Tim Neutkens 35bbe30912
Optimize resolve configuration (#6954)
* Resolve Next.js loaders first

Next.js loaders should be resolved first, then node_modules. There is no need for NEXT_PROJECT_ROOT_NODE_MODULES anymore since all our loaders are internal

* Move wasm to end of array

Since wasm isn’t the main target for Next.js it makes no sense to try and resolve it as the first value, as it would incur a file not found for nearly all files in the compilation
2019-04-08 14:57:21 +02:00

361 lines
14 KiB

import path from 'path'
import webpack from 'webpack'
import resolve from 'next/dist/compiled/resolve/index.js'
import NextJsSsrImportPlugin from './webpack/plugins/nextjs-ssr-import'
import NextJsSSRModuleCachePlugin from './webpack/plugins/nextjs-ssr-module-cache'
import PagesManifestPlugin from './webpack/plugins/pages-manifest-plugin'
import BuildManifestPlugin from './webpack/plugins/build-manifest-plugin'
import ChunkNamesPlugin from './webpack/plugins/chunk-names-plugin'
import { ReactLoadablePlugin } from './webpack/plugins/react-loadable-plugin'
import {TerserPlugin} from './webpack/plugins/terser-webpack-plugin/src/index'
import { ServerlessPlugin } from './webpack/plugins/serverless-plugin'
import { AllModulesIdentifiedPlugin } from './webpack/plugins/all-modules-identified-plugin'
import { SharedRuntimePlugin } from './webpack/plugins/shared-runtime-plugin'
import { HashedChunkIdsPlugin } from './webpack/plugins/hashed-chunk-ids-plugin'
import { ChunkGraphPlugin } from './webpack/plugins/chunk-graph-plugin'
import { WebpackEntrypoints } from './entries'
type ExcludesFalse = <T>(x: T | false) => x is T
export default function getBaseWebpackConfig (dir: string, {dev = false, debug = false, isServer = false, buildId, config, target = 'server', entrypoints, __selectivePageBuilding = false}: {dev?: boolean, debug?: boolean, isServer?: boolean, buildId: string, config: any, target?: string, entrypoints: WebpackEntrypoints, __selectivePageBuilding?: boolean}): webpack.Configuration {
const defaultLoaders = {
babel: {
loader: 'next-babel-loader',
options: { isServer, cwd: dir }
// Backwards compat
hotSelfAccept: {
loader: 'noop-loader'
// Support for NODE_PATH
const nodePathList = (process.env.NODE_PATH || '')
.split(process.platform === 'win32' ? ';' : ':')
.filter((p) => !!p)
const distDir = path.join(dir, config.distDir)
const outputDir = target === 'serverless' ? 'serverless' : SERVER_DIRECTORY
const outputPath = path.join(distDir, isServer ? outputDir : '')
const totalPages = Object.keys(entrypoints).length
const clientEntries = !isServer ? {
// Backwards compatibility
'main.js': [],
[CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_MAIN]: `.${path.sep}` + path.relative(dir, path.join(NEXT_PROJECT_ROOT_DIST_CLIENT, (dev ? `next-dev.js` : 'next.js')))
} : undefined
const resolveConfig = {
// Disable .mjs for node_modules bundling
extensions: isServer ? ['.js', '.mjs', '.jsx', '.json', '.wasm'] : ['.mjs', '.js', '.jsx', '.json', '.wasm'],
modules: [
...nodePathList // Support for NODE_PATH environment variable
alias: {
// These aliases make sure the wrapper module is not included in the bundles
// Which makes bundles slightly smaller, but also skips parsing a module that we know will result in this alias
'next/head': 'next-server/dist/lib/head.js',
'next/router': 'next/dist/client/router.js',
'next/config': 'next-server/dist/lib/runtime-config.js',
'next/dynamic': 'next-server/dist/lib/dynamic.js',
[PAGES_DIR_ALIAS]: path.join(dir, 'pages'),
mainFields: isServer ? ['main', 'module'] : ['browser', 'module', 'main']
const webpackMode = dev ? 'development' : 'production'
const terserPluginConfig = {
parallel: true,
sourceMap: false,
cache: true,
cpus: config.experimental.cpus,
let webpackConfig: webpack.Configuration = {
mode: webpackMode,
devtool: (dev || debug) ? 'cheap-module-source-map' : false,
name: isServer ? 'server' : 'client',
target: isServer ? 'node' : 'web',
externals: isServer && target !== 'serverless' ? [
(context, request, callback) => {
const notExternalModules = [
'next/app', 'next/document', 'next/link', 'next/error',
if (notExternalModules.indexOf(request) !== -1) {
return callback()
resolve(request, { basedir: dir, preserveSymlinks: true }, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
return callback()
if (!res) {
return callback()
// Default pages have to be transpiled
if (res.match(/next[/\\]dist[/\\]/) || res.match(/node_modules[/\\]@babel[/\\]runtime[/\\]/) || res.match(/node_modules[/\\]@babel[/\\]runtime-corejs2[/\\]/)) {
return callback()
// Webpack itself has to be compiled because it doesn't always use module relative paths
if (res.match(/node_modules[/\\]webpack/) || res.match(/node_modules[/\\]css-loader/)) {
return callback()
// styled-jsx has to be transpiled
if (res.match(/node_modules[/\\]styled-jsx/)) {
return callback()
if (res.match(/node_modules[/\\].*\.js$/)) {
return callback(undefined, `commonjs ${request}`)
] : [
// When the serverless target is used all node_modules will be compiled into the output bundles
// So that the serverless bundles have 0 runtime dependencies
'amp-toolbox-optimizer' // except this one
optimization: isServer ? {
splitChunks: false,
minimize: false
} : Object.assign({
runtimeChunk: __selectivePageBuilding ? false : {
splitChunks: dev ? {
cacheGroups: {
default: false,
vendors: false
} : __selectivePageBuilding ? {
cacheGroups: {
default: false,
vendors: false,
react: {
name: 'commons',
chunks: 'all',
test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/](react|react-dom)[\\/]/
} : {
chunks: 'all',
cacheGroups: {
default: false,
vendors: false,
commons: {
name: 'commons',
chunks: 'all',
minChunks: totalPages > 2 ? totalPages * 0.5 : 2
react: {
name: 'commons',
chunks: 'all',
test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/](react|react-dom)[\\/]/
minimize: !(dev || debug),
minimizer: !(dev || debug) ? [
new TerserPlugin({...terserPluginConfig,
terserOptions: {
safari10: true
] : undefined,
}, __selectivePageBuilding ? {
providedExports: false,
usedExports: false,
concatenateModules: false,
} : undefined),
recordsPath: path.join(outputPath, 'records.json'),
context: dir,
// Kept as function to be backwards compatible
entry: async () => {
return {
...clientEntries ? clientEntries : {},
output: {
path: outputPath,
filename: ({chunk}: {chunk: {name: string}}) => {
// Use `[name]-[contenthash].js` in production
return\.js$/, '-[contenthash].js')
return '[name]'
libraryTarget: isServer ? 'commonjs2' : 'var',
hotUpdateChunkFilename: 'static/webpack/[id].[hash].hot-update.js',
hotUpdateMainFilename: 'static/webpack/[hash].hot-update.json',
// This saves chunks with the name given via `import()`
chunkFilename: isServer ? `${dev ? '[name]' : '[name].[contenthash]'}.js` : `static/chunks/${dev ? '[name]' : '[name].[contenthash]'}.js`,
strictModuleExceptionHandling: true,
crossOriginLoading: config.crossOrigin,
futureEmitAssets: !dev,
webassemblyModuleFilename: 'static/wasm/[modulehash].wasm'
performance: { hints: false },
resolve: resolveConfig,
resolveLoader: {
modules: [
path.join(__dirname, 'webpack', 'loaders'), // The loaders Next.js provides
...nodePathList // Support for NODE_PATH environment variable
// @ts-ignore this is filtered
module: {
rules: [
config.experimental.ampBindInitData && !isServer && {
test: /\.(js|mjs|jsx)$/,
include: [path.join(dir, 'data')],
use: 'next-data-loader'
test: /\.(js|mjs|jsx)$/,
include: [dir, /next-server[\\/]dist[\\/]lib/],
exclude: (path: string) => {
if (/next-server[\\/]dist[\\/]lib/.test(path)) {
return false
return /node_modules/.test(path)
use: defaultLoaders.babel
plugins: [
// This plugin makes sure `output.filename` is used for entry chunks
new ChunkNamesPlugin(),
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
...(Object.keys(config.env).reduce((acc, key) => {
if (/^(?:NODE_.+)|(?:__.+)$/i.test(key)) {
throw new Error(`The key "${key}" under "env" in next.config.js is not allowed.`)
return {
[`process.env.${key}`]: JSON.stringify(config.env[key])
}, {})),
'process.crossOrigin': JSON.stringify(config.crossOrigin),
'process.browser': JSON.stringify(!isServer),
// This is used in client/dev-error-overlay/hot-dev-client.js to replace the dist directory
...(dev && !isServer ? {
'process.env.__NEXT_DIST_DIR': JSON.stringify(distDir)
} : {}),
'process.env.__NEXT_EXPERIMENTAL_DEBUG': JSON.stringify(debug),
'process.env.__NEXT_EXPORT_TRAILING_SLASH': JSON.stringify(config.experimental.exportTrailingSlash)
!isServer && new ReactLoadablePlugin({
!isServer && __selectivePageBuilding && new ChunkGraphPlugin(buildId, path.resolve(dir), { filename: CHUNK_GRAPH_MANIFEST }),
...(dev ? (() => {
// Even though require.cache is server only we have to clear assets from both compilations
// This is because the client compilation generates the build manifest that's used on the server side
const {NextJsRequireCacheHotReloader} = require('./webpack/plugins/nextjs-require-cache-hot-reloader')
const {UnlinkRemovedPagesPlugin} = require('./webpack/plugins/unlink-removed-pages-plugin')
const devPlugins = [
new UnlinkRemovedPagesPlugin(),
new webpack.NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin(),
new NextJsRequireCacheHotReloader(),
if(!isServer) {
const AutoDllPlugin = require('autodll-webpack-plugin')
new AutoDllPlugin({
filename: '[name]_[hash].js',
path: './static/development/dll',
context: dir,
entry: {
dll: [
config: {
mode: webpackMode,
resolve: resolveConfig
devPlugins.push(new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin())
return devPlugins
})() : []),
!dev && new webpack.HashedModuleIdsPlugin(),
// This must come after HashedModuleIdsPlugin (it sets any modules that
// were missed by HashedModuleIdsPlugin)
!dev && __selectivePageBuilding && new AllModulesIdentifiedPlugin(dir),
// This sets chunk ids to be hashed versions of their names to reduce
// bundle churn
!dev && new HashedChunkIdsPlugin(buildId),
// On the client we want to share the same runtime cache
!isServer && __selectivePageBuilding && new SharedRuntimePlugin(),
!dev && new webpack.IgnorePlugin({
checkResource: (resource: string) => {
return /react-is/.test(resource)
checkContext: (context: string) => {
return /next-server[\\/]dist[\\/]/.test(context) || /next[\\/]dist[\\/]/.test(context)
target === 'serverless' && (isServer || __selectivePageBuilding) && new ServerlessPlugin(buildId, { isServer }),
target !== 'serverless' && isServer && new PagesManifestPlugin(),
target !== 'serverless' && isServer && new NextJsSSRModuleCachePlugin({ outputPath }),
isServer && new NextJsSsrImportPlugin(),
!isServer && new BuildManifestPlugin(),
config.experimental.profiling && new webpack.debug.ProfilingPlugin({
outputPath: path.join(distDir, `profile-events-${isServer ? 'server' : 'client'}.json`)
].filter(Boolean as any as ExcludesFalse)
if (typeof config.webpack === 'function') {
webpackConfig = config.webpack(webpackConfig, { dir, dev, isServer, buildId, config, defaultLoaders, totalPages, webpack })
// @ts-ignore: Property 'then' does not exist on type 'Configuration'
if (typeof webpackConfig.then === 'function') {
console.warn('> Promise returned in next config.')
// Backwards compat for `main.js` entry key
const originalEntry: any = webpackConfig.entry
if (typeof originalEntry !== 'undefined') {
webpackConfig.entry = async () => {
const entry: WebpackEntrypoints = typeof originalEntry === 'function' ? await originalEntry() : originalEntry
// Server compilation doesn't have main.js
if (clientEntries && entry['main.js'] && entry['main.js'].length > 0) {
const originalFile = clientEntries[CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME_MAIN]
delete entry['main.js']
return entry
return webpackConfig