--- title: Invalid Page / API Route Config --- ## Why This Error Occurred In one of your pages or API Routes, you used `export const config` with an invalid value. ## Possible Ways to Fix It - The page's `config` must be an object initialized directly when being exported and not modified dynamically. - The `config` object must only contain static constant literals without expressions.
Not Allowed Allowed
```js // `config` should be an object export const config = 'hello world' ``` ```js export const config = {} ```
```js export const config = {} // `config.amp` is defined after `config` is exported config.amp = true // `config.amp` contains a dynamic expression export const config = { amp: 1 + 1 > 2, } ``` ```js export const config = { amp: true, } export const config = { amp: false, } ```
```js // `config.runtime` contains a dynamic expression export const config = { runtime: `node${'js'}`, } ``` ```js export const config = { runtime: 'nodejs', } export const config = { runtime: `nodejs`, } ```
```js // Re-exported `config` is not allowed export { config } from '../config' ``` ```js export const config = {} ```
## Useful Links - [Enabling AMP Support](/docs/pages/building-your-application/configuring/amp) - [API Routes Request Helpers](/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/api-routes) - [Edge and Node.js Runtimes](/docs/pages/building-your-application/rendering/edge-and-nodejs-runtimes)