import compression from 'next/dist/compiled/compression' import fs from 'fs' import chalk from 'chalk' import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http' import Proxy from 'next/dist/compiled/http-proxy' import { join, relative, resolve, sep } from 'path' import { parse as parseQs, stringify as stringifyQs, ParsedUrlQuery, } from 'querystring' import { format as formatUrl, parse as parseUrl, UrlWithParsedQuery } from 'url' import { PrerenderManifest } from '../../build' import { getRedirectStatus, Header, Redirect, Rewrite, RouteType, CustomRoutes, } from '../../lib/load-custom-routes' import { withCoalescedInvoke } from '../../lib/coalesced-function' import { BUILD_ID_FILE, CLIENT_PUBLIC_FILES_PATH, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME, PAGES_MANIFEST, PERMANENT_REDIRECT_STATUS, PRERENDER_MANIFEST, ROUTES_MANIFEST, SERVERLESS_DIRECTORY, SERVER_DIRECTORY, STATIC_STATUS_PAGES, TEMPORARY_REDIRECT_STATUS, } from '../lib/constants' import { getRouteMatcher, getRouteRegex, getSortedRoutes, isDynamicRoute, } from '../lib/router/utils' import * as envConfig from '../lib/runtime-config' import { isResSent, NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from '../lib/utils' import { apiResolver, setLazyProp, getCookieParser, tryGetPreviewData, __ApiPreviewProps, } from './api-utils' import { DomainLocales, isTargetLikeServerless, NextConfig } from './config' import pathMatch from '../lib/router/utils/path-match' import { recursiveReadDirSync } from './lib/recursive-readdir-sync' import { loadComponents, LoadComponentsReturnType } from './load-components' import { normalizePagePath } from './normalize-page-path' import { RenderOpts, RenderOptsPartial, renderToHTML } from './render' import { getPagePath, requireFontManifest } from './require' import Router, { DynamicRoutes, PageChecker, Params, route, Route, } from './router' import prepareDestination, { compileNonPath, } from '../lib/router/utils/prepare-destination' import { sendPayload, setRevalidateHeaders } from './send-payload' import { serveStatic } from './serve-static' import { IncrementalCache } from './incremental-cache' import { execOnce } from '../lib/utils' import { isBlockedPage } from './utils' import { loadEnvConfig } from '@next/env' import './node-polyfill-fetch' import { PagesManifest } from '../../build/webpack/plugins/pages-manifest-plugin' import { removePathTrailingSlash } from '../../client/normalize-trailing-slash' import getRouteFromAssetPath from '../lib/router/utils/get-route-from-asset-path' import { FontManifest } from './font-utils' import { denormalizePagePath } from './denormalize-page-path' import accept from '@hapi/accept' import { normalizeLocalePath } from '../lib/i18n/normalize-locale-path' import { detectLocaleCookie } from '../lib/i18n/detect-locale-cookie' import * as Log from '../../build/output/log' import { imageOptimizer } from './image-optimizer' import { detectDomainLocale } from '../lib/i18n/detect-domain-locale' import cookie from 'next/dist/compiled/cookie' import escapePathDelimiters from '../lib/router/utils/escape-path-delimiters' import { getUtils } from '../../build/webpack/loaders/next-serverless-loader/utils' const getCustomRouteMatcher = pathMatch(true) type Middleware = ( req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, next: (err?: Error) => void ) => void type FindComponentsResult = { components: LoadComponentsReturnType query: ParsedUrlQuery } type DynamicRouteItem = { page: string match: ReturnType } export type ServerConstructor = { /** * Where the Next project is located - @default '.' */ dir?: string /** * Hide error messages containing server information - @default false */ quiet?: boolean /** * Object what you would use in next.config.js - @default {} */ conf?: NextConfig | null dev?: boolean customServer?: boolean } export default class Server { protected dir: string protected quiet: boolean protected nextConfig: NextConfig protected distDir: string protected pagesDir?: string protected publicDir: string protected hasStaticDir: boolean protected serverBuildDir: string protected pagesManifest?: PagesManifest protected buildId: string protected minimalMode: boolean protected renderOpts: { poweredByHeader: boolean buildId: string generateEtags: boolean runtimeConfig?: { [key: string]: any } assetPrefix?: string canonicalBase: string dev?: boolean previewProps: __ApiPreviewProps customServer?: boolean ampOptimizerConfig?: { [key: string]: any } basePath: string optimizeFonts: boolean images: string fontManifest: FontManifest optimizeImages: boolean optimizeCss: any locale?: string locales?: string[] defaultLocale?: string domainLocales?: DomainLocales distDir: string } private compression?: Middleware private onErrorMiddleware?: ({ err }: { err: Error }) => Promise private incrementalCache: IncrementalCache protected router: Router protected dynamicRoutes?: DynamicRoutes protected customRoutes: CustomRoutes public constructor({ dir = '.', quiet = false, conf, dev = false, minimalMode = false, customServer = true, }: ServerConstructor & { conf: NextConfig; minimalMode?: boolean }) { this.dir = resolve(dir) this.quiet = quiet loadEnvConfig(this.dir, dev, Log) this.nextConfig = conf this.distDir = join(this.dir, this.nextConfig.distDir) this.publicDir = join(this.dir, CLIENT_PUBLIC_FILES_PATH) this.hasStaticDir = !minimalMode && fs.existsSync(join(this.dir, 'static')) // Only serverRuntimeConfig needs the default // publicRuntimeConfig gets it's default in client/index.js const { serverRuntimeConfig = {}, publicRuntimeConfig, assetPrefix, generateEtags, compress, } = this.nextConfig this.buildId = this.readBuildId() this.minimalMode = minimalMode this.renderOpts = { poweredByHeader: this.nextConfig.poweredByHeader, canonicalBase: this.nextConfig.amp.canonicalBase, buildId: this.buildId, generateEtags, previewProps: this.getPreviewProps(), customServer: customServer === true ? true : undefined, ampOptimizerConfig: this.nextConfig.experimental.amp?.optimizer, basePath: this.nextConfig.basePath, images: JSON.stringify(this.nextConfig.images), optimizeFonts: !!this.nextConfig.optimizeFonts && !dev, fontManifest: this.nextConfig.optimizeFonts && !dev ? requireFontManifest(this.distDir, this._isLikeServerless) : null, optimizeImages: !!this.nextConfig.experimental.optimizeImages, optimizeCss: this.nextConfig.experimental.optimizeCss, domainLocales: this.nextConfig.i18n?.domains, distDir: this.distDir, } // Only the `publicRuntimeConfig` key is exposed to the client side // It'll be rendered as part of __NEXT_DATA__ on the client side if (Object.keys(publicRuntimeConfig).length > 0) { this.renderOpts.runtimeConfig = publicRuntimeConfig } if (compress && === 'server') { this.compression = compression() as Middleware } // Initialize next/config with the environment configuration envConfig.setConfig({ serverRuntimeConfig, publicRuntimeConfig, }) this.serverBuildDir = join( this.distDir, this._isLikeServerless ? SERVERLESS_DIRECTORY : SERVER_DIRECTORY ) const pagesManifestPath = join(this.serverBuildDir, PAGES_MANIFEST) if (!dev) { this.pagesManifest = require(pagesManifestPath) } this.customRoutes = this.getCustomRoutes() this.router = new Router(this.generateRoutes()) this.setAssetPrefix(assetPrefix) // call init-server middleware, this is also handled // individually in serverless bundles when deployed if (!dev && this.nextConfig.experimental.plugins) { const initServer = require(join(this.serverBuildDir, 'init-server.js')) .default this.onErrorMiddleware = require(join( this.serverBuildDir, 'on-error-server.js' )).default initServer() } this.incrementalCache = new IncrementalCache({ dev, distDir: this.distDir, pagesDir: join( this.distDir, this._isLikeServerless ? SERVERLESS_DIRECTORY : SERVER_DIRECTORY, 'pages' ), locales: this.nextConfig.i18n?.locales, flushToDisk: !minimalMode && this.nextConfig.experimental.sprFlushToDisk, }) /** * This sets environment variable to be used at the time of SSR by head.tsx. * Using this from process.env allows targeting both serverless and SSR by calling * `process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_IMAGES`. * TODO(atcastle@): Remove this when experimental.optimizeImages are being cleaned up. */ if (this.renderOpts.optimizeFonts) { process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_FONTS = JSON.stringify(true) } if (this.renderOpts.optimizeImages) { process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_IMAGES = JSON.stringify(true) } if (this.renderOpts.optimizeCss) { process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_CSS = JSON.stringify(true) } } public logError(err: Error): void { if (this.onErrorMiddleware) { this.onErrorMiddleware({ err }) } if (this.quiet) return console.error(err) } private async handleRequest( req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, parsedUrl?: UrlWithParsedQuery ): Promise { setLazyProp({ req: req as any }, 'cookies', getCookieParser(req)) // Parse url if parsedUrl not provided if (!parsedUrl || typeof parsedUrl !== 'object') { const url: any = req.url parsedUrl = parseUrl(url, true) } const { basePath, i18n } = this.nextConfig // Parse the querystring ourselves if the user doesn't handle querystring parsing if (typeof parsedUrl.query === 'string') { parsedUrl.query = parseQs(parsedUrl.query) } ;(req as any).__NEXT_INIT_QUERY = Object.assign({}, parsedUrl.query) if (basePath && req.url?.startsWith(basePath)) { // store original URL to allow checking if basePath was // provided or not ;(req as any)._nextHadBasePath = true req.url = req.url!.replace(basePath, '') || '/' } if ( this.minimalMode && req.headers['x-matched-path'] && typeof req.headers['x-matched-path'] === 'string' ) { const reqUrlIsDataUrl = req.url?.includes('/_next/data') const matchedPathIsDataUrl = req.headers['x-matched-path']?.includes( '/_next/data' ) const isDataUrl = reqUrlIsDataUrl || matchedPathIsDataUrl let parsedPath = parseUrl( isDataUrl ? req.url! : (req.headers['x-matched-path'] as string), true ) const { pathname, query } = parsedPath let matchedPathname = pathname as string let matchedPathnameNoExt = isDataUrl ? matchedPathname.replace(/\.json$/, '') : matchedPathname if (i18n) { const localePathResult = normalizeLocalePath( matchedPathname || '/', i18n.locales ) if (localePathResult.detectedLocale) { parsedUrl.query.__nextLocale = localePathResult.detectedLocale } } if (isDataUrl) { matchedPathname = denormalizePagePath(matchedPathname) matchedPathnameNoExt = denormalizePagePath(matchedPathnameNoExt) } const pageIsDynamic = isDynamicRoute(matchedPathnameNoExt) const combinedRewrites: Rewrite[] = [] combinedRewrites.push(...this.customRoutes.rewrites.beforeFiles) combinedRewrites.push(...this.customRoutes.rewrites.afterFiles) combinedRewrites.push(...this.customRoutes.rewrites.fallback) const utils = getUtils({ pageIsDynamic, page: matchedPathnameNoExt, i18n: this.nextConfig.i18n, basePath: this.nextConfig.basePath, rewrites: combinedRewrites, }) utils.handleRewrites(req, parsedUrl) // interpolate dynamic params and normalize URL if needed if (pageIsDynamic) { let params: ParsedUrlQuery | false = {} Object.assign(parsedUrl.query, query) const paramsResult = utils.normalizeDynamicRouteParams(parsedUrl.query) if (paramsResult.hasValidParams) { params = paramsResult.params } else if (req.headers['x-now-route-matches']) { const opts: Record = {} params = utils.getParamsFromRouteMatches( req, opts, (parsedUrl.query.__nextLocale as string | undefined) || '' ) if (opts.locale) { parsedUrl.query.__nextLocale = opts.locale } } else { params = utils.dynamicRouteMatcher!(matchedPathnameNoExt) } if (params) { params = utils.normalizeDynamicRouteParams(params).params matchedPathname = utils.interpolateDynamicPath( matchedPathname, params ) req.url = utils.interpolateDynamicPath(req.url!, params) } if (reqUrlIsDataUrl && matchedPathIsDataUrl) { req.url = formatUrl({ ...parsedPath, pathname: matchedPathname, }) } Object.assign(parsedUrl.query, params) utils.normalizeVercelUrl(req, true) } parsedUrl.pathname = `${basePath || ''}${ matchedPathname === '/' && basePath ? '' : matchedPathname }` } if (i18n) { // get pathname from URL with basePath stripped for locale detection let { pathname, ...parsed } = parseUrl(req.url || '/') pathname = pathname || '/' let defaultLocale = i18n.defaultLocale let detectedLocale = detectLocaleCookie(req, i18n.locales) let acceptPreferredLocale = i18n.localeDetection !== false ? accept.language(req.headers['accept-language'], i18n.locales) : detectedLocale const { host } = req?.headers || {} // remove port from host if present const hostname = host?.split(':')[0].toLowerCase() const detectedDomain = detectDomainLocale(, hostname) if (detectedDomain) { defaultLocale = detectedDomain.defaultLocale detectedLocale = defaultLocale ;(req as any).__nextIsLocaleDomain = true } // if not domain specific locale use accept-language preferred detectedLocale = detectedLocale || acceptPreferredLocale let localeDomainRedirect: string | undefined ;(req as any).__nextHadTrailingSlash = pathname!.endsWith('/') if (pathname === '/') { ;(req as any).__nextHadTrailingSlash = this.nextConfig.trailingSlash } const localePathResult = normalizeLocalePath(pathname!, i18n.locales) if (localePathResult.detectedLocale) { detectedLocale = localePathResult.detectedLocale req.url = formatUrl({ ...parsed, pathname: localePathResult.pathname, }) ;(req as any).__nextStrippedLocale = true } // If a detected locale is a domain specific locale and we aren't already // on that domain and path prefix redirect to it to prevent duplicate // content from multiple domains if (detectedDomain && pathname === '/') { const localeToCheck = acceptPreferredLocale // const localeToCheck = localePathResult.detectedLocale // ? detectedLocale // : acceptPreferredLocale const matchedDomain = detectDomainLocale(, undefined, localeToCheck ) if ( matchedDomain && (matchedDomain.domain !== detectedDomain.domain || localeToCheck !== matchedDomain.defaultLocale) ) { localeDomainRedirect = `http${matchedDomain.http ? '' : 's'}://${ matchedDomain.domain }/${ localeToCheck === matchedDomain.defaultLocale ? '' : localeToCheck }` } } const denormalizedPagePath = denormalizePagePath(pathname || '/') const detectedDefaultLocale = !detectedLocale || detectedLocale.toLowerCase() === defaultLocale.toLowerCase() const shouldStripDefaultLocale = false // detectedDefaultLocale && // denormalizedPagePath.toLowerCase() === // `/${i18n.defaultLocale.toLowerCase()}` const shouldAddLocalePrefix = !detectedDefaultLocale && denormalizedPagePath === '/' detectedLocale = detectedLocale || i18n.defaultLocale if ( i18n.localeDetection !== false && (localeDomainRedirect || shouldAddLocalePrefix || shouldStripDefaultLocale) ) { // set the NEXT_LOCALE cookie when a user visits the default locale // with the locale prefix so that they aren't redirected back to // their accept-language preferred locale if ( shouldStripDefaultLocale && acceptPreferredLocale !== defaultLocale ) { const previous = res.getHeader('set-cookie') res.setHeader('set-cookie', [ ...(typeof previous === 'string' ? [previous] : Array.isArray(previous) ? previous : []), cookie.serialize('NEXT_LOCALE', defaultLocale, { httpOnly: true, path: '/', }), ]) } res.setHeader( 'Location', localeDomainRedirect ? localeDomainRedirect : formatUrl({ // make sure to include any query values when redirecting ...parsed, pathname: shouldStripDefaultLocale ? basePath || `/` : `${basePath || ''}/${detectedLocale}`, }) ) res.statusCode = TEMPORARY_REDIRECT_STATUS res.end() return } parsedUrl.query.__nextDefaultLocale = detectedDomain?.defaultLocale || i18n.defaultLocale if (!this.minimalMode || !parsedUrl.query.__nextLocale) { parsedUrl.query.__nextLocale = localePathResult.detectedLocale || detectedDomain?.defaultLocale || defaultLocale } } res.statusCode = 200 try { return await, res, parsedUrl) } catch (err) { if (this.minimalMode) { throw err } this.logError(err) res.statusCode = 500 res.end('Internal Server Error') } } public getRequestHandler() { return this.handleRequest.bind(this) } public setAssetPrefix(prefix?: string): void { this.renderOpts.assetPrefix = prefix ? prefix.replace(/\/$/, '') : '' } // Backwards compatibility public async prepare(): Promise {} // Backwards compatibility protected async close(): Promise {} protected setImmutableAssetCacheControl(res: ServerResponse): void { res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=31536000, immutable') } protected getCustomRoutes(): CustomRoutes { const customRoutes = require(join(this.distDir, ROUTES_MANIFEST)) let rewrites: CustomRoutes['rewrites'] // rewrites can be stored as an array when an array is // returned in next.config.js so massage them into // the expected object format if (Array.isArray(customRoutes.rewrites)) { rewrites = { beforeFiles: [], afterFiles: customRoutes.rewrites, fallback: [], } } else { rewrites = customRoutes.rewrites } return Object.assign(customRoutes, { rewrites }) } private _cachedPreviewManifest: PrerenderManifest | undefined protected getPrerenderManifest(): PrerenderManifest { if (this._cachedPreviewManifest) { return this._cachedPreviewManifest } const manifest = require(join(this.distDir, PRERENDER_MANIFEST)) return (this._cachedPreviewManifest = manifest) } protected getPreviewProps(): __ApiPreviewProps { return this.getPrerenderManifest().preview } protected generateRoutes(): { basePath: string headers: Route[] rewrites: { beforeFiles: Route[] afterFiles: Route[] fallback: Route[] } fsRoutes: Route[] redirects: Route[] catchAllRoute: Route pageChecker: PageChecker useFileSystemPublicRoutes: boolean dynamicRoutes: DynamicRoutes | undefined locales: string[] } { const server: Server = this const publicRoutes = fs.existsSync(this.publicDir) ? this.generatePublicRoutes() : [] const staticFilesRoute = this.hasStaticDir ? [ { // It's very important to keep this route's param optional. // (but it should support as many params as needed, separated by '/') // Otherwise this will lead to a pretty simple DOS attack. // See more: match: route('/static/:path*'), name: 'static catchall', fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => { const p = join(this.dir, 'static', ...params.path) await this.serveStatic(req, res, p, parsedUrl) return { finished: true, } }, } as Route, ] : [] const fsRoutes: Route[] = [ { match: route('/_next/static/:path*'), type: 'route', name: '_next/static catchall', fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => { // make sure to 404 for /_next/static itself if (!params.path) { await this.render404(req, res, parsedUrl) return { finished: true, } } if ( params.path[0] === CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME || params.path[0] === 'chunks' || params.path[0] === 'css' || params.path[0] === 'media' || params.path[0] === this.buildId || params.path[0] === 'pages' || params.path[1] === 'pages' ) { this.setImmutableAssetCacheControl(res) } const p = join( this.distDir, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH, ...(params.path || []) ) await this.serveStatic(req, res, p, parsedUrl) return { finished: true, } }, }, { match: route('/_next/data/:path*'), type: 'route', name: '_next/data catchall', fn: async (req, res, params, _parsedUrl) => { // Make sure to 404 for /_next/data/ itself and // we also want to 404 if the buildId isn't correct if (!params.path || params.path[0] !== this.buildId) { await this.render404(req, res, _parsedUrl) return { finished: true, } } // remove buildId from URL params.path.shift() // show 404 if it doesn't end with .json if (!params.path[params.path.length - 1].endsWith('.json')) { await this.render404(req, res, _parsedUrl) return { finished: true, } } // re-create page's pathname let pathname = `/${params.path.join('/')}` pathname = getRouteFromAssetPath(pathname, '.json') const { i18n } = this.nextConfig if (i18n) { const { host } = req?.headers || {} // remove port from host and remove port if present const hostname = host?.split(':')[0].toLowerCase() const localePathResult = normalizeLocalePath(pathname, i18n.locales) const { defaultLocale } = detectDomainLocale(, hostname) || {} let detectedLocale = '' if (localePathResult.detectedLocale) { pathname = localePathResult.pathname detectedLocale = localePathResult.detectedLocale } _parsedUrl.query.__nextLocale = detectedLocale! _parsedUrl.query.__nextDefaultLocale = defaultLocale || i18n.defaultLocale if (!detectedLocale) { _parsedUrl.query.__nextLocale = _parsedUrl.query.__nextDefaultLocale await this.render404(req, res, _parsedUrl) return { finished: true } } } const parsedUrl = parseUrl(pathname, true) await this.render( req, res, pathname, { ..._parsedUrl.query, _nextDataReq: '1' }, parsedUrl ) return { finished: true, } }, }, { match: route('/_next/image'), type: 'route', name: '_next/image catchall', fn: (req, res, _params, parsedUrl) => imageOptimizer( server, req, res, parsedUrl, server.nextConfig, server.distDir ), }, { match: route('/_next/:path*'), type: 'route', name: '_next catchall', // This path is needed because `render()` does a check for `/_next` and the calls the routing again fn: async (req, res, _params, parsedUrl) => { await this.render404(req, res, parsedUrl) return { finished: true, } }, }, ...publicRoutes, ...staticFilesRoute, ] const getCustomRoute = ( r: Rewrite | Redirect | Header, type: RouteType ) => { const match = getCustomRouteMatcher(r.source) return { ...r, type, match, name: type, fn: async (_req, _res, _params, _parsedUrl) => ({ finished: false }), } as Route & Rewrite & Header } // Headers come very first const headers = => { const headerRoute = getCustomRoute(r, 'header') return { match: headerRoute.match, has: headerRoute.has, type: headerRoute.type, name: `${headerRoute.type} ${headerRoute.source} header route`, fn: async (_req, res, params, _parsedUrl) => { const hasParams = Object.keys(params).length > 0 for (const header of (headerRoute as Header).headers) { let { key, value } = header if (hasParams) { key = compileNonPath(key, params) value = compileNonPath(value, params) } res.setHeader(key, value) } return { finished: false } }, } as Route }) // since initial query values are decoded by querystring.parse // we need to re-encode them here but still allow passing through // values from rewrites/redirects const stringifyQuery = (req: IncomingMessage, query: ParsedUrlQuery) => { const initialQueryValues = Object.values((req as any).__NEXT_INIT_QUERY) return stringifyQs(query, undefined, undefined, { encodeURIComponent(value) { if (initialQueryValues.some((val) => val === value)) { return encodeURIComponent(value) } return value }, }) } const redirects = this.minimalMode ? [] : => { const redirectRoute = getCustomRoute(redirect, 'redirect') return { internal: redirectRoute.internal, type: redirectRoute.type, match: redirectRoute.match, has: redirectRoute.has, statusCode: redirectRoute.statusCode, name: `Redirect route ${redirectRoute.source}`, fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => { const { parsedDestination } = prepareDestination( redirectRoute.destination, params, parsedUrl.query, false ) const { query } = parsedDestination delete (parsedDestination as any).query = stringifyQuery(req, query) const updatedDestination = formatUrl(parsedDestination) res.setHeader('Location', updatedDestination) res.statusCode = getRedirectStatus(redirectRoute as Redirect) // Since IE11 doesn't support the 308 header add backwards // compatibility using refresh header if (res.statusCode === 308) { res.setHeader('Refresh', `0;url=${updatedDestination}`) } res.end() return { finished: true, } }, } as Route }) const buildRewrite = (rewrite: Rewrite) => { const rewriteRoute = getCustomRoute(rewrite, 'rewrite') return { ...rewriteRoute, check: true, type: rewriteRoute.type, name: `Rewrite route ${rewriteRoute.source}`, match: rewriteRoute.match, fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => { const { newUrl, parsedDestination } = prepareDestination( rewriteRoute.destination, params, parsedUrl.query, true ) // external rewrite, proxy it if (parsedDestination.protocol) { const { query } = parsedDestination delete (parsedDestination as any).query = stringifyQuery(req, query) const target = formatUrl(parsedDestination) const proxy = new Proxy({ target, changeOrigin: true, ignorePath: true, }) proxy.web(req, res) proxy.on('error', (err: Error) => { console.error(`Error occurred proxying ${target}`, err) }) return { finished: true, } } ;(req as any)._nextRewroteUrl = newUrl ;(req as any)._nextDidRewrite = (req as any)._nextRewroteUrl !== req.url return { finished: false, pathname: newUrl, query: parsedDestination.query, } }, } as Route } let beforeFiles: Route[] = [] let afterFiles: Route[] = [] let fallback: Route[] = [] if (Array.isArray(this.customRoutes.rewrites)) { afterFiles = } else { beforeFiles = afterFiles = fallback = } const catchAllRoute: Route = { match: route('/:path*'), type: 'route', name: 'Catchall render', fn: async (req, res, _params, parsedUrl) => { let { pathname, query } = parsedUrl if (!pathname) { throw new Error('pathname is undefined') } // next.js core assumes page path without trailing slash pathname = removePathTrailingSlash(pathname) if (this.nextConfig.i18n) { const localePathResult = normalizeLocalePath( pathname, this.nextConfig.i18n?.locales ) if (localePathResult.detectedLocale) { pathname = localePathResult.pathname parsedUrl.query.__nextLocale = localePathResult.detectedLocale } } if (pathname === '/api' || pathname.startsWith('/api/')) { const handled = await this.handleApiRequest( req as NextApiRequest, res as NextApiResponse, pathname, query ) if (handled) { return { finished: true } } } await this.render(req, res, pathname, query, parsedUrl) return { finished: true, } }, } const { useFileSystemPublicRoutes } = this.nextConfig if (useFileSystemPublicRoutes) { this.dynamicRoutes = this.getDynamicRoutes() } return { headers, fsRoutes, rewrites: { beforeFiles, afterFiles, fallback, }, redirects, catchAllRoute, useFileSystemPublicRoutes, dynamicRoutes: this.dynamicRoutes, basePath: this.nextConfig.basePath, pageChecker: this.hasPage.bind(this), locales: this.nextConfig.i18n?.locales || [], } } private async getPagePath( pathname: string, locales?: string[] ): Promise { return getPagePath( pathname, this.distDir, this._isLikeServerless,, locales ) } protected async hasPage(pathname: string): Promise { let found = false try { found = !!(await this.getPagePath( pathname, this.nextConfig.i18n?.locales )) } catch (_) {} return found } protected async _beforeCatchAllRender( _req: IncomingMessage, _res: ServerResponse, _params: Params, _parsedUrl: UrlWithParsedQuery ): Promise { return false } // Used to build API page in development protected async ensureApiPage(_pathname: string): Promise {} /** * Resolves `API` request, in development builds on demand * @param req http request * @param res http response * @param pathname path of request */ private async handleApiRequest( req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, pathname: string, query: ParsedUrlQuery ): Promise { let page = pathname let params: Params | boolean = false let pageFound = await this.hasPage(page) if (!pageFound && this.dynamicRoutes) { for (const dynamicRoute of this.dynamicRoutes) { params = dynamicRoute.match(pathname) if ('/api') && params) { page = pageFound = true break } } } if (!pageFound) { return false } // Make sure the page is built before getting the path // or else it won't be in the manifest yet await this.ensureApiPage(page) let builtPagePath try { builtPagePath = await this.getPagePath(page) } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { return false } throw err } const pageModule = await require(builtPagePath) query = { ...query, ...params } delete query.__nextLocale delete query.__nextDefaultLocale if (! && this._isLikeServerless) { if (typeof pageModule.default === 'function') { prepareServerlessUrl(req, query) await pageModule.default(req, res) return true } } await apiResolver( req, res, query, pageModule, this.renderOpts.previewProps, false, this.onErrorMiddleware ) return true } protected generatePublicRoutes(): Route[] { const publicFiles = new Set( recursiveReadDirSync(this.publicDir).map((p) => encodeURI(p.replace(/\\/g, '/')) ) ) return [ { match: route('/:path*'), name: 'public folder catchall', fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => { const pathParts: string[] = params.path || [] const { basePath } = this.nextConfig // if basePath is defined require it be present if (basePath) { const basePathParts = basePath.split('/') // remove first empty value basePathParts.shift() if ( !basePathParts.every((part: string, idx: number) => { return part === pathParts[idx] }) ) { return { finished: false } } pathParts.splice(0, basePathParts.length) } const path = `/${pathParts.join('/')}` if (publicFiles.has(path)) { await this.serveStatic( req, res, join(this.publicDir, ...pathParts), parsedUrl ) return { finished: true, } } return { finished: false, } }, } as Route, ] } protected getDynamicRoutes(): Array { const addedPages = new Set() return getSortedRoutes( Object.keys(this.pagesManifest!).map( (page) => normalizeLocalePath(page, this.nextConfig.i18n?.locales).pathname ) ) .map((page) => { if (addedPages.has(page) || !isDynamicRoute(page)) return null addedPages.add(page) return { page, match: getRouteMatcher(getRouteRegex(page)), } }) .filter((item): item is DynamicRouteItem => Boolean(item)) } private handleCompression(req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse): void { if (this.compression) { this.compression(req, res, () => {}) } } protected async run( req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, parsedUrl: UrlWithParsedQuery ): Promise { this.handleCompression(req, res) try { const matched = await this.router.execute(req, res, parsedUrl) if (matched) { return } } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'DECODE_FAILED') { res.statusCode = 400 return this.renderError(null, req, res, '/_error', {}) } throw err } await this.render404(req, res, parsedUrl) } protected async sendHTML( req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, html: string ): Promise { const { generateEtags, poweredByHeader } = this.renderOpts return sendPayload(req, res, html, 'html', { generateEtags, poweredByHeader, }) } public async render( req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, pathname: string, query: ParsedUrlQuery = {}, parsedUrl?: UrlWithParsedQuery ): Promise { if (!pathname.startsWith('/')) { console.warn( `Cannot render page with path "${pathname}", did you mean "/${pathname}"?. See more info here:` ) } if ( this.renderOpts.customServer && pathname === '/index' && !(await this.hasPage('/index')) ) { // maintain backwards compatibility for custom server // (see custom-server integration tests) pathname = '/' } const url: any = req.url // we allow custom servers to call render for all URLs // so check if we need to serve a static _next file or not. // we don't modify the URL for _next/data request but still // call render so we special case this to prevent an infinite loop if ( !this.minimalMode && !query._nextDataReq && (url.match(/^\/_next\//) || (this.hasStaticDir && url.match(/^\/static\//))) ) { return this.handleRequest(req, res, parsedUrl) } if (isBlockedPage(pathname)) { return this.render404(req, res, parsedUrl) } const html = await this.renderToHTML(req, res, pathname, query) // Request was ended by the user if (html === null) { return } return this.sendHTML(req, res, html) } private async findPageComponents( pathname: string, query: ParsedUrlQuery = {}, params: Params | null = null ): Promise { let paths = [ // try serving a static AMP version first query.amp ? normalizePagePath(pathname) + '.amp' : null, pathname, ].filter(Boolean) if (query.__nextLocale) { paths = [ (path) => `/${query.__nextLocale}${path === '/' ? '' : path}` ), ...paths, ] } for (const pagePath of paths) { try { const components = await loadComponents( this.distDir, pagePath!, ! && this._isLikeServerless ) // if loading an static HTML file the locale is required // to be present since all HTML files are output under their locale if ( query.__nextLocale && typeof components.Component === 'string' && !pagePath?.startsWith(`/${query.__nextLocale}`) ) { const err = new Error('NOT_FOUND') ;(err as any).code = 'ENOENT' throw err } return { components, query: { ...(components.getStaticProps ? { amp: query.amp, _nextDataReq: query._nextDataReq, __nextLocale: query.__nextLocale, __nextDefaultLocale: query.__nextDefaultLocale, } : query), ...(params || {}), }, } } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') throw err } } return null } protected async getStaticPaths( pathname: string ): Promise<{ staticPaths: string[] | undefined fallbackMode: 'static' | 'blocking' | false }> { // `staticPaths` is intentionally set to `undefined` as it should've // been caught when checking disk data. const staticPaths = undefined // Read whether or not fallback should exist from the manifest. const fallbackField = this.getPrerenderManifest().dynamicRoutes[pathname] .fallback return { staticPaths, fallbackMode: typeof fallbackField === 'string' ? 'static' : fallbackField === null ? 'blocking' : false, } } private async renderToHTMLWithComponents( req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, pathname: string, { components, query }: FindComponentsResult, opts: RenderOptsPartial ): Promise { const is404Page = pathname === '/404' const isLikeServerless = typeof components.Component === 'object' && typeof (components.Component as any).renderReqToHTML === 'function' const isSSG = !!components.getStaticProps const hasServerProps = !!components.getServerSideProps const hasStaticPaths = !!components.getStaticPaths const hasGetInitialProps = !!(components.Component as any).getInitialProps // Toggle whether or not this is a Data request const isDataReq = !!query._nextDataReq && (isSSG || hasServerProps) delete query._nextDataReq // we need to ensure the status code if /404 is visited directly if (is404Page && !isDataReq) { res.statusCode = 404 } // ensure correct status is set when visiting a status page // directly e.g. /500 if (STATIC_STATUS_PAGES.includes(pathname)) { res.statusCode = parseInt(pathname.substr(1), 10) } // handle static page if (typeof components.Component === 'string') { return components.Component } if (!query.amp) { delete query.amp } const locale = query.__nextLocale as string const defaultLocale = isSSG ? this.nextConfig.i18n?.defaultLocale : (query.__nextDefaultLocale as string) const { i18n } = this.nextConfig const locales = i18n?.locales let previewData: string | false | object | undefined let isPreviewMode = false if (hasServerProps || isSSG) { previewData = tryGetPreviewData(req, res, this.renderOpts.previewProps) isPreviewMode = previewData !== false } // Compute the iSSG cache key. We use the rewroteUrl since // pages with fallback: false are allowed to be rewritten to // and we need to look up the path by the rewritten path let urlPathname = parseUrl(req.url || '').pathname || '/' let resolvedUrlPathname = (req as any)._nextRewroteUrl ? (req as any)._nextRewroteUrl : urlPathname urlPathname = removePathTrailingSlash(urlPathname) resolvedUrlPathname = normalizeLocalePath( removePathTrailingSlash(resolvedUrlPathname), this.nextConfig.i18n?.locales ).pathname const stripNextDataPath = (path: string) => { if (path.includes(this.buildId)) { const splitPath = path.substring( path.indexOf(this.buildId) + this.buildId.length ) path = denormalizePagePath(splitPath.replace(/\.json$/, '')) } if (this.nextConfig.i18n) { return normalizeLocalePath(path, locales).pathname } return path } const handleRedirect = (pageData: any) => { const redirect = { destination: pageData.pageProps.__N_REDIRECT, statusCode: pageData.pageProps.__N_REDIRECT_STATUS, basePath: pageData.pageProps.__N_REDIRECT_BASE_PATH, } const statusCode = getRedirectStatus(redirect) const { basePath } = this.nextConfig if ( basePath && redirect.basePath !== false && redirect.destination.startsWith('/') ) { redirect.destination = `${basePath}${redirect.destination}` } if (statusCode === PERMANENT_REDIRECT_STATUS) { res.setHeader('Refresh', `0;url=${redirect.destination}`) } res.statusCode = statusCode res.setHeader('Location', redirect.destination) res.end() } // remove /_next/data prefix from urlPathname so it matches // for direct page visit and /_next/data visit if (isDataReq) { resolvedUrlPathname = stripNextDataPath(resolvedUrlPathname) urlPathname = stripNextDataPath(urlPathname) } let ssgCacheKey = isPreviewMode || !isSSG || this.minimalMode ? undefined // Preview mode bypasses the cache : `${locale ? `/${locale}` : ''}${ (pathname === '/' || resolvedUrlPathname === '/') && locale ? '' : resolvedUrlPathname }${query.amp ? '.amp' : ''}` if (is404Page && isSSG) { ssgCacheKey = `${locale ? `/${locale}` : ''}${pathname}${ query.amp ? '.amp' : '' }` } if (ssgCacheKey) { // we only encode path delimiters for path segments from // getStaticPaths so we need to attempt decoding the URL // to match against and only escape the path delimiters // this allows non-ascii values to be handled e.g. Japanese characters // TODO: investigate adding this handling for non-SSG pages so // non-ascii names work there also ssgCacheKey = ssgCacheKey .split('/') .map((seg) => { try { seg = escapePathDelimiters(decodeURIComponent(seg), true) } catch (_) { // An improperly encoded URL was provided, this is considered // a bad request (400) const err: Error & { code?: string } = new Error( 'failed to decode param' ) err.code = 'DECODE_FAILED' throw err } return seg }) .join('/') } // Complete the response with cached data if its present const cachedData = ssgCacheKey ? await this.incrementalCache.get(ssgCacheKey) : undefined if (cachedData) { const data = isDataReq ? JSON.stringify(cachedData.pageData) : cachedData.html const revalidateOptions = ! ? { private: isPreviewMode, stateful: false, // GSP response revalidate: cachedData.curRevalidate !== undefined ? cachedData.curRevalidate : /* default to minimum revalidate (this should be an invariant) */ 1, } : undefined if (!isDataReq && cachedData.pageData?.pageProps?.__N_REDIRECT) { await handleRedirect(cachedData.pageData) } else if (cachedData.isNotFound) { if (revalidateOptions) { setRevalidateHeaders(res, revalidateOptions) } if (isDataReq) { res.statusCode = 404 res.end('{"notFound":true}') } else { await this.render404(req, res, { pathname, query, } as UrlWithParsedQuery) } } else { sendPayload( req, res, data, isDataReq ? 'json' : 'html', { generateEtags: this.renderOpts.generateEtags, poweredByHeader: this.renderOpts.poweredByHeader, }, revalidateOptions ) } // Stop the request chain here if the data we sent was up-to-date if (!cachedData.isStale) { return null } } // If we're here, that means data is missing or it's stale. const maybeCoalesceInvoke = ssgCacheKey ? (fn: any) => withCoalescedInvoke(fn).bind(null, ssgCacheKey!, []) : (fn: any) => async () => { const value = await fn() return { isOrigin: true, value } } const doRender = maybeCoalesceInvoke( async (): Promise<{ html: string | null pageData: any sprRevalidate: number | false isNotFound?: boolean isRedirect?: boolean }> => { let pageData: any let html: string | null let sprRevalidate: number | false let isNotFound: boolean | undefined let isRedirect: boolean | undefined let renderResult // handle serverless if (isLikeServerless) { renderResult = await (components.Component as any).renderReqToHTML( req, res, 'passthrough', { locale, locales, defaultLocale, optimizeCss: this.renderOpts.optimizeCss, distDir: this.distDir, fontManifest: this.renderOpts.fontManifest, domainLocales: this.renderOpts.domainLocales, } ) html = renderResult.html pageData = renderResult.renderOpts.pageData sprRevalidate = renderResult.renderOpts.revalidate isNotFound = renderResult.renderOpts.isNotFound isRedirect = renderResult.renderOpts.isRedirect } else { const origQuery = parseUrl(req.url || '', true).query const hadTrailingSlash = urlPathname !== '/' && this.nextConfig.trailingSlash const resolvedUrl = formatUrl({ pathname: `${resolvedUrlPathname}${hadTrailingSlash ? '/' : ''}`, // make sure to only add query values from original URL query: origQuery, }) const renderOpts: RenderOpts = { ...components, ...opts, isDataReq, resolvedUrl, locale, locales, defaultLocale, // For getServerSideProps and getInitialProps we need to ensure we use the original URL // and not the resolved URL to prevent a hydration mismatch on // asPath resolvedAsPath: hasServerProps || hasGetInitialProps ? formatUrl({ // we use the original URL pathname less the _next/data prefix if // present pathname: `${urlPathname}${hadTrailingSlash ? '/' : ''}`, query: origQuery, }) : resolvedUrl, } renderResult = await renderToHTML( req, res, pathname, query, renderOpts ) html = renderResult // TODO: change this to a different passing mechanism pageData = (renderOpts as any).pageData sprRevalidate = (renderOpts as any).revalidate isNotFound = (renderOpts as any).isNotFound isRedirect = (renderOpts as any).isRedirect } return { html, pageData, sprRevalidate, isNotFound, isRedirect } } ) const isProduction = ! const isDynamicPathname = isDynamicRoute(pathname) const didRespond = isResSent(res) const { staticPaths, fallbackMode } = hasStaticPaths ? await this.getStaticPaths(pathname) : { staticPaths: undefined, fallbackMode: false } // When we did not respond from cache, we need to choose to block on // rendering or return a skeleton. // // * Data requests always block. // // * Blocking mode fallback always blocks. // // * Preview mode toggles all pages to be resolved in a blocking manner. // // * Non-dynamic pages should block (though this is an impossible // case in production). // // * Dynamic pages should return their skeleton if not defined in // getStaticPaths, then finish the data request on the client-side. // if ( this.minimalMode !== true && fallbackMode !== 'blocking' && ssgCacheKey && !didRespond && !isPreviewMode && isDynamicPathname && // Development should trigger fallback when the path is not in // `getStaticPaths` (isProduction || !staticPaths || !staticPaths.includes( // we use ssgCacheKey here as it is normalized to match the // encoding from getStaticPaths along with including the locale query.amp ? ssgCacheKey.replace(/\.amp$/, '') : ssgCacheKey )) ) { if ( // In development, fall through to render to handle missing // getStaticPaths. (isProduction || staticPaths) && // When fallback isn't present, abort this render so we 404 fallbackMode !== 'static' ) { throw new NoFallbackError() } if (!isDataReq) { let html: string // Production already emitted the fallback as static HTML. if (isProduction) { html = await this.incrementalCache.getFallback( locale ? `/${locale}${pathname}` : pathname ) } // We need to generate the fallback on-demand for development. else { query.__nextFallback = 'true' if (isLikeServerless) { prepareServerlessUrl(req, query) } const { value: renderResult } = await doRender() html = renderResult.html } sendPayload(req, res, html, 'html', { generateEtags: this.renderOpts.generateEtags, poweredByHeader: this.renderOpts.poweredByHeader, }) return null } } const { isOrigin, value: { html, pageData, sprRevalidate, isNotFound, isRedirect }, } = await doRender() let resHtml = html const revalidateOptions = ! || (hasServerProps && !isDataReq) ? { private: isPreviewMode, stateful: !isSSG, revalidate: sprRevalidate, } : undefined if ( !isResSent(res) && !isNotFound && (isSSG || isDataReq || hasServerProps) ) { if (isRedirect && !isDataReq) { await handleRedirect(pageData) } else { sendPayload( req, res, isDataReq ? JSON.stringify(pageData) : html, isDataReq ? 'json' : 'html', { generateEtags: this.renderOpts.generateEtags, poweredByHeader: this.renderOpts.poweredByHeader, }, revalidateOptions ) } resHtml = null } // Update the cache if the head request and cacheable if (isOrigin && ssgCacheKey) { await this.incrementalCache.set( ssgCacheKey, { html: html!, pageData, isNotFound, isRedirect }, sprRevalidate ) } if (!isResSent(res) && isNotFound) { if (revalidateOptions) { setRevalidateHeaders(res, revalidateOptions) } if (isDataReq) { res.statusCode = 404 res.end('{"notFound":true}') } else { await this.render404(req, res, { pathname, query, } as UrlWithParsedQuery) } } return resHtml } public async renderToHTML( req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, pathname: string, query: ParsedUrlQuery = {} ): Promise { try { const result = await this.findPageComponents(pathname, query) if (result) { try { return await this.renderToHTMLWithComponents( req, res, pathname, result, { ...this.renderOpts } ) } catch (err) { if (!(err instanceof NoFallbackError)) { throw err } } } if (this.dynamicRoutes) { for (const dynamicRoute of this.dynamicRoutes) { const params = dynamicRoute.match(pathname) if (!params) { continue } const dynamicRouteResult = await this.findPageComponents(, query, params ) if (dynamicRouteResult) { try { return await this.renderToHTMLWithComponents( req, res,, dynamicRouteResult, { ...this.renderOpts, params } ) } catch (err) { if (!(err instanceof NoFallbackError)) { throw err } } } } } } catch (err) { if (err && err.code === 'DECODE_FAILED') { this.logError(err) res.statusCode = 400 return await this.renderErrorToHTML(err, req, res, pathname, query) } res.statusCode = 500 const html = await this.renderErrorToHTML(err, req, res, pathname, query) if (this.minimalMode) { throw err } this.logError(err) return html } res.statusCode = 404 return await this.renderErrorToHTML(null, req, res, pathname, query) } public async renderError( err: Error | null, req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, pathname: string, query: ParsedUrlQuery = {}, setHeaders = true ): Promise { if (setHeaders) { res.setHeader( 'Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate' ) } const html = await this.renderErrorToHTML(err, req, res, pathname, query) if (this.minimalMode && res.statusCode === 500) { throw err } if (html === null) { return } return this.sendHTML(req, res, html) } private customErrorNo404Warn = execOnce(() => { console.warn( chalk.bold.yellow(`Warning: `) + chalk.yellow( `You have added a custom /_error page without a custom /404 page. This prevents the 404 page from being auto statically optimized.\nSee here for info:` ) ) }) public async renderErrorToHTML( err: Error | null, req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, _pathname: string, query: ParsedUrlQuery = {} ) { let result: null | FindComponentsResult = null const is404 = res.statusCode === 404 let using404Page = false // use static 404 page if available and is 404 response if (is404) { result = await this.findPageComponents('/404', query) using404Page = result !== null } let statusPage = `/${res.statusCode}` if (!result && STATIC_STATUS_PAGES.includes(statusPage)) { result = await this.findPageComponents(statusPage, query) } if (!result) { result = await this.findPageComponents('/_error', query) statusPage = '/_error' } if ( process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && !using404Page && (await this.hasPage('/_error')) && !(await this.hasPage('/404')) ) { this.customErrorNo404Warn() } let html: string | null try { try { html = await this.renderToHTMLWithComponents( req, res, statusPage, result!, { ...this.renderOpts, err, } ) } catch (maybeFallbackError) { if (maybeFallbackError instanceof NoFallbackError) { throw new Error('invariant: failed to render error page') } throw maybeFallbackError } } catch (renderToHtmlError) { console.error(renderToHtmlError) res.statusCode = 500 html = 'Internal Server Error' } return html } public async render404( req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, parsedUrl?: UrlWithParsedQuery, setHeaders = true ): Promise { const url: any = req.url const { pathname, query } = parsedUrl ? parsedUrl : parseUrl(url, true) const { i18n } = this.nextConfig if (i18n) { query.__nextLocale = query.__nextLocale || i18n.defaultLocale query.__nextDefaultLocale = query.__nextDefaultLocale || i18n.defaultLocale } res.statusCode = 404 return this.renderError(null, req, res, pathname!, query, setHeaders) } public async serveStatic( req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, path: string, parsedUrl?: UrlWithParsedQuery ): Promise { if (!this.isServeableUrl(path)) { return this.render404(req, res, parsedUrl) } if (!(req.method === 'GET' || req.method === 'HEAD')) { res.statusCode = 405 res.setHeader('Allow', ['GET', 'HEAD']) return this.renderError(null, req, res, path) } try { await serveStatic(req, res, path) } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT' || err.statusCode === 404) { this.render404(req, res, parsedUrl) } else if (err.statusCode === 412) { res.statusCode = 412 return this.renderError(err, req, res, path) } else { throw err } } } private _validFilesystemPathSet: Set | null = null private getFilesystemPaths(): Set { if (this._validFilesystemPathSet) { return this._validFilesystemPathSet } const pathUserFilesStatic = join(this.dir, 'static') let userFilesStatic: string[] = [] if (this.hasStaticDir && fs.existsSync(pathUserFilesStatic)) { userFilesStatic = recursiveReadDirSync(pathUserFilesStatic).map((f) => join('.', 'static', f) ) } let userFilesPublic: string[] = [] if (this.publicDir && fs.existsSync(this.publicDir)) { userFilesPublic = recursiveReadDirSync(this.publicDir).map((f) => join('.', 'public', f) ) } let nextFilesStatic: string[] = [] nextFilesStatic = !this.minimalMode ? recursiveReadDirSync(join(this.distDir, 'static')).map((f) => join('.', relative(this.dir, this.distDir), 'static', f) ) : [] return (this._validFilesystemPathSet = new Set([ ...nextFilesStatic, ...userFilesPublic, ...userFilesStatic, ])) } protected isServeableUrl(untrustedFileUrl: string): boolean { // This method mimics what the version of `send` we use does: // 1. decodeURIComponent: // // // 2. resolve: // let decodedUntrustedFilePath: string try { // (1) Decode the URL so we have the proper file name decodedUntrustedFilePath = decodeURIComponent(untrustedFileUrl) } catch { return false } // (2) Resolve "up paths" to determine real request const untrustedFilePath = resolve(decodedUntrustedFilePath) // don't allow null bytes anywhere in the file path if (untrustedFilePath.indexOf('\0') !== -1) { return false } // Check if .next/static, static and public are in the path. // If not the path is not available. if ( (untrustedFilePath.startsWith(join(this.distDir, 'static') + sep) || untrustedFilePath.startsWith(join(this.dir, 'static') + sep) || untrustedFilePath.startsWith(join(this.dir, 'public') + sep)) === false ) { return false } // Check against the real filesystem paths const filesystemUrls = this.getFilesystemPaths() const resolved = relative(this.dir, untrustedFilePath) return filesystemUrls.has(resolved) } protected readBuildId(): string { const buildIdFile = join(this.distDir, BUILD_ID_FILE) try { return fs.readFileSync(buildIdFile, 'utf8').trim() } catch (err) { if (!fs.existsSync(buildIdFile)) { throw new Error( `Could not find a production build in the '${this.distDir}' directory. Try building your app with 'next build' before starting the production server.` ) } throw err } } protected get _isLikeServerless(): boolean { return isTargetLikeServerless( } } function prepareServerlessUrl( req: IncomingMessage, query: ParsedUrlQuery ): void { const curUrl = parseUrl(req.url!, true) req.url = formatUrl({ ...curUrl, search: undefined, query: { ...curUrl.query, ...query, }, }) } class NoFallbackError extends Error {}