import type { IncomingHttpHeaders, IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http' import type { LoadComponentsReturnType } from './load-components' import type { ServerRuntime } from './config-shared' import React from 'react' import { ParsedUrlQuery, stringify as stringifyQuery } from 'querystring' import { createFromReadableStream } from 'next/dist/compiled/react-server-dom-webpack' import { renderToReadableStream } from 'next/dist/compiled/react-server-dom-webpack/writer.browser.server' import { StyleRegistry, createStyleRegistry } from 'styled-jsx' import { NextParsedUrlQuery } from './request-meta' import RenderResult from './render-result' import { readableStreamTee, encodeText, decodeText, renderToInitialStream, createBufferedTransformStream, continueFromInitialStream, } from './node-web-streams-helper' import { isDynamicRoute } from '../shared/lib/router/utils' import { tryGetPreviewData } from './api-utils/node' import { htmlEscapeJsonString } from './htmlescape' import { shouldUseReactRoot, stripInternalQueries } from './utils' import { NextApiRequestCookies } from './api-utils' import { matchSegment } from '../client/components/match-segments' // this needs to be required lazily so that `next-server` can set // the env before we require const ReactDOMServer = shouldUseReactRoot ? require('react-dom/server.browser') : require('react-dom/server') export type RenderOptsPartial = { err?: Error | null dev?: boolean serverComponentManifest?: any supportsDynamicHTML?: boolean runtime?: ServerRuntime serverComponents?: boolean } export type RenderOpts = LoadComponentsReturnType & RenderOptsPartial function interopDefault(mod: any) { return mod.default || mod } const rscCache = new Map() // Shadowing check does not work with TypeScript enums // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow const enum RecordStatus { Pending, Resolved, Rejected, } type Record = { status: RecordStatus value: any } function createRecordFromThenable(thenable: Promise) { const record: Record = { status: RecordStatus.Pending, value: thenable, } thenable.then( function (value) { if (record.status === RecordStatus.Pending) { const resolvedRecord = record resolvedRecord.status = RecordStatus.Resolved resolvedRecord.value = value } }, function (err) { if (record.status === RecordStatus.Pending) { const rejectedRecord = record rejectedRecord.status = RecordStatus.Rejected rejectedRecord.value = err } } ) return record } function readRecordValue(record: Record) { if (record.status === RecordStatus.Resolved) { return record.value } else { throw record.value } } function preloadDataFetchingRecord( map: Map, key: string, fetcher: () => Promise | any ) { let record = map.get(key) if (!record) { const thenable = fetcher() record = createRecordFromThenable(thenable) map.set(key, record) } return record } function useFlightResponse( writable: WritableStream, cachePrefix: string, req: ReadableStream, serverComponentManifest: any ) { const id = cachePrefix + ',' + (React as any).useId() let entry = rscCache.get(id) if (!entry) { const [renderStream, forwardStream] = readableStreamTee(req) entry = createFromReadableStream(renderStream, { moduleMap: serverComponentManifest.__ssr_module_mapping__, }) rscCache.set(id, entry) let bootstrapped = false let remainingFlightResponse = '' const forwardReader = forwardStream.getReader() const writer = writable.getWriter() function process() {{ done, value }) => { if (!bootstrapped) { bootstrapped = true writer.write( encodeText( `` ) ) } if (done) { rscCache.delete(id) writer.close() } else { const responsePartial = decodeText(value) const css = responsePartial .split('\n') .map((partialLine) => { const line = remainingFlightResponse + partialLine remainingFlightResponse = '' try { const match = line.match(/^M\d+:(.+)/) if (match) { return JSON.parse(match[1]) .chunks.filter((chunkId: string) => chunkId.endsWith('.css') ) .map( (file: string) => `` ) .join('') } return '' } catch (err) { // The JSON is partial remainingFlightResponse = line return '' } }) .join('') writer.write( encodeText( css + `` ) ) process() } }) } process() } return entry } // Create the wrapper component for a Flight stream. function createServerComponentRenderer( ComponentToRender: React.ComponentType, ComponentMod: any, { cachePrefix, transformStream, serverComponentManifest, serverContexts, }: { cachePrefix: string transformStream: TransformStream serverComponentManifest: NonNullable serverContexts: Array<[ServerContextName: string, JSONValue: any]> } ) { // We need to expose the `__webpack_require__` API globally for // react-server-dom-webpack. This is a hack until we find a better way. if (ComponentMod.__next_app_webpack_require__ || ComponentMod.__next_rsc__) { // @ts-ignore globalThis.__next_require__ = ComponentMod.__next_app_webpack_require__ || ComponentMod.__next_rsc__.__webpack_require__ // @ts-ignore globalThis.__next_chunk_load__ = () => Promise.resolve() } let RSCStream: ReadableStream const createRSCStream = () => { if (!RSCStream) { RSCStream = renderToReadableStream( , serverComponentManifest, { context: serverContexts, } ) } return RSCStream } const writable = transformStream.writable const ServerComponentWrapper = () => { const reqStream = createRSCStream() const response = useFlightResponse( writable, cachePrefix, reqStream, serverComponentManifest ) const root = response.readRoot() return root } return ServerComponentWrapper } export type Segment = string | [param: string, value: string] type LoaderTree = [ segment: string, parallelRoutes: { [parallelRouterKey: string]: LoaderTree }, components: { layout?: () => any loading?: () => any page?: () => any } ] export type FlightRouterState = [ segment: Segment, parallelRoutes: { [parallelRouterKey: string]: FlightRouterState }, url?: string, refresh?: 'refetch' ] export type FlightSegmentPath = | any[] // Looks somewhat like this | [ segment: Segment, parallelRouterKey: string, segment: Segment, parallelRouterKey: string, segment: Segment, parallelRouterKey: string ] export type FlightDataPath = | any[] // Looks somewhat like this | [ segment: Segment, parallelRoute: string, segment: Segment, parallelRoute: string, segment: Segment, parallelRoute: string, tree: FlightRouterState, subTreeData: React.ReactNode ] export type FlightData = Array | string export type ChildProp = { current: React.ReactNode segment: Segment } function getSegmentParam(segment: string): { param: string type: 'catchall' | 'optional-catchall' | 'dynamic' } | null { if (segment.startsWith('[[...') && segment.endsWith(']]')) { return { type: 'optional-catchall', param: segment.slice(5, -2), } } if (segment.startsWith('[...') && segment.endsWith(']')) { return { type: 'catchall', param: segment.slice(4, -1), } } if (segment.startsWith('[') && segment.endsWith(']')) { return { type: 'dynamic', param: segment.slice(1, -1), } } return null } export async function renderToHTML( req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, pathname: string, query: NextParsedUrlQuery, renderOpts: RenderOpts, isPagesDir: boolean ): Promise { // don't modify original query object query = Object.assign({}, query) const { buildManifest, serverComponentManifest, supportsDynamicHTML, runtime, ComponentMod, } = renderOpts const isFlight = query.__flight__ !== undefined if (isFlight && isPagesDir) { stripInternalQueries(query) const search = stringifyQuery(query) // Empty so that the client-side router will do a full page navigation. const flightData: FlightData = pathname + (search ? `?${search}` : '') return new RenderResult( renderToReadableStream(flightData, serverComponentManifest).pipeThrough( createBufferedTransformStream() ) ) } // TODO: verify the tree is valid // TODO: verify query param is single value (not an array) // TODO: verify tree can't grow out of control const providedFlightRouterState: FlightRouterState = isFlight ? query.__flight_router_state_tree__ ? JSON.parse(query.__flight_router_state_tree__ as string) : {} : undefined stripInternalQueries(query) const hasConcurrentFeatures = !!runtime const pageIsDynamic = isDynamicRoute(pathname) const LayoutRouter = ComponentMod.LayoutRouter as typeof import('../client/components/layout-router.client').default const headers = req.headers // @ts-expect-error TODO: fix type of req const cookies = req.cookies const tree: LoaderTree = ComponentMod.tree // Reads of this are cached on the `req` object, so this should resolve // instantly. There's no need to pass this data down from a previous // invoke, where we'd have to consider server & serverless. const previewData = tryGetPreviewData( req, res, (renderOpts as any).previewProps ) const isPreview = previewData !== false const serverContexts: Array<[string, any]> = [ ['WORKAROUND', null], // TODO: First value has a bug currently where the value is not set on the second request ['HeadersContext', headers], ['CookiesContext', cookies], ['PreviewDataContext', previewData], ] const dataCache = new Map() type CreateSegmentPath = (child: FlightSegmentPath) => FlightSegmentPath const pathParams = (renderOpts as any).params as ParsedUrlQuery const getDynamicParamFromSegment = ( // [id] or [slug] segment: string ): { param: string value: string | string[] | null treeValue: string } | null => { // TODO: use correct matching for dynamic routes to get segment param const segmentParam = getSegmentParam(segment) if (!segmentParam) { return null } const key = segmentParam.param if (!pathParams[key] && !query[key]) { if (segmentParam.type === 'optional-catchall') { return { param: key, value: null, treeValue: '', } } return null } // TODO: this should only read from `pathParams`. There's an inconsistency where `query` holds params currently which has to be fixed. const value = pathParams[key] ?? query[key] return { param: key, value: value, treeValue: Array.isArray(value) ? value.join('/') : value, } } const createFlightRouterStateFromLoaderTree = ([ segment, parallelRoutes, ]: LoaderTree): FlightRouterState => { const dynamicParam = getDynamicParamFromSegment(segment) const segmentTree: FlightRouterState = [ dynamicParam ? [dynamicParam.param, dynamicParam.treeValue] : segment, {}, ] if (parallelRoutes) { segmentTree[1] = Object.keys(parallelRoutes).reduce( (existingValue, currentValue) => { existingValue[currentValue] = createFlightRouterStateFromLoaderTree( parallelRoutes[currentValue] ) return existingValue }, {} as FlightRouterState[1] ) } return segmentTree } const createComponentTree = ({ createSegmentPath, tree: [segment, parallelRoutes, { layout, loading, page }], parentParams, firstItem, }: { createSegmentPath: CreateSegmentPath tree: LoaderTree parentParams: { [key: string]: any } firstItem?: boolean }): { Component: React.ComponentType } => { const Loading = loading ? interopDefault(loading()) : undefined const layoutOrPageMod = layout ? layout() : page ? page() : undefined // TODO: improve detection const isPage = !firstItem && segment === '' const isClientComponentModule = layoutOrPageMod && !layoutOrPageMod.hasOwnProperty('__next_rsc__') // Only server components can have getServerSideProps / getStaticProps // TODO: friendly error with correct stacktrace. Potentially this can be part of the compiler instead. if (isClientComponentModule) { if (layoutOrPageMod.getServerSideProps) { throw new Error( 'getServerSideProps is not supported on Client Components' ) } if (layoutOrPageMod.getStaticProps) { throw new Error('getStaticProps is not supported on Client Components') } } const Component = layoutOrPageMod ? interopDefault(layoutOrPageMod) : undefined const segmentParam = getDynamicParamFromSegment(segment) const currentParams = // Handle null case where dynamic param is optional segmentParam && segmentParam.value !== null ? { ...parentParams, [segmentParam.param]: segmentParam.value, } : parentParams const actualSegment = segmentParam ? [segmentParam.param, segmentParam.treeValue] : segment // This happens outside of rendering in order to eagerly kick off data fetching for layouts / the page further down const parallelRouteComponents = Object.keys(parallelRoutes).reduce( (list, currentValue) => { const currentSegmentPath = firstItem ? [currentValue] : [actualSegment, currentValue] const { Component: ChildComponent } = createComponentTree({ createSegmentPath: (child) => { return createSegmentPath([...currentSegmentPath, ...child]) }, tree: parallelRoutes[currentValue], parentParams: currentParams, }) const childSegmentParam = getDynamicParamFromSegment( parallelRoutes[currentValue][0] ) const childProp: ChildProp = { current: , segment: childSegmentParam ? [childSegmentParam.param, childSegmentParam.treeValue] : parallelRoutes[currentValue][0], } list[currentValue] = ( : undefined} childProp={childProp} /> ) return list }, {} as { [key: string]: React.ReactNode } ) // When the segment does not have a layout/page we still have to add the layout router to ensure the path holds the loading component if (!Component) { return { Component: () => <>{parallelRouteComponents.children}, } } const segmentPath = createSegmentPath([actualSegment]) const dataCacheKey = JSON.stringify(segmentPath) let fetcher: (() => Promise) | null = null type GetServerSidePropsContext = { // TODO: has to be serializable headers: IncomingHttpHeaders cookies: NextApiRequestCookies layoutSegments: FlightSegmentPath params?: { [key: string]: string | string[] } preview?: boolean previewData?: string | object | undefined } type getServerSidePropsContextPage = GetServerSidePropsContext & { query: URLSearchParams pathname: string } // TODO: pass a shared cache from previous getStaticProps/getServerSideProps calls? if (layoutOrPageMod.getServerSideProps) { // TODO: recommendation for i18n // locales: (renderOpts as any).locales, // always the same // locale: (renderOpts as any).locale, // /nl/something -> nl // defaultLocale: (renderOpts as any).defaultLocale, // changes based on domain const getServerSidePropsContext: | GetServerSidePropsContext | getServerSidePropsContextPage = { headers, cookies, layoutSegments: segmentPath, // TODO: Currently query holds params and pathname is not the actual pathname, it holds the dynamic parameter ...(isPage ? { query, pathname } : {}), ...(pageIsDynamic ? { params: currentParams } : undefined), ...(isPreview ? { preview: true, previewData: previewData } : undefined), } fetcher = () => Promise.resolve( layoutOrPageMod.getServerSideProps(getServerSidePropsContext) ) } // TODO: implement layout specific caching for getStaticProps if (layoutOrPageMod.getStaticProps) { const getStaticPropsContext = { layoutSegments: segmentPath, // TODO: change this to be URLSearchParams instead? ...(isPage ? { pathname } : {}), ...(pageIsDynamic ? { params: currentParams } : undefined), ...(isPreview ? { preview: true, previewData: previewData } : undefined), } fetcher = () => Promise.resolve(layoutOrPageMod.getStaticProps(getStaticPropsContext)) } if (fetcher) { // Kick off data fetching before rendering, this ensures there is no waterfall for layouts as // all data fetching required to render the page is kicked off simultaneously preloadDataFetchingRecord(dataCache, dataCacheKey, fetcher) } return { Component: () => { let props if (fetcher) { // The data fetching was kicked off before rendering (see above) // if the data was not resolved yet the layout rendering will be suspended const record = preloadDataFetchingRecord( dataCache, dataCacheKey, fetcher ) // Result of calling getStaticProps or getServerSideProps. If promise is not resolve yet it will suspend. const recordValue = readRecordValue(record) if (props) { props = Object.assign({}, props, recordValue.props) } else { props = recordValue.props } } return ( ) }, } } if (isFlight) { // TODO: throw on invalid flightRouterState const walkTreeWithFlightRouterState = ( treeToFilter: LoaderTree, parentParams: { [key: string]: string | string[] }, flightRouterState?: FlightRouterState, parentRendered?: boolean ): FlightDataPath => { const [segment, parallelRoutes] = treeToFilter const parallelRoutesKeys = Object.keys(parallelRoutes) const segmentParam = getDynamicParamFromSegment(segment) const currentParams = // Handle null case where dynamic param is optional segmentParam && segmentParam.value !== null ? { ...parentParams, [segmentParam.param]: segmentParam.value, } : parentParams const actualSegment: Segment = segmentParam ? [segmentParam.param, segmentParam.treeValue] : segment const renderComponentsOnThisLevel = !flightRouterState || !matchSegment(actualSegment, flightRouterState[0]) || // Last item in the tree parallelRoutesKeys.length === 0 || // Explicit refresh flightRouterState[3] === 'refetch' if (!parentRendered && renderComponentsOnThisLevel) { return [ actualSegment, createFlightRouterStateFromLoaderTree(treeToFilter), React.createElement( createComponentTree( // This ensures flightRouterPath is valid and filters down the tree { createSegmentPath: (child) => child, tree: treeToFilter, parentParams: currentParams, firstItem: true, } ).Component ), ] } for (const parallelRouteKey of parallelRoutesKeys) { const parallelRoute = parallelRoutes[parallelRouteKey] const path = walkTreeWithFlightRouterState( parallelRoute, currentParams, flightRouterState && flightRouterState[1][parallelRouteKey], parentRendered || renderComponentsOnThisLevel ) if (typeof path[path.length - 1] !== 'string') { return [actualSegment, parallelRouteKey, ...path] } } return [actualSegment] } const flightData: FlightData = [ // TODO: change walk to output without '' walkTreeWithFlightRouterState(tree, {}, providedFlightRouterState).slice( 1 ), ] return new RenderResult( renderToReadableStream(flightData, serverComponentManifest).pipeThrough( createBufferedTransformStream() ) ) } const search = stringifyQuery(query) // TODO: validate req.url as it gets passed to render. const initialCanonicalUrl = req.url // TODO: change tree to accommodate this // /blog/[...slug]/page.js -> /blog/hello-world/b/c/d -> ['children', 'blog', 'children', ['slug', 'hello-world/b/c/d']] // /blog/[slug] /blog/hello-world -> ['children', 'blog', 'children', ['slug', 'hello-world']] const initialTree = createFlightRouterStateFromLoaderTree(tree) const { Component: ComponentTree } = createComponentTree({ createSegmentPath: (child) => child, tree, parentParams: {}, firstItem: true, }) const AppRouter = ComponentMod.AppRouter const { QueryContext, PathnameContext, // ParamsContext, // LayoutSegmentsContext, } = ComponentMod.hooksClientContext as typeof import('../client/components/hooks-client-context') const WrappedComponentTreeWithRouter = () => { return ( {/* */} {/* */} ) } const bootstrapScripts = (src) => '/_next/' + src ) let serverComponentsInlinedTransformStream: TransformStream< Uint8Array, Uint8Array > | null = null serverComponentsInlinedTransformStream = new TransformStream() const Component = createServerComponentRenderer( WrappedComponentTreeWithRouter, ComponentMod, { cachePrefix: pathname + (search ? `?${search}` : ''), transformStream: serverComponentsInlinedTransformStream, serverComponentManifest, serverContexts, } ) const jsxStyleRegistry = createStyleRegistry() const styledJsxFlushEffect = () => { const styles = jsxStyleRegistry.styles() jsxStyleRegistry.flush() return <>{styles} } const AppContainer = ({ children }: { children: JSX.Element }) => ( {children} ) /** * Rules of Static & Dynamic HTML: * * 1.) We must generate static HTML unless the caller explicitly opts * in to dynamic HTML support. * * 2.) If dynamic HTML support is requested, we must honor that request * or throw an error. It is the sole responsibility of the caller to * ensure they aren't e.g. requesting dynamic HTML for an AMP page. * * These rules help ensure that other existing features like request caching, * coalescing, and ISR continue working as intended. */ const generateStaticHTML = supportsDynamicHTML !== true const bodyResult = async () => { const content = ( ) const renderStream = await renderToInitialStream({ ReactDOMServer, element: content, streamOptions: { bootstrapScripts, }, }) const flushEffectHandler = (): string => { const flushed = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(styledJsxFlushEffect()) return flushed } return await continueFromInitialStream(renderStream, { suffix: '', dataStream: serverComponentsInlinedTransformStream?.readable, generateStaticHTML: generateStaticHTML || !hasConcurrentFeatures, flushEffectHandler, }) } return new RenderResult(await bodyResult()) }