Jan Potoms 1b36f0c029
Fix pages/index.js and pages/index/index.js behavior (#13699)
Disambiguate between pages/index.js and pages/index/index.js so that they resolve differently.
It all started with a bug in pagesmanifest that propagated throughout the codebase. After fixing pagesmanifest I was able to remove a few hacks here and there and more logic is shared now. especially the logic that resolves an entrypoint back into a route path. To sum up what happened:

- `getRouteFromEntrypoint` is the inverse operation of `getPageFile` that's under `pages/_document.tsx`
- `denormalizePagePath` is the inverse operation of `normalizePagePath`.

Everything is refactored in terms of these operations, that makes their behavior uniform and easier to update/patch in a central place. Before there were subtle differences between those that made `index/index.js` hard to handle.

Some potential follow up on this PR:
- [`hot-reloader`]( still has one place that does very similar behavior to `getRouteFromEntrypoint`. It can probably be rewritten in terms of `getRouteFromEntrypoint`.
- There are a few places where `denormalizePagePath(normalizePagePath(...))` is happening. This is a sign that `normalizePagePath` is doing some validation that is independent of its rewriting logic. That should probably be factored out in its own function. after that I should probably investigate whether `normalizePagePath` is even still needed at all.
- a lot of code is doing `.replace(/\\/g, '')`. If wanted, that could be replaced with `normalizePathSep`.
- It looks to me like some logic that's spread across the project can be centralized in 4 functions 
  - `getRouteFromEntrypoint` (part of this PR)
  - its inverse `getEntrypointFromRoute` (already exists in `_document.tsx` as `getPageFile`)
  - `getRouteFromPageFile` 
  - its inverse `getPageFileFromRoute` (already exists as `findPageFile ` in `server/lib/find-page-file.ts`)

  It could be beneficial to structure the code to keep these fuctionalities close together and name them similarly.
 - revise `index.amp` handling in pagesmanifest. I left it alone in this PR to keep it scoped, but it may be broken wrt nested index files as well. It might even make sense to reshape the pagesmanifest altogether to handle html/json/amp/... better
2020-06-04 17:32:45 +00:00

373 lines
11 KiB

import { parse } from 'url'
import mitt from '../next-server/lib/mitt'
import { isDynamicRoute } from './../next-server/lib/router/utils/is-dynamic'
import { getRouteMatcher } from './../next-server/lib/router/utils/route-matcher'
import { getRouteRegex } from './../next-server/lib/router/utils/route-regex'
import { delBasePath } from './../next-server/lib/router/router'
function hasRel(rel, link) {
try {
link = document.createElement('link')
return link.relList.supports(rel)
} catch {}
const relPrefetch =
hasRel('preload') && !hasRel('prefetch')
? //
// macOS and iOS (Safari does not support prefetch)
: //
// IE 11, Edge 12+, nearly all evergreen
const hasNoModule = 'noModule' in document.createElement('script')
/** @param {string} route */
function normalizeRoute(route) {
if (route[0] !== '/') {
throw new Error(`Route name should start with a "/", got "${route}"`)
if (route === '/') return route
return route.replace(/\/$/, '')
export function getAssetPath(route) {
return route === '/'
? '/index'
: /^\/index(\/|$)/.test(route)
? `/index${route}`
: `${route}`
function appendLink(href, rel, as) {
return new Promise((res, rej, link) => {
link = document.createElement('link')
link.crossOrigin = process.crossOrigin
link.href = href
link.rel = rel
if (as) = as
link.onload = res
link.onerror = rej
export default class PageLoader {
constructor(buildId, assetPrefix) {
this.buildId = buildId
this.assetPrefix = assetPrefix
this.pageCache = {}
this.pageRegisterEvents = mitt()
this.loadingRoutes = {}
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
this.promisedBuildManifest = new Promise((resolve) => {
if (window.__BUILD_MANIFEST) {
} else {
window.__BUILD_MANIFEST_CB = () => {
/** @type {Promise<Set<string>>} */
this.promisedSsgManifest = new Promise((resolve) => {
if (window.__SSG_MANIFEST) {
} else {
window.__SSG_MANIFEST_CB = () => {
// Returns a promise for the dependencies for a particular route
getDependencies(route) {
return this.promisedBuildManifest.then(
(man) =>
(man[route] &&
(url) => `${this.assetPrefix}/_next/${encodeURI(url)}`
)) ||
* @param {string} href the route href (file-system path)
* @param {string} asPath the URL as shown in browser (virtual path); used for dynamic routes
getDataHref(href, asPath) {
const getHrefForSlug = (/** @type string */ path) => {
path = delBasePath(path)
const dataRoute = getAssetPath(path)
return `${this.assetPrefix}/_next/data/${this.buildId}${dataRoute}.json`
const { pathname: hrefPathname, query } = parse(href, true)
const { pathname: asPathname } = parse(asPath)
const route = normalizeRoute(hrefPathname)
let isDynamic = isDynamicRoute(route),
if (isDynamic) {
const dynamicRegex = getRouteRegex(route)
const dynamicGroups = dynamicRegex.groups
const dynamicMatches =
// Try to match the dynamic route against the asPath
getRouteMatcher(dynamicRegex)(asPathname) ||
// Fall back to reading the values from the href
// TODO: should this take priority; also need to change in the router.
interpolatedRoute = route
if (
!Object.keys(dynamicGroups).every((param) => {
let value = dynamicMatches[param]
const repeat = dynamicGroups[param].repeat
// support single-level catch-all
// TODO: more robust handling for user-error (passing `/`)
if (repeat && !Array.isArray(value)) value = [value]
return (
param in dynamicMatches &&
// Interpolate group into data URL if present
(interpolatedRoute = interpolatedRoute.replace(
`[${repeat ? '...' : ''}${param}]`,
: encodeURIComponent(value)
) {
interpolatedRoute = '' // did not satisfy all requirements
// n.b. We ignore this error because we handle warning for this case in
// development in the `<Link>` component directly.
return isDynamic
? interpolatedRoute && getHrefForSlug(interpolatedRoute)
: getHrefForSlug(route)
* @param {string} href the route href (file-system path)
* @param {string} asPath the URL as shown in browser (virtual path); used for dynamic routes
prefetchData(href, asPath) {
const { pathname: hrefPathname } = parse(href, true)
const route = normalizeRoute(hrefPathname)
return this.promisedSsgManifest.then(
(s, _dataHref) =>
// Check if the route requires a data file
s.has(route) &&
// Try to generate data href, noop when falsy
(_dataHref = this.getDataHref(href, asPath)) &&
// noop when data has already been prefetched (dedupe)
) &&
// Inject the `<link rel=prefetch>` tag for above computed `href`.
appendLink(_dataHref, relPrefetch, 'fetch')
loadPage(route) {
return this.loadPageScript(route)
loadPageScript(route) {
route = normalizeRoute(route)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const fire = ({ error, page, mod }) => {, fire)
delete this.loadingRoutes[route]
if (error) {
} else {
resolve({ page, mod })
// If there's a cached version of the page, let's use it.
const cachedPage = this.pageCache[route]
if (cachedPage) {
const { error, page, mod } = cachedPage
error ? reject(error) : resolve({ page, mod })
// Register a listener to get the page
this.pageRegisterEvents.on(route, fire)
// If the page is loading via SSR, we need to wait for it
// rather downloading it again.
if (document.querySelector(`script[data-next-page="${route}"]`)) {
if (!this.loadingRoutes[route]) {
this.loadingRoutes[route] = true
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
this.getDependencies(route).then((deps) => {
deps.forEach((d) => {
if (
/\.js$/.test(d) &&
) {
this.loadScript(d, route, false)
if (
/\.css$/.test(d) &&
) {
appendLink(d, 'stylesheet').catch(() => {
// FIXME: handle failure
// Right now, this is needed to prevent an unhandled rejection.
} else {
loadRoute(route) {
route = normalizeRoute(route)
let scriptRoute = getAssetPath(route)
const url = `${this.assetPrefix}/_next/static/${encodeURIComponent(
this.loadScript(url, route, true)
loadScript(url, route, isPage) {
const script = document.createElement('script')
if (process.env.__NEXT_MODERN_BUILD && hasNoModule) {
script.type = 'module'
// Only page bundle scripts need to have .module added to url,
// dependencies already have it added during build manifest creation
if (isPage) url = url.replace(/\.js$/, '.module.js')
script.crossOrigin = process.crossOrigin
script.src = url
script.onerror = () => {
const error = new Error(`Error loading script ${url}`)
error.code = 'PAGE_LOAD_ERROR'
this.pageRegisterEvents.emit(route, { error })
// This method if called by the route code.
registerPage(route, regFn) {
const register = () => {
try {
const mod = regFn()
const pageData = { page: mod.default || mod, mod }
this.pageCache[route] = pageData
this.pageRegisterEvents.emit(route, pageData)
} catch (error) {
this.pageCache[route] = { error }
this.pageRegisterEvents.emit(route, { error })
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
// Wait for webpack to become idle if it's not.
// More info:
if ( && !== 'idle') {
`Waiting for webpack to become "idle" to initialize the page: "${route}"`
const check = (status) => {
if (status === 'idle') {
* @param {string} route
* @param {boolean} [isDependency]
prefetch(route, isDependency) {
// License: Apache 2.0
let cn
if ((cn = navigator.connection)) {
// Don't prefetch if using 2G or if Save-Data is enabled.
if (cn.saveData || /2g/.test(cn.effectiveType)) return Promise.resolve()
/** @type {string} */
let url
if (isDependency) {
url = route
} else {
route = normalizeRoute(route)
const scriptRoute = getAssetPath(route)
const ext =
process.env.__NEXT_MODERN_BUILD && hasNoModule ? '.module.js' : '.js'
url = `${this.assetPrefix}/_next/static/${encodeURIComponent(
return Promise.all(
`link[rel="${relPrefetch}"][href^="${url}"], script[data-next-page="${route}"]`
? []
: [
url.match(/\.css$/) ? 'style' : 'script'
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' &&
!isDependency &&
this.getDependencies(route).then((urls) =>
Promise.all( =>
this.prefetch(dependencyUrl, true)
// do not return any data
() => {},
// swallow prefetch errors
() => {}