Jiachi Liu 89f36a98bc
Hot reload when conflicted pages detected and when conflicts are resolved (#51516)
When conflicted pages occur between app and pages server used to throw error and you need to solve the conflicts and restart the server.

This PR capture the error during files aggregation, and send to client to display the error for files confliction. This will send all the conflicts to client and it will still error until you solve all of them. But since the server is not stuck by errors, client can recover once the error is solved.

Closes NEXT-1283
2023-06-22 22:32:14 +00:00

115 lines
4 KiB

import {
} from 'next-test-utils'
import { createNextDescribe } from 'e2e-utils'
'Conflict between app file and pages file',
files: __dirname,
skipDeployment: true,
skipStart: true,
({ next, isNextDev, isNextStart }) => {
if (isNextStart) {
it('should print error for conflicting app/page', async () => {
const { cliOutput } = await
/Conflicting app and page files? (were|was) found/
for (const [pagePath, appPath] of [
['pages/index.js', 'app/page.js'],
['pages/another.js', 'app/another/page.js'],
]) {
expect(cliOutput).toContain(`"${pagePath}" - "${appPath}"`)
async function containConflictsError(browser, conflicts) {
await check(async () => {
expect(await hasRedbox(browser, true)).toBe(true)
const redboxSource = await getRedboxSource(browser)
/Conflicting app and page files? (were|was) found, please remove the conflicting files to continue:/
for (const pair of conflicts) {
expect(redboxSource).toContain(`"${pair[0]}" - "${pair[1]}"`)
return 'success'
}, /success/)
if (isNextDev) {
it('should show error overlay for /another', async () => {
await next.start()
const browser = await next.browser('/another')
expect(await hasRedbox(browser, true)).toBe(true)
await containConflictsError(browser, [
['pages/index.js', 'app/page.js'],
['pages/another.js', 'app/another/page.js'],
it('should show error overlay for /', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/')
expect(await hasRedbox(browser, true)).toBe(true)
await containConflictsError(browser, [
['pages/index.js', 'app/page.js'],
['pages/another.js', 'app/another/page.js'],
it('should support hmr with conflicts', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/')
expect(await hasRedbox(browser, true)).toBe(true)
await next.renameFile('pages/index.js', 'pages/index2.js')
await next.renameFile('pages/another.js', 'pages/another2.js')
// Wait for successful recompilation
await browser.loadPage(next.url + '/')
expect(await hasRedbox(browser, false)).toBe(false)
expect(await browser.elementByCss('p').text()).toContain('index - app')
await browser.loadPage(next.url + '/another')
expect(await browser.elementByCss('p').text()).toBe('another - app')
it('should not show error overlay for non conflict pages under app or pages dir', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/non-conflict')
expect(await hasRedbox(browser, false)).toBe(false)
expect(await getRedboxHeader(browser)).toBeUndefined()
expect(await browser.elementByCss('p').text()).toBe('non-conflict app')
await browser.loadPage(next.url + '/non-conflict-pages')
expect(await hasRedbox(browser, false)).toBe(false)
expect(await getRedboxHeader(browser)).toBeUndefined()
expect(await browser.elementByCss('h1').text()).toBe(
'non-conflict pages'
it('should error again when there is new conflict', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/')
expect(await hasRedbox(browser, false)).toBe(false)
// Re-trigger the conflicted errors
await next.renameFile('pages/index2.js', 'pages/index.js')
expect(await hasRedbox(browser, true)).toBe(true)
await containConflictsError(browser, [
['pages/index.js', 'app/page.js'],