--- description: Learn how AMP pages are created when used together with `next export`. --- # AMP in Static HTML export When using `next export` to do [Static HTML export](/docs/advanced-features/static-html-export.md) statically prerender pages, Next.js will detect if the page supports AMP and change the exporting behavior based on that. For example, the hybrid AMP page `pages/about.js` would output: - `out/about.html` - HTML page with client-side React runtime - `out/about.amp.html` - AMP page And if `pages/about.js` is an AMP-only page, then it would output: - `out/about.html` - Optimized AMP page Next.js will automatically insert a link to the AMP version of your page in the HTML version, so you don't have to, like so: ```jsx ``` And the AMP version of your page will include a link to the HTML page: ```jsx ``` When [`exportTrailingSlash`](/docs/api-reference/next.config.js/exportPathMap.md#0cf7d6666b394c5d8d08a16a933e86ea) is enabled the exported pages for `pages/about.js` would be: - `out/about/index.html` - HTML page - `out/about.amp/index.html` - AMP page