import initNext, * as next from './' import EventSourcePolyfill from './event-source-polyfill' import initOnDemandEntries from './on-demand-entries-client' import initWebpackHMR from './webpack-hot-middleware-client' // Temporary workaround for the issue described here: // // The runtimeChunk doesn't have dynamic import handling code when there hasn't been a dynamic import // The runtimeChunk can't hot reload itself currently to correct it when adding pages using on-demand-entries // REPLACE_NOOP_IMPORT // Support EventSource on Internet Explorer 11 if (!window.EventSource) { window.EventSource = EventSourcePolyfill } const { __NEXT_DATA__: { assetPrefix } } = window const prefix = assetPrefix || '' const webpackHMR = initWebpackHMR({ assetPrefix: prefix }) = next initNext({ webpackHMR }) .then((emitter) => { initOnDemandEntries({ assetPrefix: prefix }) let lastScroll emitter.on('before-reactdom-render', ({ Component, ErrorComponent }) => { // Remember scroll when ErrorComponent is being rendered to later restore it if (!lastScroll && Component === ErrorComponent) { const { pageXOffset, pageYOffset } = window lastScroll = { x: pageXOffset, y: pageYOffset } } }) emitter.on('after-reactdom-render', ({ Component, ErrorComponent }) => { if (lastScroll && Component !== ErrorComponent) { // Restore scroll after ErrorComponent was replaced with a page component by HMR const { x, y } = lastScroll window.scroll(x, y) lastScroll = null } }) }).catch((err) => { console.error('Error was not caught', err) })