import type { FontLoader } from '../../../../font' import path from 'path' import loaderUtils from 'next/dist/compiled/loader-utils3' import postcssFontLoaderPlugn from './postcss-font-loader' import { promisify } from 'util' import chalk from 'next/dist/compiled/chalk' export default async function nextFontLoader(this: any) { const fontLoaderSpan = this.currentTraceSpan.traceChild('next-font-loader') return fontLoaderSpan.traceAsyncFn(async () => { const callback = this.async() const { isServer, assetPrefix, fontLoaderOptions, postcss: getPostcss, } = this.getOptions() const emitFontFile = (content: Buffer, ext: string, preload: boolean) => { const opts = { context: this.rootContext, content } const interpolatedName = loaderUtils.interpolateName( this, // Font files ending with .p.(woff|woff2|eot|ttf|otf) are preloaded `static/media/[hash]${preload ? '.p' : ''}.${ext}`, opts ) const outputPath = `${assetPrefix}/_next/${interpolatedName}` if (!isServer) { this.emitFile(interpolatedName, content, null) } return outputPath } // next-swc next_font_loaders turns each function call argument into JSON seperated by semicolons let [relativeFilePathFromRoot, functionName,] = this.resourceQuery .slice(1) .split(';') data = string) => JSON.parse(value)) try { const fontLoader: FontLoader = require(path.join( this.resourcePath, '../loader.js' )).default let { css, fallbackFonts, adjustFontFallback, weight, style, variable } = await fontLoader({ functionName, data, config: fontLoaderOptions, emitFontFile, resolve: (src: string) => promisify(this.resolve)( path.dirname( path.join(this.rootContext, relativeFilePathFromRoot) ), src ), fs: this.fs, }) const { postcss } = await getPostcss() // Exports will be exported as is from css-loader instead of a CSS module export const exports: { name: any; value: any }[] = [] const fontFamilyHash = loaderUtils.getHashDigest( Buffer.from(css), 'md5', 'hex', 6 ) // Add CSS classes, exports and make the font-family localy scoped by turning it unguessable const result = await postcss( postcssFontLoaderPlugn({ exports, fontFamilyHash, fallbackFonts, weight, style, adjustFontFallback, variable, }) ).process(css, { from: undefined, }) // Reuse ast in css-loader const ast = { type: 'postcss', version: result.processor.version, root: result.root, } callback(null, result.css, null, { exports, ast, fontFamilyHash, }) } catch (err: any) { err.stack = false err.message = `Font loader error:\n${err.message}` err.message += ` ${chalk.cyan(`Location: ${relativeFilePathFromRoot}`)}` callback(err) } }) }