JJ Kasper 607ff2b322
Update to process redirects/rewrites for _next/data with middleware (#37574)
* Update to process redirects/rewrites for _next/data

* correct matched-path resolving with middleware

* Add next-data header

* migrate middleware tests

* lint-fix

* update error case

* update test case

* Handle additional resolving cases and add more tests

* update test from merge

* fix test

* rm .only

* apply changes from review

* ensure _next/data resolving does not apply without middleware
2022-06-10 12:35:12 -05:00

255 lines
7.3 KiB

import type { IncomingMessage } from 'http'
import type { Key } from 'next/dist/compiled/path-to-regexp'
import type { NextParsedUrlQuery } from '../../../../server/request-meta'
import type { Params } from './route-matcher'
import type { RouteHas } from '../../../../lib/load-custom-routes'
import type { BaseNextRequest } from '../../../../server/base-http'
import { compile, pathToRegexp } from 'next/dist/compiled/path-to-regexp'
import { escapeStringRegexp } from '../../escape-regexp'
import { parseUrl } from './parse-url'
export function matchHas(
req: BaseNextRequest | IncomingMessage,
has: RouteHas[],
query: Params
): false | Params {
const params: Params = {}
const allMatch = has.every((hasItem) => {
let value: undefined | string
let key = hasItem.key
switch (hasItem.type) {
case 'header': {
key = key!.toLowerCase()
value = req.headers[key] as string
case 'cookie': {
value = (req as any).cookies[hasItem.key]
case 'query': {
value = query[key!]
case 'host': {
const { host } = req?.headers || {}
// remove port from host if present
const hostname = host?.split(':')[0].toLowerCase()
value = hostname
default: {
if (!hasItem.value && value) {
params[getSafeParamName(key!)] = value
return true
} else if (value) {
const matcher = new RegExp(`^${hasItem.value}$`)
const matches = Array.isArray(value)
? value.slice(-1)[0].match(matcher)
: value.match(matcher)
if (matches) {
if (Array.isArray(matches)) {
if (matches.groups) {
Object.keys(matches.groups).forEach((groupKey) => {
params[groupKey] = matches.groups![groupKey]
} else if (hasItem.type === 'host' && matches[0]) { = matches[0]
return true
return false
if (allMatch) {
return params
return false
export function compileNonPath(value: string, params: Params): string {
if (!value.includes(':')) {
return value
for (const key of Object.keys(params)) {
if (value.includes(`:${key}`)) {
value = value
new RegExp(`:${key}\\*`, 'g'),
new RegExp(`:${key}\\?`, 'g'),
.replace(new RegExp(`:${key}\\+`, 'g'), `:${key}--ESCAPED_PARAM_PLUS`)
new RegExp(`:${key}(?!\\w)`, 'g'),
value = value
.replace(/(:|\*|\?|\+|\(|\)|\{|\})/g, '\\$1')
.replace(/--ESCAPED_PARAM_PLUS/g, '+')
.replace(/--ESCAPED_PARAM_COLON/g, ':')
.replace(/--ESCAPED_PARAM_QUESTION/g, '?')
.replace(/--ESCAPED_PARAM_ASTERISKS/g, '*')
// the value needs to start with a forward-slash to be compiled
// correctly
return compile(`/${value}`, { validate: false })(params).slice(1)
export function prepareDestination(args: {
appendParamsToQuery: boolean
destination: string
params: Params
query: NextParsedUrlQuery
}) {
const query = Object.assign({}, args.query)
delete query.__nextLocale
delete query.__nextDefaultLocale
delete query.__nextDataReq
let escapedDestination = args.destination
for (const param of Object.keys({ ...args.params, ...query })) {
escapedDestination = escapeSegment(escapedDestination, param)
const parsedDestination = parseUrl(escapedDestination)
const destQuery = parsedDestination.query
const destPath = unescapeSegments(
`${parsedDestination.pathname!}${parsedDestination.hash || ''}`
const destHostname = unescapeSegments(parsedDestination.hostname || '')
const destPathParamKeys: Key[] = []
const destHostnameParamKeys: Key[] = []
pathToRegexp(destPath, destPathParamKeys)
pathToRegexp(destHostname, destHostnameParamKeys)
const destParams: (string | number)[] = []
destPathParamKeys.forEach((key) => destParams.push(
destHostnameParamKeys.forEach((key) => destParams.push(
const destPathCompiler = compile(
// we don't validate while compiling the destination since we should
// have already validated before we got to this point and validating
// breaks compiling destinations with named pattern params from the source
// e.g. /something:hello(.*) -> /another/:hello is broken with validation
// since compile validation is meant for reversing and not for inserting
// params from a separate path-regex into another
{ validate: false }
const destHostnameCompiler = compile(destHostname, { validate: false })
// update any params in query values
for (const [key, strOrArray] of Object.entries(destQuery)) {
// the value needs to start with a forward-slash to be compiled
// correctly
if (Array.isArray(strOrArray)) {
destQuery[key] = =>
compileNonPath(unescapeSegments(value), args.params)
} else {
destQuery[key] = compileNonPath(unescapeSegments(strOrArray), args.params)
// add path params to query if it's not a redirect and not
// already defined in destination query or path
let paramKeys = Object.keys(args.params).filter(
(name) => name !== 'nextInternalLocale'
if (
args.appendParamsToQuery &&
!paramKeys.some((key) => destParams.includes(key))
) {
for (const key of paramKeys) {
if (!(key in destQuery)) {
destQuery[key] = args.params[key]
let newUrl
try {
newUrl = destPathCompiler(args.params)
const [pathname, hash] = newUrl.split('#')
parsedDestination.hostname = destHostnameCompiler(args.params)
parsedDestination.pathname = pathname
parsedDestination.hash = `${hash ? '#' : ''}${hash || ''}`
delete (parsedDestination as any).search
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.message.match(/Expected .*? to not repeat, but got an array/)) {
throw new Error(
`To use a multi-match in the destination you must add \`*\` at the end of the param name to signify it should repeat.`
throw err
// Query merge order lowest priority to highest
// 1. initial URL query values
// 2. path segment values
// 3. destination specified query values
parsedDestination.query = {
return {
* Ensure only a-zA-Z are used for param names for proper interpolating
* with path-to-regexp
function getSafeParamName(paramName: string) {
let newParamName = ''
for (let i = 0; i < paramName.length; i++) {
const charCode = paramName.charCodeAt(i)
if (
(charCode > 64 && charCode < 91) || // A-Z
(charCode > 96 && charCode < 123) // a-z
) {
newParamName += paramName[i]
return newParamName
function escapeSegment(str: string, segmentName: string) {
return str.replace(
new RegExp(`:${escapeStringRegexp(segmentName)}`, 'g'),
function unescapeSegments(str: string) {
return str.replace(/__ESC_COLON_/gi, ':')