const nextDistPath = /(next[\\/]dist[\\/]shared[\\/]lib)|(next[\\/]dist[\\/]client)|(next[\\/]dist[\\/]pages)/ function getBaseSWCOptions({ filename, development, hasReactRefresh, globalWindow, styledComponents, paths, baseUrl, }) { const isTSFile = filename.endsWith('.ts') const isTypeScript = isTSFile || filename.endsWith('.tsx') return { jsc: { ...(baseUrl && paths ? { baseUrl, paths, } : {}), parser: { syntax: isTypeScript ? 'typescript' : 'ecmascript', dynamicImport: true, // Exclude regular TypeScript files from React transformation to prevent e.g. generic parameters and angle-bracket type assertion from being interpreted as JSX tags. [isTypeScript ? 'tsx' : 'jsx']: isTSFile ? false : true, }, transform: { react: { runtime: 'automatic', pragma: 'React.createElement', pragmaFrag: 'React.Fragment', throwIfNamespace: true, development: development, useBuiltins: true, refresh: hasReactRefresh, }, optimizer: { simplify: false, globals: { typeofs: { window: globalWindow ? 'object' : 'undefined', }, }, }, regenerator: { importPath: require.resolve('regenerator-runtime'), }, }, }, styledComponents: styledComponents ? { displayName: Boolean(development), } : null, } } export function getJestSWCOptions({ isServer, filename, esm, styledComponents, paths, baseUrl, }) { let baseOptions = getBaseSWCOptions({ filename, development: false, hasReactRefresh: false, globalWindow: !isServer, styledComponents, paths, baseUrl, }) const isNextDist = nextDistPath.test(filename) return { ...baseOptions, env: { targets: { // Targets the current version of Node.js node: process.versions.node, }, }, module: { type: esm && !isNextDist ? 'es6' : 'commonjs', }, disableNextSsg: true, disablePageConfig: true, } } export function getLoaderSWCOptions({ filename, development, isServer, pagesDir, isPageFile, hasReactRefresh, styledComponents, }) { let baseOptions = getBaseSWCOptions({ filename, development, globalWindow: !isServer, hasReactRefresh, styledComponents, }) const isNextDist = nextDistPath.test(filename) if (isServer) { return { ...baseOptions, // Disables getStaticProps/getServerSideProps tree shaking on the server compilation for pages disableNextSsg: true, disablePageConfig: true, isDevelopment: development, pagesDir, isPageFile, env: { targets: { // Targets the current version of Node.js node: process.versions.node, }, }, } } else { // Matches default @babel/preset-env behavior = 'es5' return { ...baseOptions, // Ensure Next.js internals are output as commonjs modules ...(isNextDist ? { module: { type: 'commonjs', }, } : {}), disableNextSsg: !isPageFile, isDevelopment: development, pagesDir, isPageFile, } } }