Tobias Koppers 5a76ac970f
fix isTurbopack check in test cases (#65446)
### What?

Fix the `isTurbopack` flag in production test cases
2024-05-07 17:38:57 +02:00

298 lines
7.9 KiB

import path from 'path'
import assert from 'assert'
import { flushAllTraces, setGlobal, trace } from 'next/dist/trace'
import { PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER } from 'next/constants'
import { NextInstance, NextInstanceOpts } from './next-modes/base'
import { NextDevInstance } from './next-modes/next-dev'
import { NextStartInstance } from './next-modes/next-start'
import { NextDeployInstance } from './next-modes/next-deploy'
import { shouldRunTurboDevTest } from './next-test-utils'
export type { NextInstance }
// increase timeout to account for pnpm install time
// if either test runs for the --turbo or have a custom timeout, set reduced timeout instead.
// this is due to current --turbo test have a lot of tests fails with timeouts, ends up the whole
// test job exceeds the 6 hours limit.
let testTimeout = shouldRunTurboDevTest()
? (240 * 1000) / 4
: (process.platform === 'win32' ? 240 : 120) * 1000
if (process.env.NEXT_E2E_TEST_TIMEOUT) {
try {
testTimeout = parseInt(process.env.NEXT_E2E_TEST_TIMEOUT, 10)
} catch (_) {
// ignore
const testsFolder = path.join(__dirname, '..')
let testFile
const testFileRegex = /\.test\.(js|tsx?)/
const visitedModules = new Set()
const checkParent = (mod) => {
if (!mod?.parent || visitedModules.has(mod)) return
testFile = mod.parent.filename || ''
if (!testFileRegex.test(testFile)) {
process.env.TEST_FILE_PATH = testFile
let testMode = process.env.NEXT_TEST_MODE
if (!testFileRegex.test(testFile)) {
throw new Error(
`e2e-utils imported from non-test file ${testFile} (must end with .test.(js,ts,tsx)`
const testFolderModes = ['e2e', 'development', 'production']
const testModeFromFile = testFolderModes.find((mode) =>
testFile.startsWith(path.join(testsFolder, mode))
if (testModeFromFile === 'e2e') {
const validE2EModes = ['dev', 'start', 'deploy']
if (!process.env.NEXT_TEST_JOB && !testMode) {
'Warn: no NEXT_TEST_MODE set, using default of start'
testMode = 'start'
`NEXT_TEST_MODE must be one of ${validE2EModes.join(
', '
)} for e2e tests but received ${testMode}`
} else if (testModeFromFile === 'development') {
testMode = 'dev'
} else if (testModeFromFile === 'production') {
testMode = 'start'
if (testMode === 'dev') {
;(global as any).isNextDev = true
} else if (testMode === 'deploy') {
;(global as any).isNextDeploy = true
} else {
;(global as any).isNextStart = true
* Whether the test is running in development mode.
* Based on `process.env.NEXT_TEST_MODE` and the test directory.
export const isNextDev = testMode === 'dev'
* Whether the test is running in deploy mode.
* Based on `process.env.NEXT_TEST_MODE`.
export const isNextDeploy = testMode === 'deploy'
* Whether the test is running in start mode.
* Default mode. `true` when both `isNextDev` and `isNextDeploy` are false.
export const isNextStart = !isNextDev && !isNextDeploy
if (!testMode) {
throw new Error(
`No 'NEXT_TEST_MODE' set in environment, this is required for e2e-utils`
`Using test mode: ${testMode} in test folder ${testModeFromFile}`
* FileRef is wrapper around a file path that is meant be copied
* to the location where the next instance is being created
export class FileRef {
public fsPath: string
constructor(path: string) {
this.fsPath = path
let nextInstance: NextInstance | undefined = undefined
if (typeof afterAll === 'function') {
afterAll(async () => {
if (nextInstance) {
await nextInstance.destroy()
throw new Error(
`next instance not destroyed before exiting, make sure to call .destroy() after the tests after finished`
const setupTracing = () => {
if (!process.env.NEXT_TEST_TRACE) return
setGlobal('distDir', './test/.trace')
// This is a hacky way to use tracing utils even for tracing test utils.
// We want the same treatment as DEVELOPMENT_SERVER - adds a reasonable treshold for logs size.
* Sets up and manages a Next.js instance in the configured
* test mode. The next instance will be isolated from the monorepo
* to prevent relying on modules that shouldn't be
export async function createNext(
opts: NextInstanceOpts & { skipStart?: boolean }
): Promise<NextInstance> {
try {
if (nextInstance) {
throw new Error(`createNext called without destroying previous instance`)
return await trace('createNext').traceAsyncFn(async (rootSpan) => {
const useTurbo = !!process.env.TEST_WASM
? false
: opts?.turbo ?? shouldRunTurboDevTest()
if (testMode === 'dev') {
// next dev
rootSpan.traceChild('init next dev instance').traceFn(() => {
nextInstance = new NextDevInstance({
turbo: useTurbo,
} else if (testMode === 'deploy') {
// Vercel
rootSpan.traceChild('init next deploy instance').traceFn(() => {
nextInstance = new NextDeployInstance({
turbo: false,
} else {
// next build + next start
rootSpan.traceChild('init next start instance').traceFn(() => {
nextInstance = new NextStartInstance({
turbo: false,
nextInstance.on('destroy', () => {
nextInstance = undefined
await nextInstance.setup(rootSpan)
if (!opts.skipStart) {
await rootSpan
.traceChild('start next instance')
.traceAsyncFn(async () => {
await nextInstance.start()
return nextInstance!
} catch (err) {
require('console').error('Failed to create next instance', err)
try {
await nextInstance?.destroy()
} catch (_) {}
nextInstance = undefined
// Throw instead of process exit to ensure that Jest reports the tests as failed.
throw err
} finally {
export function nextTestSetup(
options: Parameters<typeof createNext>[0] & {
skipDeployment?: boolean
dir?: string
): {
isNextDev: boolean
isNextDeploy: boolean
isNextStart: boolean
isTurbopack: boolean
next: NextInstance
skipped: boolean
} {
let skipped = false
if (options.skipDeployment) {
// When the environment is running for deployment tests.
if (isNextDeploy) {
// eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-focused-tests
it.only('should skip next deploy', () => {})
// No tests are run.
skipped = true
let next: NextInstance | undefined
if (!skipped) {
beforeAll(async () => {
next = await createNext(options)
afterAll(async () => {
// Gracefully destroy the instance if `createNext` success.
// If next instance is not available, it's likely beforeAll hook failed and unnecessarily throws another error
// by attempting to destroy on undefined.
await next?.destroy()
const nextProxy = new Proxy<NextInstance>({} as NextInstance, {
get: function (_target, property) {
if (!next) {
throw new Error(
'next instance is not initialized yet, make sure you call methods on next instance in test body.'
const prop = next[property]
return typeof prop === 'function' ? prop.bind(next) : prop
return {
get isNextDev() {
return isNextDev
get isTurbopack(): boolean {
return Boolean(
!process.env.TEST_WASM && (options.turbo ?? shouldRunTurboDevTest())
get isNextDeploy() {
return isNextDeploy
get isNextStart() {
return isNextStart
get next() {
return nextProxy