Andrew Clark 61803f818a
[PPR Nav] Fix flash of loading state during back/forward (#60578)
### Depends on

- #60577 


A popstate navigation reads data from the local cache. It does not issue
new network requests (unless the cache entries have been evicted). So,
when navigating with back/forward, we should not switch back to the PPR
loading state. We should render the full, cached dynamic data

To implement this, on a popstate navigation, we update the cache to drop
the prefetch data for any segment whose dynamic data was already
received. We clone the entire cache node tree and set the `prefetchRsc`
field to `null` to prevent it from being rendered. (We can't mutate the
node in place because Cache Node is a concurrent data structure.)

Technically, what we're actually checking is whether the dynamic network
response was received. But since it's a streaming response, this does
not mean that all the dynamic data has fully streamed in. It just means
that _some_ of the dynamic data was received. But as a heuristic, we
assume that the rest dynamic data will stream in quickly, so it's still
better to skip the prefetch state.

Closes NEXT-2084
2024-01-12 14:18:54 -05:00

94 lines
3.4 KiB

import { createNext } from 'e2e-utils'
import { findPort } from 'next-test-utils'
import { createTestDataServer } from 'test-data-service/writer'
import { createTestLog } from 'test-log'
describe('loading-tsx-no-partial-rendering', () => {
if ((global as any).isNextDev) {
test('ppr is disabled in dev', () => {})
let server
let next
afterEach(async () => {
await next?.destroy()
test('when PPR is enabled, loading.tsx boundaries do not cause a partial prefetch', async () => {
const TestLog = createTestLog()
let pendingRequests = new Map()
server = createTestDataServer(async (key, res) => {
TestLog.log('REQUEST: ' + key)
if (pendingRequests.has(key)) {
throw new Error('Request already pending for ' + key)
pendingRequests.set(key, res)
const port = await findPort()
next = await createNext({
files: __dirname,
env: { TEST_DATA_SERVICE_URL: `http://localhost:${port}` },
// There should have been no data requests during build
const browser = await next.browser('/start')
// Use a text input to set the target URL.
const input = await browser.elementByCss('input')
await input.fill('/yay')
// This causes a <Link> to appear. (We create the Link after initial render
// so we can control when the prefetch happens.)
const link = await browser.elementByCss('a')
expect(await link.getAttribute('href')).toBe('/yay')
// The <Link> triggers a prefetch. Even though this route has a loading.tsx
// boundary, we're still able to prefetch the static data in the page.
// Without PPR, we would have stopped prefetching at the loading.tsx
// boundary. (The dynamic data is not fetched until navigation.)
await TestLog.waitFor(['REQUEST: yay [static]'])
// Navigate. This will trigger the dynamic fetch.
// TODO: Even though the prefetch request hasn't resolved yet, we should
// have already started fetching the dynamic data. Currently, the dynamic
// is fetched lazily during rendering, creating a waterfall. The plan is to
// remove this waterfall by initiating the fetch directly inside the
// router navigation handler, not during render.
// Finish loading the static data
pendingRequests.get('yay [static]').resolve()
// The static UI appears
await browser.elementById('static')
const container = await browser.elementById('container')
expect(await container.innerHTML()).toEqual(
'Loading dynamic...<div id="static">yay [static]</div>'
// The dynamic data is fetched
TestLog.assert(['REQUEST: yay [dynamic]'])
// Finish loading and render the full UI
pendingRequests.get('yay [dynamic]').resolve()
await browser.elementById('dynamic')
expect(await container.innerHTML()).toEqual(
'<div id="dynamic">yay [dynamic]</div><div id="static">yay [static]</div>'
// Now we'll demonstrate that even though loading.tsx wasn't activated
// during initial render, it still acts as a regular Suspense boundary.
// Trigger a "bad" Suspense fallback by intentionally suspending without
// startTransition.
await browser.elementById('trigger-bad-suspense-fallback').click()
const loading = await browser.elementById('loading-tsx')
expect(await loading.innerHTML()).toEqual('Loading [inner loading.tsx]...')