
283 lines
8.4 KiB

import curry from 'lodash.curry'
import path from 'path'
import webpack, { Configuration } from 'webpack'
import MiniCssExtractPlugin from '../../../plugins/mini-css-extract-plugin'
import { loader } from '../../helpers'
import { ConfigurationContext, ConfigurationFn, pipe } from '../../utils'
import { getCssModuleLocalIdent } from './getCssModuleLocalIdent'
import {
} from './messages'
import { getPostCssPlugins } from './plugins'
function getClientStyleLoader({
}: {
isDevelopment: boolean
}): webpack.RuleSetUseItem {
return isDevelopment
? {
loader: require.resolve('style-loader'),
options: {
// By default, style-loader injects CSS into the bottom
// of <head>. This causes ordering problems between dev
// and prod. To fix this, we render a <noscript> tag as
// an anchor for the styles to be placed before. These
// styles will be applied _before_ <style jsx global>.
insert: function(element: Node) {
// These elements should always exist. If they do not,
// this code should fail.
var anchorElement = document.querySelector(
var parentNode = anchorElement.parentNode! // Normally <head>
// Each style tag should be placed right before our
// anchor. By inserting before and not after, we do not
// need to track the last inserted element.
parentNode.insertBefore(element, anchorElement)
// Remember: this is development only code.
// After styles are injected, we need to remove the
// <style> tags that set `body { display: none; }`.
// We use `requestAnimationFrame` as a way to defer
// this operation since there may be multiple style
// tags.
;(self.requestAnimationFrame || setTimeout)(function() {
for (
var x = document.querySelectorAll('[data-next-hide-fouc]'),
i = x.length;
) {
: {
loader: MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader,
options: {},
export const css = curry(async function css(
enabled: boolean,
ctx: ConfigurationContext,
config: Configuration
) {
if (!enabled) {
return config
const fns: ConfigurationFn[] = [
oneOf: [
// Impossible regex expression
test: /a^/,
loader: 'noop-loader',
options: { __next_css_remove: true },
const postCssPlugins = await getPostCssPlugins(ctx.rootDirectory)
// CSS Modules support must be enabled on the server and client so the class
// names are availble for SSR or Prerendering.
oneOf: [
// CSS Modules should never have side effects. This setting will
// allow unused CSS to be removed from the production build.
// We ensure this by disallowing `:global()` CSS at the top-level
// via the `pure` mode in `css-loader`.
sideEffects: false,
// CSS Modules are activated via this specific extension.
test: /\.module\.css$/,
// CSS Modules are only supported in the user's application. We're
// not yet allowing CSS imports _within_ `node_modules`.
issuer: {
include: [ctx.rootDirectory],
exclude: /node_modules/,
use: ([
// Add appropriate development more or production mode style
// loader
ctx.isClient &&
getClientStyleLoader({ isDevelopment: ctx.isDevelopment }),
// Resolve CSS `@import`s and `url()`s
loader: require.resolve('css-loader'),
options: {
importLoaders: 1,
sourceMap: true,
onlyLocals: ctx.isServer,
modules: {
// Disallow global style exports so we can code-split CSS and
// not worry about loading order.
mode: 'pure',
// Generate a friendly production-ready name so it's
// reasonably understandable. The same name is used for
// development.
// TODO: Consider making production reduce this to a single
// character?
getLocalIdent: getCssModuleLocalIdent,
// Compile CSS
loader: require.resolve('postcss-loader'),
options: {
ident: 'postcss',
plugins: postCssPlugins,
sourceMap: true,
] as webpack.RuleSetUseItem[]).filter(Boolean),
// Throw an error for CSS Modules used outside their supported scope
oneOf: [
test: /\.module\.css$/,
use: {
loader: 'error-loader',
options: {
reason: getLocalModuleImportError(),
if (ctx.isServer) {
oneOf: [{ test: /\.css$/, use: require.resolve('ignore-loader') }],
} else if (ctx.customAppFile) {
oneOf: [
// A global CSS import always has side effects. Webpack will tree
// shake the CSS without this option if the issuer claims to have
// no side-effects.
// See
sideEffects: true,
test: /\.css$/,
issuer: { include: ctx.customAppFile },
use: [
// Add appropriate development more or production mode style
// loader
getClientStyleLoader({ isDevelopment: ctx.isDevelopment }),
// Resolve CSS `@import`s and `url()`s
loader: require.resolve('css-loader'),
options: { importLoaders: 1, sourceMap: true },
// Compile CSS
loader: require.resolve('postcss-loader'),
options: {
ident: 'postcss',
plugins: postCssPlugins,
sourceMap: true,
// Throw an error for Global CSS used inside of `node_modules`
oneOf: [
test: /\.css$/,
issuer: { include: [/node_modules/] },
use: {
loader: 'error-loader',
options: {
reason: getGlobalModuleImportError(),
// Throw an error for Global CSS used outside of our custom <App> file
oneOf: [
test: /\.css$/,
use: {
loader: 'error-loader',
options: {
reason: getGlobalImportError(
ctx.customAppFile &&
path.relative(ctx.rootDirectory, ctx.customAppFile)
if (ctx.isClient) {
// Automatically transform references to files (i.e. url()) into URLs
// e.g. url(./logo.svg)
oneOf: [
// This should only be applied to CSS files
issuer: { test: /\.css$/ },
// Exclude extensions that webpack handles by default
exclude: [/\.(js|mjs|jsx|ts|tsx)$/, /\.html$/, /\.json$/],
use: {
// `file-loader` always emits a URL reference, where `url-loader`
// might inline the asset as a data URI
loader: require.resolve('file-loader'),
options: {
// Hash the file for immutable cacheability
name: 'static/media/[name].[hash].[ext]',
const fn = pipe(...fns)
return fn(config)