import React, { useEffect, useContext } from 'react' import { ScriptHTMLAttributes } from 'react' import { HeadManagerContext } from '../next-server/lib/head-manager-context' import { DOMAttributeNames } from './head-manager' import requestIdleCallback from './request-idle-callback' const ScriptCache = new Map() const LoadCache = new Set() interface Props extends ScriptHTMLAttributes { strategy?: 'defer' | 'lazy' | 'dangerouslyBlockRendering' | 'eager' id?: string onLoad?: () => void onError?: () => void children?: React.ReactNode preload?: boolean } const loadScript = (props: Props) => { const { src = '', onLoad = () => {}, dangerouslySetInnerHTML, children = '', id, onError, } = props const cacheKey = id || src if (ScriptCache.has(src)) { if (!LoadCache.has(cacheKey)) { LoadCache.add(cacheKey) // Execute onLoad since the script loading has begun ScriptCache.get(src).then(onLoad, onError) } return } const el = document.createElement('script') const loadPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { el.addEventListener('load', function () { resolve() if (onLoad) { } }) el.addEventListener('error', function () { reject() if (onError) { onError() } }) }) if (src) { ScriptCache.set(src, loadPromise) LoadCache.add(cacheKey) } if (dangerouslySetInnerHTML) { el.innerHTML = dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html || '' } else if (children) { el.textContent = typeof children === 'string' ? children : Array.isArray(children) ? children.join('') : '' } else if (src) { el.src = src } for (const [k, value] of Object.entries(props)) { if (value === undefined) { continue } const attr = DOMAttributeNames[k] || k.toLowerCase() el.setAttribute(attr, value) } document.body.appendChild(el) } export default function Script(props: Props) { const { src = '', onLoad = () => {}, dangerouslySetInnerHTML, children = '', strategy = 'defer', onError, preload = false, ...restProps } = props // Context is available only during SSR const { updateScripts, scripts } = useContext(HeadManagerContext) useEffect(() => { if (strategy === 'defer') { loadScript(props) } else if (strategy === 'lazy') { window.addEventListener('load', () => { requestIdleCallback(() => loadScript(props)) }) } }, [strategy, props]) if (strategy === 'dangerouslyBlockRendering') { const syncProps: Props = { ...restProps } for (const [k, value] of Object.entries({ src, onLoad, onError, dangerouslySetInnerHTML, children, })) { if (!value) { continue } if (k === 'children') { syncProps.dangerouslySetInnerHTML = { __html: typeof value === 'string' ? value : Array.isArray(value) ? value.join('') : '', } } else { ;(syncProps as any)[k] = value } } return