCode: 500, } }