--- title: No Script in Document --- > Prevent usage of `next/script` in `pages/_document.js`. > ⚠️ This error is not relevant in Next.js versions 12.1.6 or later. Please refer to the updated [error message](/docs/messages/no-before-interactive-script-outside-document). ## Why This Error Occurred You should not use the `next/script` component in `pages/_document.js` in Next.js versions prior to 12.1.6. That's because the `pages/_document.js` page only runs on the server and `next/script` has client-side functionality to ensure loading order. ## Possible Ways to Fix It If you want a global script, use `next/script` in `pages/_app.js` instead. ```jsx filename="pages/_app.js" import Script from 'next/script' function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) { return ( <>