Zack Tanner c013e98fa4
fix: server actions firing twice after navigation (#54948)
The original logic here was introduced to unblock client side navigations if a server action was in flight, however this introduced a bug where subsequent actions would fetch twice after navigation. 

This was happening because the promise handling was in the wrong spot: previously this would potentially cause both the `then` callback to fire while simultaneously the action reducer would handle the result. Moving it to where we're first checking if there's a pending navigation will more reliably indicate if the action was resolved after we discarded it in the reducer.

Closes NEXT-1589
Fixes #54746
2023-09-03 20:31:48 +00:00

803 lines
26 KiB

/* eslint-disable jest/no-standalone-expect */
import { createNextDescribe } from 'e2e-utils'
import { check } from 'next-test-utils'
import { Request } from 'playwright-chromium'
import fs from 'fs-extra'
import { join } from 'path'
'Error: An error occurred in the Server Components render. The specific message is omitted in production builds to avoid leaking sensitive details. A digest property is included on this error instance which may provide additional details about the nature of the error.'
'app-dir action handling',
files: __dirname,
dependencies: {
react: 'latest',
nanoid: 'latest',
'react-dom': 'latest',
'server-only': 'latest',
({ next, isNextDev, isNextStart, isNextDeploy }) => {
if (isNextStart) {
it('should warn for server actions + ISR incompat', async () => {
'Using server actions on a page currently disables static generation for that page'
it('should handle basic actions correctly', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/server')
const cnt = await browser.elementByCss('h1').text()
await browser.elementByCss('#inc').click()
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('h1').text(), '1')
await browser.elementByCss('#inc').click()
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('h1').text(), '2')
await browser.elementByCss('#double').click()
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('h1').text(), '4')
await browser.elementByCss('#dec').click()
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('h1').text(), '3')
it('should support headers and cookies', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/header')
await browser.elementByCss('#cookie').click()
await check(async () => {
const res = (await browser.elementByCss('h1').text()) || ''
const id = res.split(':')
return id[0] === id[1] && id[0] ? 'same' : 'different'
}, 'same')
await browser.elementByCss('#header').click()
await check(async () => {
const res = (await browser.elementByCss('h1').text()) || ''
return res.includes('Mozilla') ? 'UA' : ''
}, 'UA')
// Set cookies
await browser.elementByCss('#setCookie').click()
await check(async () => {
const res = (await browser.elementByCss('h1').text()) || ''
const id = res.split(':')
return id[0] === id[1] && id[0] === id[2] && id[0]
? 'same'
: 'different'
}, 'same')
it('should push new route when redirecting', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/header')
await browser.elementByCss('#setCookieAndRedirect').click()
await check(async () => {
return (await browser.elementByCss('#redirected').text()) || ''
}, 'redirected')
// Ensure we can navigate back
await browser.back()
await check(async () => {
return (
(await browser.elementByCss('#setCookieAndRedirect').text()) || ''
}, 'setCookieAndRedirect')
it('should support headers in client imported actions', async () => {
const logs: string[] = []
next.on('stdout', (log) => {
next.on('stderr', (log) => {
const currentTimestamp =
const browser = await next.browser('/client')
await browser.elementByCss('#get-header').click()
// we don't have access to runtime logs on deploy
if (!isNextDeploy) {
await check(() => {
return logs.some((log) =>
log.includes('accept header: text/x-component')
? 'yes'
: ''
}, 'yes')
await check(() => browser.eval('document.cookie'), /test-cookie/)
await browser.eval('+document.cookie.match(/test-cookie=(\\d+)/)[1]')
it('should support setting cookies in route handlers with the correct overrides', async () => {
const res = await next.fetch('/handler')
const setCookieHeader = res.headers.get('set-cookie')
expect(setCookieHeader).toContain('bar=bar2; Path=/')
expect(setCookieHeader).toContain('baz=baz2; Path=/')
expect(setCookieHeader).toContain('foo=foo1; Path=/')
expect(setCookieHeader).toContain('test1=value1; Path=/; Secure')
expect(setCookieHeader).toContain('test2=value2; Path=/handler; HttpOnly')
it('should support formData and redirect', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/server')
await browser.eval(`document.getElementById('name').value = 'test'`)
await browser.elementByCss('#submit').click()
await check(() => {
return browser.eval('window.location.pathname +')
}, '/header?name=test&constructor=FormData&hidden-info=hi')
it('should support .bind', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/server')
await browser.eval(`document.getElementById('n').value = '123'`)
await browser.elementByCss('#minus-one').click()
await check(() => {
return browser.eval('window.location.pathname +')
}, '/header?result=122')
it('should support chained .bind', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/server')
await browser.elementByCss('#add3').click()
await check(() => {
return browser.eval('window.location.pathname +')
}, '/header?result=6')
it('should support notFound (javascript disabled)', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/server', {
// TODO we should also test this with javascript on but not-found is not implemented yet.
disableJavaScript: true,
await browser.elementByCss('#nowhere').click()
await check(() => {
return browser.elementByCss('h1').text()
}, 'my-not-found')
it('should support notFound', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/server')
await browser.elementByCss('#nowhere').click()
await check(() => {
return browser.elementByCss('h1').text()
}, 'my-not-found')
it('should support uploading files', async () => {
const logs: string[] = []
next.on('stdout', (log) => {
next.on('stderr', (log) => {
const browser = await next.browser('/server')
// Fake a file to upload
await browser.eval(`
const file = new File(['hello'], 'hello.txt', { type: 'text/plain' });
const list = new DataTransfer();
document.getElementById('file').files = list.files;
await browser.elementByCss('#upload').click()
// we don't have access to runtime logs on deploy
if (!isNextDeploy) {
await check(() => {
return logs.some((log) =>
log.includes('File name: hello.txt size: 5')
? 'yes'
: ''
}, 'yes')
it('should support hoc auth wrappers', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/header')
await browser.eval(`document.cookie = 'auth=0'`)
await browser.elementByCss('#authed').click()
await check(
() => {
return browser.elementByCss('h1').text()
isNextDev ? 'Error: Unauthorized request' : GENERIC_RSC_ERROR
await browser.eval(`document.cookie = 'auth=1'`)
await browser.elementByCss('#authed').click()
await check(() => {
return browser.elementByCss('h1').text()
}, 'Prefix: HELLO, WORLD')
it('should support importing actions in client components', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/client')
const cnt = await browser.elementByCss('h1').text()
await browser.elementByCss('#inc').click()
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('h1').text(), '1')
await browser.elementByCss('#inc').click()
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('h1').text(), '2')
await browser.elementByCss('#double').click()
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('h1').text(), '4')
await browser.elementByCss('#dec').click()
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('h1').text(), '3')
it('should support importing the same action module instance in both server and action layers', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/shared')
const v = await browser.elementByCss('#value').text()
expect(v).toBe('Value = 0')
await browser.elementByCss('#server-inc').click()
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('#value').text(), 'Value = 1')
await browser.elementByCss('#client-inc').click()
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('#value').text(), 'Value = 2')
it('should not block navigation events while a server action is in flight', async () => {
let browser = await next.browser('/client')
await browser.elementByCss('#slow-inc').click()
// navigate to server
await browser.elementByCss('#navigate-server').click()
// intentionally bailing after 2 retries so we don't retry to the point where the async function resolves
await check(() => browser.url(), `${next.url}/server`, true, 2)
browser = await next.browser('/server')
await browser.elementByCss('#slow-inc').click()
// navigate to client
await browser.elementByCss('#navigate-client').click()
// intentionally bailing after 2 retries so we don't retry to the point where the async function resolves
await check(() => browser.url(), `${next.url}/client`, true, 2)
it('should support next/dynamic with ssr: false', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/dynamic-csr')
await check(() => {
return browser.elementByCss('button').text()
}, '0')
await browser.elementByCss('button').click()
await check(() => {
return browser.elementByCss('button').text()
}, '1')
it('should only submit action once when resubmitting an action after navigation', async () => {
let requestCount = 0
const browser = await next.browser('/server', {
beforePageLoad(page) {
page.on('request', (request) => {
const url = new URL(request.url())
if (url.pathname === '/server') {
async function submitForm() {
await browser.elementById('name').type('foo')
await browser.elementById('submit').click()
await check(() => browser.url(), /header/)
await submitForm()
await browser.elementById('navigate-server').click()
await check(() => browser.url(), /server/)
await browser.waitForIdleNetwork()
requestCount = 0
await submitForm()
if (isNextStart) {
it('should not expose action content in sourcemaps', async () => {
const sourcemap = (
await fs.readdir(
join(next.testDir, '.next', 'static', 'chunks', 'app', 'client')
).find((f) => f.endsWith(''))
await next.readFile(
join('.next', 'static', 'chunks', 'app', 'client', sourcemap)
if (isNextDev) {
describe('HMR', () => {
it('should support updating the action', async () => {
const filePath = 'app/server/actions.js'
const origContent = await next.readFile(filePath)
try {
const browser = await next.browser('/server')
const cnt = await browser.elementByCss('h1').text()
await browser.elementByCss('#inc').click()
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('h1').text(), '1')
await next.patchFile(
origContent.replace('return value + 1', 'return value + 1000')
await check(async () => {
await browser.elementByCss('#inc').click()
const val = Number(await browser.elementByCss('h1').text())
return val > 1000 ? 'success' : val
}, 'success')
} finally {
await next.patchFile(filePath, origContent)
it('should bundle external libraries if they are on the action layer', async () => {
await next.fetch('/client')
const pageBundle = await fs.readFile(
join(next.testDir, '.next', 'server', 'app', 'client', 'page.js')
describe('Edge SSR', () => {
it('should handle basic actions correctly', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/server/edge')
const cnt = await browser.elementByCss('h1').text()
await browser.elementByCss('#inc').click()
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('h1').text(), '1')
await browser.elementByCss('#inc').click()
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('h1').text(), '2')
await browser.elementByCss('#double').click()
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('h1').text(), '4')
await browser.elementByCss('#dec').click()
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('h1').text(), '3')
it('should return error response for hoc auth wrappers in edge runtime', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/header/edge')
await await browser.eval(`document.cookie = 'edge-auth=0'`)
await browser.elementByCss('#authed').click()
await check(
() => browser.elementByCss('h1').text(),
isNextDev ? 'Error: Unauthorized request' : GENERIC_RSC_ERROR
await browser.eval(`document.cookie = 'edge-auth=1'`)
await browser.elementByCss('#authed').click()
await check(() => {
return browser.elementByCss('h1').text()
}, 'Prefix: HELLO, WORLD')
it('should handle redirect to a relative URL in a single pass', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/client/edge')
await new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 3000)
let requests = []
browser.on('request', (req: Request) => {
requests.push(new URL(req.url()).pathname)
await browser.elementByCss('#redirect').click()
// no other requests should be made
it('should handle regular redirects', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/client/edge')
await browser.elementByCss('#redirect-external').click()
await check(async () => {
return browser.eval('window.location.toString()')
}, '')
it('should allow cookie and header async storages', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/client/edge')
const currentTestCookie = await browser.eval(
await browser.elementByCss('#get-headers').click()
await check(async () => {
const newTestCookie = await browser.eval(
return newTestCookie !== currentTestCookie ? 'success' : 'failure'
}, 'success')
it('should handle unicode search params', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/server?name=名')
const cnt = await browser.elementByCss('h1').text()
await browser.elementByCss('#inc').click()
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('h1').text(), '1')
describe('fetch actions', () => {
it('should handle redirect to a relative URL in a single pass', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/client')
await new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 3000)
let requests = []
browser.on('request', (req: Request) => {
requests.push(new URL(req.url()).pathname)
await browser.elementByCss('#redirect').click()
// no other requests should be made
it('should handle regular redirects', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/client')
await browser.elementByCss('#redirect-external').click()
await check(async () => {
return browser.eval('window.location.toString()')
}, '')
// TODO: investigate flakey behavior with revalidate
it('should handle revalidatePath', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/revalidate')
const randomNumber = await browser.elementByCss('#random-number').text()
const justPutIt = await browser.elementByCss('#justputit').text()
const thankYouNext = await browser.elementByCss('#thankyounext').text()
await browser.elementByCss('#revalidate-path').click()
await check(async () => {
const newRandomNumber = await browser
const newJustPutIt = await browser.elementByCss('#justputit').text()
const newThankYouNext = await browser
return newRandomNumber !== randomNumber &&
justPutIt !== newJustPutIt &&
thankYouNext !== newThankYouNext
? 'success'
: 'failure'
}, 'success')
// TODO: investigate flakey behavior with revalidate
it('should handle revalidateTag', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/revalidate')
const randomNumber = await browser.elementByCss('#random-number').text()
const justPutIt = await browser.elementByCss('#justputit').text()
const thankYouNext = await browser.elementByCss('#thankyounext').text()
await browser.elementByCss('#revalidate-justputit').click()
await check(async () => {
const newRandomNumber = await browser
const newJustPutIt = await browser.elementByCss('#justputit').text()
const newThankYouNext = await browser
return 'success'
}, 'success')
// TODO: investigate flakey behavior with revalidate
it.skip('should handle revalidateTag + redirect', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/revalidate')
const randomNumber = await browser.elementByCss('#random-number').text()
const justPutIt = await browser.elementByCss('#justputit').text()
const thankYouNext = await browser.elementByCss('#thankyounext').text()
await browser.elementByCss('#revalidate-path-redirect').click()
await check(async () => {
const newRandomNumber = await browser
const newJustPutIt = await browser.elementByCss('#justputit').text()
const newThankYouNext = await browser
return 'success'
}, 'success')
it('should store revalidation data in the prefetch cache', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/revalidate')
const justPutIt = await browser.elementByCss('#justputit').text()
await browser.elementByCss('#revalidate-justputit').click()
// TODO: investigate flakiness when deployed
if (!isNextDeploy) {
await check(async () => {
const newJustPutIt = await browser.elementByCss('#justputit').text()
return 'success'
}, 'success')
const newJustPutIt = await browser.elementByCss('#justputit').text()
await browser
await browser
const newJustPutIt2 = await browser.elementByCss('#justputit').text()
it('should revalidate when cookies.set is called', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/revalidate')
const randomNumber = await browser.elementByCss('#random-cookie').text()
await browser.elementByCss('#set-cookie').click()
await check(async () => {
const newRandomNumber = await browser
return newRandomNumber !== randomNumber ? 'success' : 'failure'
}, 'success')
it('should invalidate client cache on other routes when cookies.set is called', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/mutate-cookie')
await browser.elementByCss('#update-cookie').click()
let cookie
await check(async () => {
cookie = await browser.elementByCss('#value').text()
return parseInt(cookie) > 0 ? 'success' : 'failure'
}, 'success')
// Make sure the route is cached
await browser.elementByCss('#page-2').click()
await browser.elementByCss('#back').click()
// Modify the cookie
await browser.elementByCss('#update-cookie').click()
let newCookie
await check(async () => {
newCookie = await browser.elementByCss('#value').text()
return newCookie !== cookie && parseInt(newCookie) > 0
? 'success'
: 'failure'
}, 'success')
// Navigate to another page and make sure the cookie is not cached
await browser.elementByCss('#page-2').click()
const otherPageCookie = await browser.elementByCss('#value').text()
// TODO: investigate flakey behavior with revalidate
it('should revalidate when cookies.set is called in a client action', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/revalidate')
await browser.refresh()
let randomCookie
await check(async () => {
randomCookie = JSON.parse(
await browser.elementByCss('#random-cookie').text()
return randomCookie ? 'success' : 'failure'
}, 'success')
console.log(123, await browser.elementByCss('body').text())
await browser.elementByCss('#another').click()
await check(async () => {
return browser.elementByCss('#title').text()
}, 'another route')
const newRandomCookie = JSON.parse(
await browser.elementByCss('#random-cookie').text()
console.log(456, await browser.elementByCss('body').text())
// Should be the same value
await browser.elementByCss('#back').click()
// Modify the cookie
await browser.elementByCss('#set-cookie').click()
// Should be different
let revalidatedRandomCookie
await check(async () => {
revalidatedRandomCookie = JSON.parse(
await browser.elementByCss('#random-cookie').text()
return randomCookie !== revalidatedRandomCookie
? 'success'
: 'failure'
}, 'success')
await browser.elementByCss('#another').click()
// The other page should be revalidated too
await check(async () => {
const newRandomCookie = await JSON.parse(
await browser.elementByCss('#random-cookie').text()
return revalidatedRandomCookie === newRandomCookie
? 'success'
: 'failure'
}, 'success')
it.each(['tag', 'path'])(
'should invalidate client cache when %s is revalidated',
async (type) => {
const browser = await next.browser('/revalidate')
await browser.refresh()
const thankYouNext = await browser
await browser.elementByCss('#another').click()
await check(async () => {
return browser.elementByCss('#title').text()
}, 'another route')
const newThankYouNext = await browser
// Should be the same number
await browser.elementByCss('#back').click()
// Should be different
let revalidatedThankYouNext
await check(async () => {
switch (type) {
case 'tag':
await browser.elementByCss('#revalidate-thankyounext').click()
case 'path':
await browser.elementByCss('#revalidate-path').click()
throw new Error(`Invalid type: ${type}`)
revalidatedThankYouNext = await browser
return thankYouNext !== revalidatedThankYouNext
? 'success'
: 'failure'
}, 'success')
await browser.elementByCss('#another').click()
// The other page should be revalidated too
await check(async () => {
const newThankYouNext = await browser
return revalidatedThankYouNext === newThankYouNext
? 'success'
: 'failure'
}, 'success')