
121 lines
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interface Group {
pos: number
repeat: boolean
optional: boolean
// this isn't importing the escape-string-regex module
// to reduce bytes
function escapeRegex(str: string) {
return str.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.-]/g, '\\$&')
function parseParameter(param: string) {
const optional = param.startsWith('[') && param.endsWith(']')
if (optional) {
param = param.slice(1, -1)
const repeat = param.startsWith('...')
if (repeat) {
param = param.slice(3)
return { key: param, repeat, optional }
export function getRouteRegex(
normalizedRoute: string
): {
re: RegExp
namedRegex?: string
routeKeys?: { [named: string]: string }
groups: { [groupName: string]: Group }
} {
const segments = (normalizedRoute.replace(/\/$/, '') || '/')
const groups: { [groupName: string]: Group } = {}
let groupIndex = 1
const parameterizedRoute = segments
.map((segment) => {
if (segment.startsWith('[') && segment.endsWith(']')) {
const { key, optional, repeat } = parseParameter(segment.slice(1, -1))
groups[key] = { pos: groupIndex++, repeat, optional }
return repeat ? (optional ? '(?:/(.+?))?' : '/(.+?)') : '/([^/]+?)'
} else {
return `/${escapeRegex(segment)}`
// dead code eliminate for browser since it's only needed
// while generating routes-manifest
if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
let routeKeyCharCode = 97
let routeKeyCharLength = 1
// builds a minimal routeKey using only a-z and minimal number of characters
const getSafeRouteKey = () => {
let routeKey = ''
for (let i = 0; i < routeKeyCharLength; i++) {
routeKey += String.fromCharCode(routeKeyCharCode)
if (routeKeyCharCode > 122) {
routeKeyCharCode = 97
return routeKey
const routeKeys: { [named: string]: string } = {}
let namedParameterizedRoute = segments
.map((segment) => {
if (segment.startsWith('[') && segment.endsWith(']')) {
const { key, optional, repeat } = parseParameter(segment.slice(1, -1))
// replace any non-word characters since they can break
// the named regex
let cleanedKey = key.replace(/\W/g, '')
let invalidKey = false
// check if the key is still invalid and fallback to using a known
// safe key
if (cleanedKey.length === 0 || cleanedKey.length > 30) {
invalidKey = true
if (!isNaN(parseInt(cleanedKey.substr(0, 1)))) {
invalidKey = true
if (invalidKey) {
cleanedKey = getSafeRouteKey()
routeKeys[cleanedKey] = key
return repeat
? optional
? `(?:/(?<${cleanedKey}>.+?))?`
: `/(?<${cleanedKey}>.+?)`
: `/(?<${cleanedKey}>[^/]+?)`
} else {
return `/${escapeRegex(segment)}`
return {
re: new RegExp(`^${parameterizedRoute}(?:/)?$`),
namedRegex: `^${namedParameterizedRoute}(?:/)?$`,
return {
re: new RegExp(`^${parameterizedRoute}(?:/)?$`),