// This is not the correct way to implement the Next.js serverless target for production traffic // It is only used for testing cases of rendering specific pages in the integration test suite const path = require('path') const http = require('http') const send = require('send') const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { if (req.url === '/ssr') { return require('./.next/serverless/pages/ssr.js').render(req, res) } if (req.url === '/getinitialprops') { return require('./.next/serverless/pages/getinitialprops.js').render( req, res ) } if (req.url === '/api/api-route') { return require('./.next/serverless/pages/api/api-route.js').default( req, res ) } if (req.url === '/user/a') { return send( req, path.join(__dirname, '.next/serverless/pages/user/a.html') ).pipe(res) } if (req.url === '/user/b') { return send( req, path.join(__dirname, '.next/serverless/pages/user/b.html') ).pipe(res) } if (req.url === '/static') { return send( req, path.join(__dirname, '.next/serverless/pages/static.html') ).pipe(res) } if (req.url.startsWith('/_next')) { send( req, path.join(__dirname, '.next', req.url.split('/_next').pop()) ).pipe(res) } }) server.listen(process.env.PORT, () => { console.log('ready on', process.env.PORT) })