Arunoda Susiripala 14c86bef1d Introduce a simple prefetching solution (#957)
* Implement a very simple prefetching solution.

* Remove next-prefetcher.

* Require 'whatwg-fetch' only in the client.

* Use xhr in the code.

* Use a simple fetching solution.

* Fix 404 and xhr status issue.

* Move the prefetching implementation to next/router.

* Add deprecated warnning for next/prefetch

* Run only 2 parellel prefetching request at a time.

* Change xhr to jsonPageRes.

* Improve the prefetching logic.

* Add unit tests covering the Router.prefetch()

* Update examples to use the new syntax.

* Update docs.

* Use execOnce() to manage warn printing.

* Remove prefetcher building from the flyfile.js
Because, we no longer use it.
2017-02-15 14:22:22 +05:30

77 lines
2.3 KiB

import _Router from './router'
const SingletonRouter = {
router: null, // holds the actual router instance
readyCallbacks: [],
ready (cb) {
if (this.router) return cb()
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
// Create public properties and methods of the router in the SingletonRouter
const propertyFields = ['components', 'pathname', 'route', 'query']
const coreMethodFields = ['push', 'replace', 'reload', 'back', 'prefetch']
const routerEvents = ['routeChangeStart', 'routeChangeComplete', 'routeChangeError']
propertyFields.forEach((field) => {
// Here we need to use Object.defineProperty because, we need to return
// the property assigned to the actual router
// The value might get changed as we change routes and this is the
// proper way to access it
Object.defineProperty(SingletonRouter, field, {
get () {
return SingletonRouter.router[field]
coreMethodFields.forEach((field) => {
SingletonRouter[field] = (...args) => {
return SingletonRouter.router[field](...args)
routerEvents.forEach((event) => {
SingletonRouter.ready(() => {
SingletonRouter.router.on(event, (...args) => {
const eventField = `on${event.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${event.substring(1)}`
if (SingletonRouter[eventField]) {
function throwIfNoRouter () {
if (!SingletonRouter.router) {
const message = 'No router instance found.\n' +
'You should only use "next/router" inside the client side of your app.\n'
throw new Error(message)
// Export the SingletonRouter and this is the public API.
export default SingletonRouter
// -------------
// (do not use following exports inside the app)
// Create a router and assign it as the singleton instance.
// This is used in client side when we are initilizing the app.
// This should **not** use inside the server.
export const createRouter = function (...args) {
SingletonRouter.router = new _Router(...args)
SingletonRouter.readyCallbacks.forEach(cb => cb())
SingletonRouter.readyCallbacks = []
return SingletonRouter.router
// Export the actual Router class, which is usually used inside the server
export const Router = _Router