JJ Kasper 62c7eff354
Revert "Revert "Refactor Server Router" (#40328)" (#40333)
This unreverts as it wasn't
the cause for like
initially suspected and the actual fix has been included here as well
with regression test.


## Bug

- [x] Related issues linked using `fixes #number`
- [x] Integration tests added
- [ ] Errors have helpful link attached, see ``
2022-09-07 16:38:10 -07:00

479 lines
13 KiB

import type { NextConfig } from './config'
import type { ParsedUrlQuery } from 'querystring'
import type { BaseNextRequest, BaseNextResponse } from './base-http'
import type {
} from '../shared/lib/router/utils/route-matcher'
import type { RouteHas } from '../lib/load-custom-routes'
import { getNextInternalQuery, NextUrlWithParsedQuery } from './request-meta'
import { getPathMatch } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/path-match'
import { removeTrailingSlash } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/remove-trailing-slash'
import { normalizeLocalePath } from '../shared/lib/i18n/normalize-locale-path'
import { matchHas } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/prepare-destination'
import { removePathPrefix } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/remove-path-prefix'
import { getRequestMeta } from './request-meta'
import { formatNextPathnameInfo } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/format-next-pathname-info'
import { getNextPathnameInfo } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/get-next-pathname-info'
type RouteResult = {
finished: boolean
pathname?: string
query?: ParsedUrlQuery
export type Route = {
match: RouteMatch
has?: RouteHas[]
type: string
check?: boolean
statusCode?: number
name: string
matchesBasePath?: true
matchesLocale?: true
matchesLocaleAPIRoutes?: true
matchesTrailingSlash?: true
internal?: true
fn: (
req: BaseNextRequest,
res: BaseNextResponse,
params: Params,
parsedUrl: NextUrlWithParsedQuery,
upgradeHead?: Buffer
) => Promise<RouteResult> | RouteResult
export type DynamicRoutes = Array<{ page: string; match: RouteMatch }>
export type PageChecker = (pathname: string) => Promise<boolean>
export default class Router {
public catchAllMiddleware: ReadonlyArray<Route>
private readonly headers: ReadonlyArray<Route>
private readonly fsRoutes: Route[]
private readonly redirects: ReadonlyArray<Route>
private readonly rewrites: {
beforeFiles: ReadonlyArray<Route>
afterFiles: ReadonlyArray<Route>
fallback: ReadonlyArray<Route>
private readonly catchAllRoute: Route
private readonly pageChecker: PageChecker
private dynamicRoutes: DynamicRoutes
private readonly useFileSystemPublicRoutes: boolean
private readonly nextConfig: NextConfig
private compiledRoutes: ReadonlyArray<Route>
private needsRecompilation: boolean
* context stores information used by the router.
private readonly context = new WeakMap<
* pageChecks is the memoized record of all checks made against pages to
* help de-duplicate work.
pageChecks: Record<string, boolean>
headers = [],
fsRoutes = [],
rewrites = {
beforeFiles: [],
afterFiles: [],
fallback: [],
redirects = [],
catchAllMiddleware = [],
dynamicRoutes = [],
}: {
headers: ReadonlyArray<Route>
fsRoutes: ReadonlyArray<Route>
rewrites: {
beforeFiles: ReadonlyArray<Route>
afterFiles: ReadonlyArray<Route>
fallback: ReadonlyArray<Route>
redirects: ReadonlyArray<Route>
catchAllRoute: Route
catchAllMiddleware: ReadonlyArray<Route>
dynamicRoutes: DynamicRoutes | undefined
pageChecker: PageChecker
useFileSystemPublicRoutes: boolean
nextConfig: NextConfig
}) {
this.nextConfig = nextConfig
this.headers = headers
this.fsRoutes = [...fsRoutes]
this.rewrites = rewrites
this.redirects = redirects
this.pageChecker = pageChecker
this.catchAllRoute = catchAllRoute
this.catchAllMiddleware = catchAllMiddleware
this.dynamicRoutes = dynamicRoutes
this.useFileSystemPublicRoutes = useFileSystemPublicRoutes
// Perform the initial route compilation.
this.compiledRoutes = this.compileRoutes()
this.needsRecompilation = false
private async checkPage(
req: BaseNextRequest,
pathname: string
): Promise<boolean> {
pathname = normalizeLocalePath(pathname, this.locales).pathname
const context = this.context.get(req)
if (!context) {
throw new Error(
'Invariant: request is not available inside the context, this is an internal error please open an issue.'
if (context.pageChecks[pathname] !== undefined) {
return context.pageChecks[pathname]
const result = await this.pageChecker(pathname)
context.pageChecks[pathname] = result
return result
get locales() {
return this.nextConfig.i18n?.locales || []
get basePath() {
return this.nextConfig.basePath || ''
public setDynamicRoutes(dynamicRoutes: DynamicRoutes) {
this.dynamicRoutes = dynamicRoutes
this.needsRecompilation = true
public setCatchallMiddleware(catchAllMiddleware: ReadonlyArray<Route>) {
this.catchAllMiddleware = catchAllMiddleware
this.needsRecompilation = true
public addFsRoute(fsRoute: Route) {
// We use unshift so that we're sure the routes is defined before Next's
// default routes.
this.needsRecompilation = true
private compileRoutes(): ReadonlyArray<Route> {
Desired routes order
- headers
- redirects
- Check filesystem (including pages), if nothing found continue
- User rewrites (checking filesystem and pages each match)
const [middlewareCatchAllRoute] = this.catchAllMiddleware
return [
? this.fsRoutes
.filter((route) => === '_next/data catchall')
.map((route) => ({ ...route, check: false }))
: []),
...(this.useFileSystemPublicRoutes && middlewareCatchAllRoute
? [middlewareCatchAllRoute]
: []),
// We only check the catch-all route if public page routes hasn't been
// disabled
? [
type: 'route',
name: 'page checker',
match: getPathMatch('/:path*'),
fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl, upgradeHead) => {
const pathname = removeTrailingSlash(parsedUrl.pathname || '/')
if (!pathname) {
return { finished: false }
if (await this.checkPage(req, pathname)) {
return this.catchAllRoute.fn(
return { finished: false }
} as Route,
: []),
? [
type: 'route',
name: 'dynamic route/page check',
match: getPathMatch('/:path*'),
fn: async (req, res, _params, parsedCheckerUrl, upgradeHead) => {
return {
finished: await this.checkFsRoutes(
} as Route,
: []),
// We only check the catch-all route if public page routes hasn't been
// disabled
...(this.useFileSystemPublicRoutes ? [this.catchAllRoute] : []),
private async checkFsRoutes(
req: BaseNextRequest,
res: BaseNextResponse,
parsedUrl: NextUrlWithParsedQuery,
upgradeHead?: Buffer
) {
const originalFsPathname = parsedUrl.pathname
const fsPathname = removePathPrefix(originalFsPathname!, this.basePath)
for (const route of this.fsRoutes) {
const params = route.match(fsPathname)
if (params) {
parsedUrl.pathname = fsPathname
const { finished } = await route.fn(req, res, params, parsedUrl)
if (finished) {
return true
parsedUrl.pathname = originalFsPathname
let matchedPage = await this.checkPage(req, fsPathname)
// If we didn't match a page check dynamic routes
if (!matchedPage) {
const normalizedFsPathname = normalizeLocalePath(
for (const dynamicRoute of this.dynamicRoutes) {
if (dynamicRoute.match(normalizedFsPathname)) {
matchedPage = true
// Matched a page or dynamic route so render it using catchAllRoute
if (matchedPage) {
const params = this.catchAllRoute.match(parsedUrl.pathname)
if (!params) {
throw new Error(
`Invariant: could not match params, this is an internal error please open an issue.`
parsedUrl.pathname = fsPathname
parsedUrl.query._nextBubbleNoFallback = '1'
const { finished } = await this.catchAllRoute.fn(
return finished
return false
async execute(
req: BaseNextRequest,
res: BaseNextResponse,
parsedUrl: NextUrlWithParsedQuery,
upgradeHead?: Buffer
): Promise<boolean> {
// Only recompile if the routes need to be recompiled, this should only
// happen in development.
if (this.needsRecompilation) {
this.compiledRoutes = this.compileRoutes()
this.needsRecompilation = false
if (this.context.has(req)) {
throw new Error(
`Invariant: request has already been processed: ${req.url}, this is an internal error please open an issue.`
this.context.set(req, { pageChecks: {} })
try {
// Create a deep copy of the parsed URL.
const parsedUrlUpdated = {
query: {
for (const route of this.compiledRoutes) {
// only process rewrites for upgrade request
if (upgradeHead && route.type !== 'rewrite') {
const originalPathname = parsedUrlUpdated.pathname as string
const pathnameInfo = getNextPathnameInfo(originalPathname, {
nextConfig: this.nextConfig,
parseData: false,
if (
pathnameInfo.locale &&
!route.matchesLocaleAPIRoutes &&
) {
if (getRequestMeta(req, '_nextHadBasePath')) {
pathnameInfo.basePath = this.basePath
const basePath = pathnameInfo.basePath
if (!route.matchesBasePath) {
pathnameInfo.basePath = ''
if (
route.matchesLocale &&
parsedUrlUpdated.query.__nextLocale &&
) {
pathnameInfo.locale = parsedUrlUpdated.query.__nextLocale
if (
!route.matchesLocale &&
pathnameInfo.locale === this.nextConfig.i18n?.defaultLocale &&
) {
pathnameInfo.locale = undefined
if (
route.matchesTrailingSlash &&
getRequestMeta(req, '__nextHadTrailingSlash')
) {
pathnameInfo.trailingSlash = true
const matchPathname = formatNextPathnameInfo({
ignorePrefix: true,
let params = route.match(matchPathname)
if (route.has && params) {
const hasParams = matchHas(req, route.has, parsedUrlUpdated.query)
if (hasParams) {
Object.assign(params, hasParams)
} else {
params = false
* If it is a matcher that doesn't match the basePath (like the public
* directory) but Next.js is configured to use a basePath that was
* never there, we consider this an invalid match and keep routing.
if (
params &&
this.basePath &&
!route.matchesBasePath &&
!getRequestMeta(req, '_nextDidRewrite') &&
) {
if (params) {
parsedUrlUpdated.pathname = matchPathname
const result = await route.fn(
if (result.finished) {
return true
if (result.pathname) {
parsedUrlUpdated.pathname = result.pathname
} else {
// since the fs route didn't finish routing we need to re-add the
// basePath to continue checking with the basePath present
parsedUrlUpdated.pathname = originalPathname
if (result.query) {
parsedUrlUpdated.query = {
// check filesystem
if (
route.check &&
(await this.checkFsRoutes(req, res, parsedUrlUpdated))
) {
return true
// All routes were tested, none were found.
return false
} finally {