Javi Velasco 14463ddd10
Update Edge Runtime (#38862)
This PR updates the Edge Runtime to use a new version that loads dependencies differently. This addresses so `instanceof` works as expected.

It involved a few code changes, mostly regarding to types. The most important change is that the `Runner` function in the sandbox doesn't take a `ReadableStream` as `body` anymore since this implies creating the instance on "node land" and makes the runtime `fetch` function not to be able to compare with `ReadableStream` using `instanceof`.  Instead we introduce a "clonable body" abstraction that allows to create the `ReadableStream` from `Readable` by using the edge runtime primitive which would hold the correct prototype.

Also, this PR changes the way we pre-compile the Edge Runtime to adapt it to the new version.
2022-07-21 18:29:19 +00:00

321 lines
12 KiB

var __create = Object.create;
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
var __esm = (fn, res) => function __init() {
return fn && (res = (0, fn[__getOwnPropNames(fn)[0]])(fn = 0)), res;
var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() {
return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps(isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod));
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
// <define:process>
var init_define_process = __esm({
"<define:process>"() {
// ../format/dist/index.js
var require_dist = __commonJS({
"../format/dist/index.js"(exports) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.createFormat = void 0;
function createFormat2(opts = {}) {
if (opts.customInspectSymbol === void 0) {
opts.customInspectSymbol = Symbol.for("edge-runtime.inspect.custom");
if (opts.formatError === void 0) {
opts.formatError = (error2) => `[${}]`;
const { formatError, customInspectSymbol } = opts;
function format2(...args) {
const [firstArg] = args;
if (!kind(firstArg, "string")) {
if (hasCustomSymbol(firstArg, customInspectSymbol)) {
return format2(firstArg[customInspectSymbol]());
} else {
return => inspect(item, { customInspectSymbol })).join(" ");
let index = 1;
let str = String(firstArg).replace(/%[sjdOoif%]/g, (token) => {
if (token === "%%")
return "%";
if (index >= args.length)
return token;
switch (token) {
case "%s": {
const arg = args[index++];
return hasCustomSymbol(arg, customInspectSymbol) ? format2(arg[customInspectSymbol]()) : String(arg);
case "%j":
return safeStringify(args[index++]);
case "%d":
return String(Number(args[index++]));
case "%O":
return inspect(args[index++], { customInspectSymbol });
case "%o":
return inspect(args[index++], {
showHidden: true,
depth: 4
case "%i":
return String(parseInt(args[index++], 10));
case "%f":
return String(parseFloat(args[index++]));
return token;
for (let arg = args[index]; index < args.length; arg = args[++index]) {
if (arg === null || !kind(arg, "object")) {
str += " " + arg;
} else {
str += " " + inspect(arg);
return str;
__name(format2, "format");
function formatValue(ctx, value, recurseTimes) {
if (hasCustomSymbol(value, customInspectSymbol)) {
return format2(value[customInspectSymbol]());
const formattedPrimitive = formatPrimitive(value);
if (formattedPrimitive !== void 0) {
return formattedPrimitive;
const keys = ctx.showHidden ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value) : Object.keys(value);
const visibleKeys = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
keys.forEach((key) => visibleKeys.add(key));
if (keys.length === 0) {
if (kind(value, "function")) {
return `[Function${ ? ": " + : ""}]`;
} else if (isRegExp(value)) {
} else if (isDate(value)) {
} else if (isError(value)) {
return formatError(value);
} else if (hasCustomSymbol(value, ctx.customInspectSymbol)) {
return format2(value[ctx.customInspectSymbol]());
let base = "";
if (kind(value, "function")) {
base = `[Function${ ? ": " + : ""}]`;
} else if (isRegExp(value)) {
base = " " +;
} else if (isDate(value)) {
base = " " +;
} else if (isError(value)) {
base = " " + formatError(value);
} else if (hasCustomSymbol(value, ctx.customInspectSymbol)) {
base = " " + value[ctx.customInspectSymbol]();
const braces = Array.isArray(value) ? ["[", "]"] : ["{", "}"];
if (keys.length === 0 && (!Array.isArray(value) || value.length === 0)) {
return braces[0] + base + braces[1];
if (recurseTimes && recurseTimes < 0) {
return isRegExp(value) ? : "[Object]";
const output = Array.isArray(value) ? formatArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, keys) : => formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, key, false));
return reduceToSingleString(output, base, braces);
__name(formatValue, "formatValue");
function inspect(value, opts2) {
opts2 = Object.assign({ seen: [], depth: 2 }, opts2);
return formatValue(opts2, value, opts2.depth);
__name(inspect, "inspect");
function formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, key, array) {
let name;
let str;
const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, key) || {
value: value[key]
if (desc.get) {
str = desc.set ? "[Getter/Setter]" : "[Getter]";
} else if (desc.set) {
str = "[Setter]";
if (!visibleKeys.has(key)) {
name = "[" + key + "]";
if (!str) {
if (ctx.seen.indexOf(desc.value) < 0) {
str = formatValue(ctx, desc.value, recurseTimes === null || recurseTimes === void 0 ? null : recurseTimes - 1);
if (str.indexOf("\n") > -1) {
if (array) {
str = str.split("\n").map((line) => ` ${line}`).join("\n").slice(2);
} else {
str = "\n" + str.split("\n").map((line) => ` ${line}`).join("\n");
} else {
str = "[Circular]";
if (name === void 0) {
if (array && key.match(/^\d+$/)) {
return str;
name = JSON.stringify("" + key);
if (name.match(/^"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)"$/)) {
name = name.slice(1, -1);
} else {
name = name.replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/(^"|"$)/g, "'");
return `${name}: ${str}`;
__name(formatProperty, "formatProperty");
function formatArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, keys) {
const output = [];
for (let index = 0; index < value.length; ++index) {
if (, String(index))) {
output.push(formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, String(index), true));
} else {
keys.forEach((key) => {
if (!key.match(/^\d+$/)) {
output.push(formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, key, true));
return output;
__name(formatArray, "formatArray");
return format2;
__name(createFormat2, "createFormat");
exports.createFormat = createFormat2;
function formatPrimitive(value) {
if (value === null)
return "null";
if (value === void 0)
return "undefined";
if (kind(value, "string")) {
return `'${JSON.stringify(value).replace(/^"|"$/g, "").replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/\\"/g, '"')}'`;
if (kind(value, "boolean"))
return "" + value;
if (kind(value, "number"))
return "" + value;
if (kind(value, "bigint"))
return "" + value;
if (kind(value, "symbol"))
return value.toString();
__name(formatPrimitive, "formatPrimitive");
function hasCustomSymbol(value, customInspectSymbol) {
return value !== null && kind(value, "object") && customInspectSymbol in value && kind(value[customInspectSymbol], "function");
__name(hasCustomSymbol, "hasCustomSymbol");
function kind(value, type) {
return typeof value === type;
__name(kind, "kind");
function isRegExp(value) {
return kind(value, "object") && === "[object RegExp]";
__name(isRegExp, "isRegExp");
function isDate(value) {
return kind(value, "object") && === "[object Date]";
__name(isDate, "isDate");
function isError(value) {
return kind(value, "object") && ( === "[object Error]" || value instanceof Error);
__name(isError, "isError");
function reduceToSingleString(output, base, braces) {
const length = output.reduce((prev, cur) => {
return prev + cur.replace(/\u001b\[\d\d?m/g, "").length + 1;
}, 0);
if (length > 60) {
return braces[0] + (base === "" ? "" : base + "\n ") + " " + output.join(",\n ") + " " + braces[1];
return braces[0] + base + " " + output.join(", ") + " " + braces[1];
__name(reduceToSingleString, "reduceToSingleString");
function safeStringify(object) {
if (Array.isArray(object)) {
object = => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(element, makeCircularReplacer())));
return JSON.stringify(object, makeCircularReplacer());
__name(safeStringify, "safeStringify");
function makeCircularReplacer() {
const seen = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
return (key, value) => {
if (value !== null && kind(value, "object")) {
if (seen.has(value))
return "[Circular]";
return value;
__name(makeCircularReplacer, "makeCircularReplacer");
// src/primitives/console.js
var console_exports = {};
__export(console_exports, {
console: () => konsole
module.exports = __toCommonJS(console_exports);
var import_format = __toESM(require_dist());
var format = (0, import_format.createFormat)();
var bareError = console.error.bind(console);
var bareLog = console.log.bind(console);
var assert = console.assert.bind(console);
var time = console.time.bind(console);
var timeEnd = console.timeEnd.bind(console);
var timeLog = console.timeLog.bind(console);
var trace = console.trace.bind(console);
var error = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((...args) => bareError(format(...args)), "error");
var log = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((...args) => bareLog(format(...args)), "log");
var konsole = {
assert: (assertion, ...args) => assert(assertion, format(...args)),
count: console.count.bind(console),
dir: console.dir.bind(console),
info: log,
time: (...args) => time(format(...args)),
timeEnd: (...args) => timeEnd(format(...args)),
warn: error
// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:
0 && (module.exports = {