import { webpack, sources, webpack5 } from 'next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack' import { getMiddlewareRegex } from '../../../shared/lib/router/utils' import { getSortedRoutes } from '../../../shared/lib/router/utils' import { MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST, MIDDLEWARE_FLIGHT_MANIFEST, MIDDLEWARE_BUILD_MANIFEST, MIDDLEWARE_REACT_LOADABLE_MANIFEST, } from '../../../shared/lib/constants' import { MIDDLEWARE_ROUTE } from '../../../lib/constants' import { nonNullable } from '../../../lib/non-nullable' const PLUGIN_NAME = 'MiddlewarePlugin' const MIDDLEWARE_FULL_ROUTE_REGEX = /^pages[/\\]?(.*)\/_middleware$/ export const ssrEntries = new Map() export interface MiddlewareManifest { version: 1 sortedMiddleware: string[] clientInfo: [string, boolean][] middleware: { [page: string]: { env: string[] files: string[] name: string page: string regexp: string } } } const middlewareManifest: MiddlewareManifest = { sortedMiddleware: [], clientInfo: [], middleware: {}, version: 1, } export default class MiddlewarePlugin { dev: boolean webServerRuntime: boolean constructor({ dev, webServerRuntime, }: { dev: boolean webServerRuntime: boolean }) { = dev this.webServerRuntime = webServerRuntime } createAssets( compilation: webpack5.Compilation, assets: any, envPerRoute: Map ) { const entrypoints = compilation.entrypoints for (const entrypoint of entrypoints.values()) { if (! continue const result = MIDDLEWARE_FULL_ROUTE_REGEX.exec( const ssrEntryInfo = ssrEntries.get( if (ssrEntryInfo && !this.webServerRuntime) continue if (!ssrEntryInfo && this.webServerRuntime) continue const location = result ? `/${result[1]}` : ssrEntryInfo ?'pages'.length).replace(/\/index$/, '') || '/' : null if (!location) { continue } const files = ssrEntryInfo ? [ ssrEntryInfo.requireFlightManifest ? `server/${MIDDLEWARE_FLIGHT_MANIFEST}.js` : null, `server/${MIDDLEWARE_BUILD_MANIFEST}.js`, `server/${MIDDLEWARE_REACT_LOADABLE_MANIFEST}.js`, ...entrypoint.getFiles().map((file) => 'server/' + file), ] .filter(nonNullable) .filter((file: string) => !file.endsWith('.hot-update.js')) : entrypoint .getFiles() .filter((file: string) => !file.endsWith('.hot-update.js')) .map((file: string) => // we need to use the unminified version of the webpack runtime, // remove if we do start minifying middleware chunks file.startsWith('static/chunks/webpack-') ? file.replace('webpack-', 'webpack-middleware-') : file ) middlewareManifest.middleware[location] = { env: envPerRoute.get( || [], files, name:, page: location, regexp: getMiddlewareRegex(location, !ssrEntryInfo).namedRegex!, } } middlewareManifest.sortedMiddleware = getSortedRoutes( Object.keys(middlewareManifest.middleware) ) middlewareManifest.clientInfo = (key) => { const middleware = middlewareManifest.middleware[key] const ssrEntryInfo = ssrEntries.get( return [key, !!ssrEntryInfo] } ) assets[ this.webServerRuntime ? MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST : `server/${MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST}` ] = new sources.RawSource(JSON.stringify(middlewareManifest, null, 2)) } apply(compiler: webpack5.Compiler) { const { dev } = this const wp = compiler.webpack compiler.hooks.compilation.tap( PLUGIN_NAME, (compilation, { normalModuleFactory }) => { const envPerRoute = new Map() compilation.hooks.afterOptimizeModules.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, () => { const { moduleGraph } = compilation as any envPerRoute.clear() for (const [name, info] of compilation.entries) { if (name.match(MIDDLEWARE_ROUTE)) { const middlewareEntries = new Set() const env = new Set() const addEntriesFromDependency = (dep: any) => { const module = moduleGraph.getModule(dep) if (module) { middlewareEntries.add(module) } } const runtime = wp.util.runtime.getEntryRuntime(compilation, name) info.dependencies.forEach(addEntriesFromDependency) info.includeDependencies.forEach(addEntriesFromDependency) const queue = new Set(middlewareEntries) for (const module of queue) { const { buildInfo } = module if ( !dev && buildInfo && isUsedByExports({ module, moduleGraph, runtime, usedByExports: buildInfo.usingIndirectEval, }) ) { if ( /node_modules[\\/]regenerator-runtime[\\/]runtime\.js/.test( module.identifier() ) ) continue const error = new wp.WebpackError( `Dynamic Code Evaluation (e. g. 'eval', 'new Function') not allowed in Middleware ${name}${ typeof buildInfo.usingIndirectEval !== 'boolean' ? `\nUsed by ${Array.from( buildInfo.usingIndirectEval ).join(', ')}` : '' }` ) error.module = module compilation.errors.push(error) } if (buildInfo?.nextUsedEnvVars !== undefined) { for (const envName of buildInfo.nextUsedEnvVars) { env.add(envName) } } const connections = moduleGraph.getOutgoingConnections(module) for (const connection of connections) { if (connection.module) { queue.add(connection.module) } } } envPerRoute.set(name, Array.from(env)) } } }) const handler = (parser: webpack5.javascript.JavascriptParser) => { const wrapExpression = (expr: any) => { if (dev) { const dep1 = new wp.dependencies.ConstDependency( '__next_eval__(function() { return ', expr.range[0] ) dep1.loc = expr.loc parser.state.module.addPresentationalDependency(dep1) const dep2 = new wp.dependencies.ConstDependency( '})', expr.range[1] ) dep2.loc = expr.loc parser.state.module.addPresentationalDependency(dep2) } expressionHandler() return true } const flagModule = ( usedByExports: boolean | Set | undefined ) => { if (usedByExports === undefined) usedByExports = true const old = parser.state.module.buildInfo.usingIndirectEval if (old === true || usedByExports === false) return if (!old || usedByExports === true) { parser.state.module.buildInfo.usingIndirectEval = usedByExports return } const set = new Set(old) for (const item of usedByExports) { set.add(item) } parser.state.module.buildInfo.usingIndirectEval = set } const expressionHandler = () => { wp.optimize.InnerGraph.onUsage(parser.state, flagModule) } const ignore = () => { return true } // wrapping'eval').tap(PLUGIN_NAME, wrapExpression)'global.eval').tap(PLUGIN_NAME, wrapExpression)'Function').tap(PLUGIN_NAME, wrapExpression) .for('global.Function') .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, wrapExpression)'Function').tap(PLUGIN_NAME, wrapExpression) .for('global.Function') .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, wrapExpression) // fallbacks parser.hooks.expression .for('eval') .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, expressionHandler) parser.hooks.expression .for('Function') .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, expressionHandler) parser.hooks.expression .for('Function.prototype') .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, ignore) parser.hooks.expression .for('global.eval') .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, expressionHandler) parser.hooks.expression .for('global.Function') .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, expressionHandler) parser.hooks.expression .for('global.Function.prototype') .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, ignore) const memberChainHandler = (_expr: any, members: string[]) => { if ( !parser.state.module || parser.state.module.layer !== 'middleware' ) { return } if (members.length >= 2 && members[0] === 'env') { const envName = members[1] const { buildInfo } = parser.state.module if (buildInfo.nextUsedEnvVars === undefined) { buildInfo.nextUsedEnvVars = new Set() } buildInfo.nextUsedEnvVars.add(envName) return true } } parser.hooks.callMemberChain .for('process') .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, memberChainHandler) parser.hooks.expressionMemberChain .for('process') .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, memberChainHandler) } normalModuleFactory.hooks.parser .for('javascript/auto') .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, handler) normalModuleFactory.hooks.parser .for('javascript/dynamic') .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, handler) normalModuleFactory.hooks.parser .for('javascript/esm') .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, handler) // @ts-ignore TODO: Remove ignore when webpack 5 is stable compilation.hooks.processAssets.tap( { name: 'NextJsMiddlewareManifest', // @ts-ignore TODO: Remove ignore when webpack 5 is stable stage: webpack.Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ADDITIONS, }, (assets: any) => { this.createAssets(compilation, assets, envPerRoute) } ) } ) } } function isUsedByExports(args: { module: webpack5.Module moduleGraph: webpack5.ModuleGraph runtime: any usedByExports: boolean | Set | undefined }): boolean { const { moduleGraph, runtime, module, usedByExports } = args if (usedByExports === undefined) return false if (typeof usedByExports === 'boolean') return usedByExports const exportsInfo = moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(module) const wp = webpack as unknown as typeof webpack5 for (const exportName of usedByExports) { if (exportsInfo.getUsed(exportName, runtime) !== wp.UsageState.Unused) return true } return false }