Gal Schlezinger 708688dd26
[edge] enable edge compiler source maps by default (#38365)
since we no longer have a single compiler for browser & edge, we can enable
source map generation by default for all edge functions. This would make it
much easier to debug and understand what's happening when deploying to prod
as the log statements will show us the actual code location instead of post
bundling and minified location.

This also removes the experimental flag as it's not needed anymore.
2022-07-06 18:17:57 +00:00

567 lines
17 KiB

import os from 'os'
import type { webpack5 } from 'next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack'
import { Header, Redirect, Rewrite } from '../lib/load-custom-routes'
import {
} from '../shared/lib/image-config'
export type ServerRuntime = 'nodejs' | 'experimental-edge' | undefined
export type NextConfigComplete = Required<NextConfig> & {
images: Required<ImageConfigComplete>
typescript: Required<TypeScriptConfig>
configOrigin?: string
configFile?: string
configFileName: string
export interface I18NConfig {
defaultLocale: string
domains?: DomainLocale[]
localeDetection?: false
locales: string[]
export interface DomainLocale {
defaultLocale: string
domain: string
http?: true
locales?: string[]
export interface ESLintConfig {
/** Only run ESLint on these directories with `next lint` and `next build`. */
dirs?: string[]
/** Do not run ESLint during production builds (`next build`). */
ignoreDuringBuilds?: boolean
export interface TypeScriptConfig {
/** Do not run TypeScript during production builds (`next build`). */
ignoreBuildErrors?: boolean
/** Relative path to a custom tsconfig file */
tsconfigPath?: string
export interface WebpackConfigContext {
/** Next.js root directory */
dir: string
/** Indicates if the compilation will be done in development */
dev: boolean
/** It's `true` for server-side compilation, and `false` for client-side compilation */
isServer: boolean
/** The build id, used as a unique identifier between builds */
buildId: string
/** The next.config.js merged with default values */
config: NextConfigComplete
/** Default loaders used internally by Next.js */
defaultLoaders: {
/** Default babel-loader configuration */
babel: any
/** Number of total Next.js pages */
totalPages: number
/** The webpack configuration */
webpack: any
/** The current server runtime */
nextRuntime?: 'nodejs' | 'edge'
export interface NextJsWebpackConfig {
/** Existing Webpack config */
config: any,
context: WebpackConfigContext
): any
export interface ExperimentalConfig {
legacyBrowsers?: boolean
browsersListForSwc?: boolean
manualClientBasePath?: boolean
newNextLinkBehavior?: boolean
// custom path to a cache handler to use
incrementalCacheHandlerPath?: string
disablePostcssPresetEnv?: boolean
swcMinify?: boolean
swcFileReading?: boolean
cpus?: number
sharedPool?: boolean
profiling?: boolean
isrFlushToDisk?: boolean
workerThreads?: boolean
pageEnv?: boolean
optimizeCss?: boolean
nextScriptWorkers?: boolean
scrollRestoration?: boolean
externalDir?: boolean
appDir?: boolean
amp?: {
optimizer?: any
validator?: string
skipValidation?: boolean
disableOptimizedLoading?: boolean
gzipSize?: boolean
craCompat?: boolean
esmExternals?: boolean | 'loose'
isrMemoryCacheSize?: number
runtime?: Exclude<ServerRuntime, undefined>
serverComponents?: boolean
fullySpecified?: boolean
urlImports?: NonNullable<webpack5.Configuration['experiments']>['buildHttp']
outputFileTracingRoot?: string
images?: {
remotePatterns?: RemotePattern[]
unoptimized?: boolean
allowFutureImage?: boolean
modularizeImports?: Record<
transform: string
preventFullImport?: boolean
skipDefaultConversion?: boolean
swcTraceProfiling?: boolean
forceSwcTransforms?: boolean
* The option for the minifier of [SWC compiler](
* This option is only for debugging the SWC minifier, and will be removed once the SWC minifier is stable.
* @see [SWC Minification](
swcMinifyDebugOptions?: {
compress?: object
mangle?: object
swcPlugins?: Array<[string, Record<string, unknown>]>
largePageDataBytes?: number
* Next configuration object
* @see [configuration documentation](
export interface NextConfig extends Record<string, any> {
* Internationalization configuration
* @see [Internationalization docs](
i18n?: I18NConfig | null
* @since version 11
* @see [ESLint configuration](
eslint?: ESLintConfig
* @see [Next.js TypeScript documentation](
typescript?: TypeScriptConfig
* Headers allow you to set custom HTTP headers for an incoming request path.
* @see [Headers configuration documentation](
headers?: () => Promise<Header[]>
* Rewrites allow you to map an incoming request path to a different destination path.
* @see [Rewrites configuration documentation](
rewrites?: () => Promise<
| Rewrite[]
| {
beforeFiles: Rewrite[]
afterFiles: Rewrite[]
fallback: Rewrite[]
* Redirects allow you to redirect an incoming request path to a different destination path.
* @see [Redirects configuration documentation](
redirects?: () => Promise<Redirect[]>
* @deprecated This option has been removed as webpack 5 is now default
* @see [Next.js webpack 5 documentation]( for upgrading guidance.
webpack5?: false
* @see [Moment.js locales excluded by default](
excludeDefaultMomentLocales?: boolean
* Before continuing to add custom webpack configuration to your application make sure Next.js doesn't already support your use-case
* @see [Custom Webpack Config documentation](
webpack?: NextJsWebpackConfig | null
* By default Next.js will redirect urls with trailing slashes to their counterpart without a trailing slash.
* @default false
* @see [Trailing Slash Configuration](
trailingSlash?: boolean
* Next.js comes with built-in support for environment variables
* @see [Environment Variables documentation](
env?: Record<string, string>
* Destination directory (defaults to `.next`)
distDir?: string
* The build output directory (defaults to `.next`) is now cleared by default except for the Next.js caches.
cleanDistDir?: boolean
* To set up a CDN, you can set up an asset prefix and configure your CDN's origin to resolve to the domain that Next.js is hosted on.
* @see [CDN Support with Asset Prefix](
assetPrefix?: string
* By default, `Next` will serve each file in the `pages` folder under a pathname matching the filename.
* To disable this behavior and prevent routing based set this to `true`.
* @default true
* @see [Disabling file-system routing](
useFileSystemPublicRoutes?: boolean
* @see [Configuring the build ID](
generateBuildId?: () => string | null | Promise<string | null>
/** @see [Disabling ETag Configuration]( */
generateEtags?: boolean
/** @see [Including non-page files in the pages directory]( */
pageExtensions?: string[]
/** @see [Compression documentation]( */
compress?: boolean
/** @see [Disabling x-powered-by]( */
poweredByHeader?: boolean
/** @see [Using the Image Component]( */
images?: ImageConfig
/** Configure indicators in development environment */
devIndicators?: {
/** Show "building..."" indicator in development */
buildActivity?: boolean
/** Position of "building..." indicator in browser */
| 'bottom-right'
| 'bottom-left'
| 'top-right'
| 'top-left'
* Next.js exposes some options that give you some control over how the server will dispose or keep in memory built pages in development.
* @see [Configuring `onDemandEntries`](
onDemandEntries?: {
/** period (in ms) where the server will keep pages in the buffer */
maxInactiveAge?: number
/** number of pages that should be kept simultaneously without being disposed */
pagesBufferLength?: number
/** @see [`next/amp`]( */
amp?: {
canonicalBase?: string
* Deploy a Next.js application under a sub-path of a domain
* @see [Base path configuration](
basePath?: string
/** @see [Customizing sass options]( */
sassOptions?: { [key: string]: any }
* Enable browser source map generation during the production build
* @see [Source Maps](
productionBrowserSourceMaps?: boolean
* By default, Next.js will automatically inline font CSS at build time
* @default true
* @since version 10.2
* @see [Font Optimization](
optimizeFonts?: boolean
* The Next.js runtime is Strict Mode-compliant.
* @see [React Strict Mode](
reactStrictMode?: boolean
* Add public (in browser) runtime configuration to your app
* @see [Runtime configuration](
publicRuntimeConfig?: { [key: string]: any }
* Add server runtime configuration to your app
* @see [Runtime configuration](
serverRuntimeConfig?: { [key: string]: any }
* Next.js automatically polyfills node-fetch and enables HTTP Keep-Alive by default.
* You may want to disable HTTP Keep-Alive for certain `fetch()` calls or globally.
* @see [Disabling HTTP Keep-Alive](
httpAgentOptions?: { keepAlive?: boolean }
future?: {
* @deprecated This option has been removed as webpack 5 is now default
webpack5?: false
* During a build, Next.js will automatically trace each page and its dependencies to determine all of the files
* that are needed for deploying a production version of your application.
* @see [Output File Tracing](
outputFileTracing?: boolean
* Timeout after waiting to generate static pages in seconds
* @default 60
staticPageGenerationTimeout?: number
* Add `"crossorigin"` attribute to generated `<script>` elements generated by `<Head />` or `<NextScript />` components
* @see [`crossorigin` attribute documentation](
crossOrigin?: false | 'anonymous' | 'use-credentials'
* Use [SWC compiler]( to minify the generated JavaScript
* @see [SWC Minification](
swcMinify?: boolean
* Optionally enable compiler transforms
* @see [Supported Compiler Options](
compiler?: {
| boolean
| {
properties?: string[]
relay?: {
src: string
artifactDirectory?: string
language?: 'typescript' | 'flow'
| boolean
| {
exclude?: string[]
| boolean
| {
* Enabled by default in development, disabled in production to reduce file size,
* setting this will override the default for all environments.
displayName?: boolean
topLevelImportPaths?: string[]
ssr?: boolean
fileName?: boolean
meaninglessFileNames?: string[]
minify?: boolean
transpileTemplateLiterals?: boolean
namespace?: string
pure?: boolean
cssProp?: boolean
| boolean
| {
sourceMap?: boolean
autoLabel?: 'dev-only' | 'always' | 'never'
labelFormat?: string
output?: 'standalone'
* Enable experimental features. Note that all experimental features are subject to breaking changes in the future.
experimental?: ExperimentalConfig
export const defaultConfig: NextConfig = {
env: {},
webpack: null,
webpackDevMiddleware: null,
eslint: {
ignoreDuringBuilds: false,
typescript: {
ignoreBuildErrors: false,
tsconfigPath: 'tsconfig.json',
distDir: '.next',
cleanDistDir: true,
assetPrefix: '',
configOrigin: 'default',
useFileSystemPublicRoutes: true,
generateBuildId: () => null,
generateEtags: true,
pageExtensions: ['tsx', 'ts', 'jsx', 'js'],
target: 'server',
poweredByHeader: true,
compress: true,
analyticsId: process.env.VERCEL_ANALYTICS_ID || '',
images: imageConfigDefault,
devIndicators: {
buildActivity: true,
buildActivityPosition: 'bottom-right',
onDemandEntries: {
maxInactiveAge: 15 * 1000,
pagesBufferLength: 2,
amp: {
canonicalBase: '',
basePath: '',
sassOptions: {},
trailingSlash: false,
i18n: null,
productionBrowserSourceMaps: false,
optimizeFonts: true,
webpack5: undefined,
excludeDefaultMomentLocales: true,
serverRuntimeConfig: {},
publicRuntimeConfig: {},
reactStrictMode: false,
httpAgentOptions: {
keepAlive: true,
outputFileTracing: true,
staticPageGenerationTimeout: 60,
swcMinify: false,
output: !!process.env.NEXT_PRIVATE_STANDALONE ? 'standalone' : undefined,
experimental: {
runtime: undefined,
manualClientBasePath: false,
// TODO: change default in next major release (current v12.1.5)
legacyBrowsers: true,
browsersListForSwc: false,
// TODO: change default in next major release (current v12.1.5)
newNextLinkBehavior: false,
cpus: Math.max(
(Number(process.env.CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL) ||
(os.cpus() || { length: 1 }).length) - 1
sharedPool: true,
profiling: false,
isrFlushToDisk: true,
workerThreads: false,
pageEnv: false,
optimizeCss: false,
nextScriptWorkers: false,
scrollRestoration: false,
externalDir: false,
disableOptimizedLoading: false,
gzipSize: true,
swcFileReading: true,
craCompat: false,
esmExternals: true,
appDir: false,
// default to 50MB limit
isrMemoryCacheSize: 50 * 1024 * 1024,
serverComponents: false,
fullySpecified: false,
outputFileTracingRoot: process.env.NEXT_PRIVATE_OUTPUT_TRACE_ROOT || '',
images: {
remotePatterns: [],
swcTraceProfiling: false,
forceSwcTransforms: false,
swcPlugins: undefined,
swcMinifyDebugOptions: undefined,
largePageDataBytes: 128 * 1000, // 128KB by default
disablePostcssPresetEnv: undefined,
amp: undefined,
urlImports: undefined,
modularizeImports: undefined,
export async function normalizeConfig(phase: string, config: any) {
if (typeof config === 'function') {
config = config(phase, { defaultConfig })
// Support `new Promise` and `async () =>` as return values of the config export
return await config
export function isServerRuntime(value?: string): value is ServerRuntime {
return (
value === undefined || value === 'nodejs' || value === 'experimental-edge'