import { parse as parseUrl } from 'url' import { NextConfig } from '../next-server/server/config' import * as pathToRegexp from 'next/dist/compiled/path-to-regexp' import escapeStringRegexp from 'next/dist/compiled/escape-string-regexp' import { PERMANENT_REDIRECT_STATUS, TEMPORARY_REDIRECT_STATUS, } from '../next-server/lib/constants' export type RouteHas = | { type: 'header' | 'query' | 'cookie' key: string value?: string } | { type: 'host' key?: undefined value: string } export type Rewrite = { source: string destination: string basePath?: false locale?: false has?: RouteHas[] } export type Header = { source: string basePath?: false locale?: false headers: Array<{ key: string; value: string }> has?: RouteHas[] } // internal type used for validation (not user facing) export type Redirect = { source: string destination: string basePath?: false locale?: false has?: RouteHas[] statusCode?: number permanent?: boolean } export const allowedStatusCodes = new Set([301, 302, 303, 307, 308]) const allowedHasTypes = new Set(['header', 'cookie', 'query', 'host']) const namedGroupsRegex = /\(\?<([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)>/g export function getRedirectStatus(route: { statusCode?: number permanent?: boolean }): number { return ( route.statusCode || (route.permanent ? PERMANENT_REDIRECT_STATUS : TEMPORARY_REDIRECT_STATUS) ) } export function normalizeRouteRegex(regex: string) { // clean up un-necessary escaping from regex.source which turns / into \\/ return regex.replace(/\\\//g, '/') } function checkRedirect( route: Redirect ): { invalidParts: string[]; hadInvalidStatus: boolean } { const invalidParts: string[] = [] let hadInvalidStatus: boolean = false if (route.statusCode && !allowedStatusCodes.has(route.statusCode)) { hadInvalidStatus = true invalidParts.push(`\`statusCode\` is not undefined or valid statusCode`) } if (typeof route.permanent !== 'boolean' && !route.statusCode) { invalidParts.push(`\`permanent\` is not set to \`true\` or \`false\``) } return { invalidParts, hadInvalidStatus, } } function checkHeader(route: Header): string[] { const invalidParts: string[] = [] if (!Array.isArray(route.headers)) { invalidParts.push('`headers` field must be an array') } else { for (const header of route.headers) { if (!header || typeof header !== 'object') { invalidParts.push( "`headers` items must be object with { key: '', value: '' }" ) break } if (typeof header.key !== 'string') { invalidParts.push('`key` in header item must be string') break } if (typeof header.value !== 'string') { invalidParts.push('`value` in header item must be string') break } } } return invalidParts } type ParseAttemptResult = { error?: boolean tokens?: pathToRegexp.Token[] } function tryParsePath(route: string, handleUrl?: boolean): ParseAttemptResult { const result: ParseAttemptResult = {} let routePath = route try { if (handleUrl) { const parsedDestination = parseUrl(route, true) routePath = `${parsedDestination.pathname!}${ parsedDestination.hash || '' }` } // Make sure we can parse the source properly result.tokens = pathToRegexp.parse(routePath) pathToRegexp.tokensToRegexp(result.tokens) } catch (err) { // If there is an error show our error link but still show original error or a formatted one if we can const errMatches = err.message.match(/at (\d{0,})/) if (errMatches) { const position = parseInt(errMatches[1], 10) console.error( `\nError parsing \`${route}\` ` + `\n` + `Reason: ${err.message}\n\n` + ` ${routePath}\n` + ` ${new Array(position).fill(' ').join('')}^\n` ) } else { console.error( `\nError parsing ${route}`, err ) } result.error = true } return result } export type RouteType = 'rewrite' | 'redirect' | 'header' function checkCustomRoutes( routes: Redirect[] | Header[] | Rewrite[], type: RouteType ): void { if (!Array.isArray(routes)) { console.error( `Error: ${type}s must return an array, received ${typeof routes}.\n` + `See here for more info:` ) process.exit(1) } let numInvalidRoutes = 0 let hadInvalidStatus = false let hadInvalidHas = false const allowedKeys = new Set(['source', 'basePath', 'locale', 'has']) if (type === 'rewrite') { allowedKeys.add('destination') } if (type === 'redirect') { allowedKeys.add('statusCode') allowedKeys.add('permanent') allowedKeys.add('destination') } if (type === 'header') { allowedKeys.add('headers') } for (const route of routes) { if (!route || typeof route !== 'object') { console.error( `The route ${JSON.stringify( route )} is not a valid object with \`source\` and \`${ type === 'header' ? 'headers' : 'destination' }\`` ) numInvalidRoutes++ continue } if ( type === 'rewrite' && (route as Rewrite).basePath === false && !( (route as Rewrite).destination.startsWith('http://') || (route as Rewrite).destination.startsWith('https://') ) ) { console.error( `The route ${ (route as Rewrite).source } rewrites urls outside of the basePath. Please use a destination that starts with \`http://\` or \`https://\`` ) numInvalidRoutes++ continue } const keys = Object.keys(route) const invalidKeys = keys.filter((key) => !allowedKeys.has(key)) const invalidParts: string[] = [] if (typeof route.basePath !== 'undefined' && route.basePath !== false) { invalidParts.push('`basePath` must be undefined or false') } if (typeof route.locale !== 'undefined' && route.locale !== false) { invalidParts.push('`locale` must be undefined or false') } if (typeof route.has !== 'undefined' && !Array.isArray(route.has)) { invalidParts.push('`has` must be undefined or valid has object') hadInvalidHas = true } else if (route.has) { const invalidHasItems = [] for (const hasItem of route.has) { let invalidHasParts = [] if (!allowedHasTypes.has(hasItem.type)) { invalidHasParts.push(`invalid type "${hasItem.type}"`) } if (typeof hasItem.key !== 'string' && hasItem.type !== 'host') { invalidHasParts.push(`invalid key "${hasItem.key}"`) } if ( typeof hasItem.value !== 'undefined' && typeof hasItem.value !== 'string' ) { invalidHasParts.push(`invalid value "${hasItem.value}"`) } if (typeof hasItem.value === 'undefined' && hasItem.type === 'host') { invalidHasParts.push(`value is required for "host" type`) } if (invalidHasParts.length > 0) { invalidHasItems.push( `${invalidHasParts.join(', ')} for ${JSON.stringify(hasItem)}` ) } } if (invalidHasItems.length > 0) { hadInvalidHas = true const itemStr = `item${invalidHasItems.length === 1 ? '' : 's'}` console.error( `Invalid \`has\` ${itemStr}:\n` + invalidHasItems.join('\n') ) console.error() invalidParts.push(`invalid \`has\` ${itemStr} found`) } } if (!route.source) { invalidParts.push('`source` is missing') } else if (typeof route.source !== 'string') { invalidParts.push('`source` is not a string') } else if (!route.source.startsWith('/')) { invalidParts.push('`source` does not start with /') } if (type === 'header') { invalidParts.push(...checkHeader(route as Header)) } else { let _route = route as Rewrite | Redirect if (!_route.destination) { invalidParts.push('`destination` is missing') } else if (typeof _route.destination !== 'string') { invalidParts.push('`destination` is not a string') } else if ( type === 'rewrite' && !_route.destination.match(/^(\/|https:\/\/|http:\/\/)/) ) { invalidParts.push( '`destination` does not start with `/`, `http://`, or `https://`' ) } } if (type === 'redirect') { const result = checkRedirect(route as Redirect) hadInvalidStatus = hadInvalidStatus || result.hadInvalidStatus invalidParts.push(...result.invalidParts) } let sourceTokens: pathToRegexp.Token[] | undefined if (typeof route.source === 'string' && route.source.startsWith('/')) { // only show parse error if we didn't already show error // for not being a string const { tokens, error } = tryParsePath(route.source) if (error) { invalidParts.push('`source` parse failed') } sourceTokens = tokens } const hasSegments = new Set() if (route.has) { for (const hasItem of route.has) { if (!hasItem.value && hasItem.key) { hasSegments.add(hasItem.key) } if (hasItem.value) { for (const match of hasItem.value.matchAll(namedGroupsRegex)) { if (match[1]) { hasSegments.add(match[1]) } } if (hasItem.type === 'host') { hasSegments.add('host') } } } } // make sure no unnamed patterns are attempted to be used in the // destination as this can cause confusion and is not allowed if (typeof (route as Rewrite).destination === 'string') { if ( (route as Rewrite).destination.startsWith('/') && Array.isArray(sourceTokens) ) { const unnamedInDest = new Set() for (const token of sourceTokens) { if (typeof token === 'object' && typeof === 'number') { const unnamedIndex = new RegExp(`:${}(?!\\d)`) if ((route as Rewrite).destination.match(unnamedIndex)) { unnamedInDest.add(`:${}`) } } } if (unnamedInDest.size > 0) { invalidParts.push( `\`destination\` has unnamed params ${[...unnamedInDest].join( ', ' )}` ) } else { const { tokens: destTokens, error: destinationParseFailed, } = tryParsePath((route as Rewrite).destination, true) if (destinationParseFailed) { invalidParts.push('`destination` parse failed') } else { const sourceSegments = new Set( sourceTokens .map((item) => typeof item === 'object' && .filter(Boolean) ) const invalidDestSegments = new Set() for (const token of destTokens!) { if ( typeof token === 'object' && !sourceSegments.has( && !hasSegments.has( as string) ) { invalidDestSegments.add( } } if (invalidDestSegments.size) { invalidParts.push( `\`destination\` has segments not in \`source\` or \`has\` (${[ ...invalidDestSegments, ].join(', ')})` ) } } } } } const hasInvalidKeys = invalidKeys.length > 0 const hasInvalidParts = invalidParts.length > 0 if (hasInvalidKeys || hasInvalidParts) { console.error( `${invalidParts.join(', ')}${ invalidKeys.length ? (hasInvalidParts ? ',' : '') + ` invalid field${invalidKeys.length === 1 ? '' : 's'}: ` + invalidKeys.join(',') : '' } for route ${JSON.stringify(route)}` ) console.error() numInvalidRoutes++ } } if (numInvalidRoutes > 0) { if (hadInvalidStatus) { console.error( `\nValid redirect statusCode values are ${[...allowedStatusCodes].join( ', ' )}` ) } if (hadInvalidHas) { console.error( `\nValid \`has\` object shape is ${JSON.stringify( { type: [...allowedHasTypes].join(', '), key: 'the key to check for', value: 'undefined or a value string to match against', }, null, 2 )}` ) } console.error() console.error( `Error: Invalid ${type}${numInvalidRoutes === 1 ? '' : 's'} found` ) process.exit(1) } } export interface CustomRoutes { headers: Header[] rewrites: { fallback: Rewrite[] afterFiles: Rewrite[] beforeFiles: Rewrite[] } redirects: Redirect[] } function processRoutes( routes: T, config: NextConfig, type: 'redirect' | 'rewrite' | 'header' ): T { const _routes = (routes as any) as Array<{ source: string locale?: false basePath?: false destination?: string }> const newRoutes: typeof _routes = [] const defaultLocales: Array<{ locale: string base: string }> = [] if (config.i18n && type === 'redirect') { for (const item of config.i18n?.domains || []) { defaultLocales.push({ locale: item.defaultLocale, base: `http${item.http ? '' : 's'}://${item.domain}`, }) } defaultLocales.push({ locale: config.i18n.defaultLocale, base: '', }) } for (const r of _routes) { const srcBasePath = config.basePath && r.basePath !== false ? config.basePath : '' const isExternal = !r.destination?.startsWith('/') const destBasePath = srcBasePath && !isExternal ? srcBasePath : '' if (config.i18n && r.locale !== false) { defaultLocales.forEach((item) => { let destination if (r.destination) { destination = item.base ? `${item.base}${destBasePath}${r.destination}` : `${destBasePath}${r.destination}` } newRoutes.push({ ...r, destination, source: `${srcBasePath}/${item.locale}${r.source}`, }) }) r.source = `/:nextInternalLocale(${config.i18n.locales .map((locale: string) => escapeStringRegexp(locale)) .join('|')})${ r.source === '/' && !config.trailingSlash ? '' : r.source }` if (r.destination && r.destination?.startsWith('/')) { r.destination = `/:nextInternalLocale${ r.destination === '/' && !config.trailingSlash ? '' : r.destination }` } } r.source = `${srcBasePath}${r.source}` if (r.destination) { r.destination = `${destBasePath}${r.destination}` } newRoutes.push(r) } return (newRoutes as any) as T } async function loadRedirects(config: NextConfig) { if (typeof config.redirects !== 'function') { return [] } let redirects = await config.redirects() checkCustomRoutes(redirects, 'redirect') return processRoutes(redirects, config, 'redirect') } async function loadRewrites(config: NextConfig) { if (typeof config.rewrites !== 'function') { return { beforeFiles: [], afterFiles: [], fallback: [], } } const _rewrites = await config.rewrites() let beforeFiles: Rewrite[] = [] let afterFiles: Rewrite[] = [] let fallback: Rewrite[] = [] if ( !Array.isArray(_rewrites) && typeof _rewrites === 'object' && Object.keys(_rewrites).every( (key) => key === 'beforeFiles' || key === 'afterFiles' || key === 'fallback' ) ) { beforeFiles = _rewrites.beforeFiles || [] afterFiles = _rewrites.afterFiles || [] fallback = _rewrites.fallback || [] } else { afterFiles = _rewrites as any } checkCustomRoutes(beforeFiles, 'rewrite') checkCustomRoutes(afterFiles, 'rewrite') checkCustomRoutes(fallback, 'rewrite') return { beforeFiles: processRoutes(beforeFiles, config, 'rewrite'), afterFiles: processRoutes(afterFiles, config, 'rewrite'), fallback: processRoutes(fallback, config, 'rewrite'), } } async function loadHeaders(config: NextConfig) { if (typeof config.headers !== 'function') { return [] } let headers = await config.headers() checkCustomRoutes(headers, 'header') return processRoutes(headers, config, 'header') } export default async function loadCustomRoutes( config: NextConfig ): Promise { const [headers, rewrites, redirects] = await Promise.all([ loadHeaders(config), loadRewrites(config), loadRedirects(config), ]) if (config.trailingSlash) { redirects.unshift( { source: '/:file((?!\\.well-known(?:/.*)?)(?:[^/]+/)*[^/]+\\.\\w+)/', destination: '/:file', permanent: true, locale: config.i18n ? false : undefined, internal: true, } as Redirect, { source: '/:notfile((?!\\.well-known(?:/.*)?)(?:[^/]+/)*[^/\\.]+)', destination: '/:notfile/', permanent: true, locale: config.i18n ? false : undefined, internal: true, } as Redirect ) if (config.basePath) { redirects.unshift({ source: config.basePath, destination: config.basePath + '/', permanent: true, basePath: false, locale: config.i18n ? false : undefined, internal: true, } as Redirect) } } else { redirects.unshift({ source: '/:path+/', destination: '/:path+', permanent: true, locale: config.i18n ? false : undefined, internal: true, } as Redirect) if (config.basePath) { redirects.unshift({ source: config.basePath + '/', destination: config.basePath, permanent: true, basePath: false, locale: config.i18n ? false : undefined, internal: true, } as Redirect) } } return { headers, rewrites, redirects, } }