Javi Velasco 5fc4325aa6
Fix middleware i18n rewrites (#31174)
Fixes #30897

This PR fixes the linked issue where rewrites are not being applied for locale. It adds the corresponding test but also, as it was added in debugging process, it introduces a helper to read/write into the `request` object.

We are currently writing directly into the request by casting to `any` and then using flags like `_nextRewrote`. Instead, this PR puts all of this metadata under a symbol so it is not directly accessible. This also allows to have a single place where all of this metadata is listed so we can add comments describing the purpose of each flag.

In the same way, there is metadata written in the querystring. This is adding some types for it in order to throw some visibility on where is this metadata accessed. In an upcoming PR we can move all of it to the `request` object if possible to simplify the system.

## Bug

- [x] Related issues linked using `fixes #number`
- [x] Integration tests added
- [x] Errors have helpful link attached, see ``
2021-11-09 01:28:39 +00:00

503 lines
15 KiB

import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http'
import { format as formatUrl, UrlWithParsedQuery, parse as parseUrl } from 'url'
import { parse as parseQs, ParsedUrlQuery } from 'querystring'
import { Rewrite } from '../../../../lib/load-custom-routes'
import { normalizeLocalePath } from '../../../../shared/lib/i18n/normalize-locale-path'
import pathMatch from '../../../../shared/lib/router/utils/path-match'
import { getRouteRegex } from '../../../../shared/lib/router/utils/route-regex'
import { getRouteMatcher } from '../../../../shared/lib/router/utils/route-matcher'
import {
} from '../../../../shared/lib/router/utils/prepare-destination'
import { __ApiPreviewProps } from '../../../../server/api-utils'
import { BuildManifest } from '../../../../server/get-page-files'
import {
} from '../../../../types'
import { acceptLanguage } from '../../../../server/accept-header'
import { detectLocaleCookie } from '../../../../shared/lib/i18n/detect-locale-cookie'
import { detectDomainLocale } from '../../../../shared/lib/i18n/detect-domain-locale'
import { denormalizePagePath } from '../../../../server/denormalize-page-path'
import cookie from 'next/dist/compiled/cookie'
import { TEMPORARY_REDIRECT_STATUS } from '../../../../shared/lib/constants'
import { NextConfig } from '../../../../server/config'
import { addRequestMeta } from '../../../../server/request-meta'
const getCustomRouteMatcher = pathMatch(true)
export const vercelHeader = 'x-vercel-id'
export type ServerlessHandlerCtx = {
page: string
pageModule: any
pageComponent?: any
pageConfig?: any
pageGetStaticProps?: GetStaticProps
pageGetStaticPaths?: GetStaticPaths
pageGetServerSideProps?: GetServerSideProps
appModule?: any
errorModule?: any
documentModule?: any
notFoundModule?: any
runtimeConfig: any
buildManifest?: BuildManifest
reactLoadableManifest?: any
basePath: string
rewrites: Rewrite[]
pageIsDynamic: boolean
generateEtags: boolean
distDir: string
buildId: string
escapedBuildId: string
assetPrefix: string
poweredByHeader: boolean
canonicalBase: string
encodedPreviewProps: __ApiPreviewProps
i18n?: NextConfig['i18n']
export function getUtils({
}: {
page: ServerlessHandlerCtx['page']
i18n?: ServerlessHandlerCtx['i18n']
basePath: ServerlessHandlerCtx['basePath']
rewrites: ServerlessHandlerCtx['rewrites']
pageIsDynamic: ServerlessHandlerCtx['pageIsDynamic']
}) {
let defaultRouteRegex: ReturnType<typeof getRouteRegex> | undefined
let dynamicRouteMatcher: ReturnType<typeof getRouteMatcher> | undefined
let defaultRouteMatches: ParsedUrlQuery | undefined
if (pageIsDynamic) {
defaultRouteRegex = getRouteRegex(page)
dynamicRouteMatcher = getRouteMatcher(defaultRouteRegex)
defaultRouteMatches = dynamicRouteMatcher(page) as ParsedUrlQuery
function handleRewrites(req: IncomingMessage, parsedUrl: UrlWithParsedQuery) {
for (const rewrite of rewrites) {
const matcher = getCustomRouteMatcher(rewrite.source)
let params = matcher(parsedUrl.pathname)
if (rewrite.has && params) {
const hasParams = matchHas(req, rewrite.has, parsedUrl.query)
if (hasParams) {
Object.assign(params, hasParams)
} else {
params = false
if (params) {
const { parsedDestination } = prepareDestination({
appendParamsToQuery: true,
destination: rewrite.destination,
params: params,
query: parsedUrl.query,
Object.assign(parsedUrl.query, parsedDestination.query)
delete (parsedDestination as any).query
Object.assign(parsedUrl, parsedDestination)
let fsPathname = parsedUrl.pathname
if (basePath) {
fsPathname =
fsPathname!.replace(new RegExp(`^${basePath}`), '') || '/'
if (i18n) {
const destLocalePathResult = normalizeLocalePath(
fsPathname = destLocalePathResult.pathname
parsedUrl.query.nextInternalLocale =
destLocalePathResult.detectedLocale || params.nextInternalLocale
if (fsPathname === page) {
if (pageIsDynamic && dynamicRouteMatcher) {
const dynamicParams = dynamicRouteMatcher(fsPathname)
if (dynamicParams) {
parsedUrl.query = {
return parsedUrl
function handleBasePath(req: IncomingMessage, parsedUrl: UrlWithParsedQuery) {
// always strip the basePath if configured since it is required
req.url = req.url!.replace(new RegExp(`^${basePath}`), '') || '/'
parsedUrl.pathname =
parsedUrl.pathname!.replace(new RegExp(`^${basePath}`), '') || '/'
function getParamsFromRouteMatches(
req: IncomingMessage,
renderOpts?: any,
detectedLocale?: string
) {
return getRouteMatcher(
(function () {
const { groups, routeKeys } = defaultRouteRegex!
return {
re: {
// Simulate a RegExp match from the \`req.url\` input
exec: (str: string) => {
const obj = parseQs(str)
// favor named matches if available
const routeKeyNames = Object.keys(routeKeys || {})
const filterLocaleItem = (val: string | string[]) => {
if (i18n) {
// locale items can be included in route-matches
// for fallback SSG pages so ensure they are
// filtered
const isCatchAll = Array.isArray(val)
const _val = isCatchAll ? val[0] : val
if (
typeof _val === 'string' &&
i18n.locales.some((item) => {
if (item.toLowerCase() === _val.toLowerCase()) {
detectedLocale = item
renderOpts.locale = detectedLocale
return true
return false
) {
// remove the locale item from the match
if (isCatchAll) {
;(val as string[]).splice(0, 1)
// the value is only a locale item and
// shouldn't be added
return isCatchAll ? val.length === 0 : true
return false
if (routeKeyNames.every((name) => obj[name])) {
return routeKeyNames.reduce((prev, keyName) => {
const paramName = routeKeys?.[keyName]
if (paramName && !filterLocaleItem(obj[keyName])) {
prev[groups[paramName].pos] = obj[keyName]
return prev
}, {} as any)
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((prev, key) => {
if (!filterLocaleItem(obj[key])) {
return Object.assign(prev, {
[key]: obj[key],
return prev
}, {})
})() as any
)(req.headers['x-now-route-matches'] as string) as ParsedUrlQuery
function interpolateDynamicPath(pathname: string, params: ParsedUrlQuery) {
if (!defaultRouteRegex) return pathname
for (const param of Object.keys(defaultRouteRegex.groups)) {
const { optional, repeat } = defaultRouteRegex.groups[param]
let builtParam = `[${repeat ? '...' : ''}${param}]`
if (optional) {
builtParam = `[${builtParam}]`
const paramIdx = pathname!.indexOf(builtParam)
if (paramIdx > -1) {
let paramValue: string
if (Array.isArray(params[param])) {
paramValue = (params[param] as string[])
.map((v) => v && encodeURIComponent(v))
} else {
paramValue =
params[param] && encodeURIComponent(params[param] as string)
pathname =
pathname.substr(0, paramIdx) +
(paramValue || '') +
pathname.substr(paramIdx + builtParam.length)
return pathname
function normalizeVercelUrl(req: IncomingMessage, trustQuery: boolean) {
// make sure to normalize req.url on Vercel to strip dynamic params
// from the query which are added during routing
if (pageIsDynamic && trustQuery && defaultRouteRegex) {
const _parsedUrl = parseUrl(req.url!, true)
delete (_parsedUrl as any).search
for (const param of Object.keys(defaultRouteRegex.groups)) {
delete _parsedUrl.query[param]
req.url = formatUrl(_parsedUrl)
function normalizeDynamicRouteParams(params: ParsedUrlQuery) {
let hasValidParams = true
if (!defaultRouteRegex) return { params, hasValidParams: false }
params = Object.keys(defaultRouteRegex.groups).reduce((prev, key) => {
let value: string | string[] | undefined = params[key]
// if the value matches the default value we can't rely
// on the parsed params, this is used to signal if we need
// to parse x-now-route-matches or not
const defaultValue = defaultRouteMatches![key]
const isDefaultValue = Array.isArray(defaultValue)
? defaultValue.some((defaultVal) => {
return Array.isArray(value)
? value.some((val) => val.includes(defaultVal))
: value?.includes(defaultVal)
: value?.includes(defaultValue as string)
if (isDefaultValue || typeof value === 'undefined') {
hasValidParams = false
// non-provided optional values should be undefined so normalize
// them to undefined
if (
defaultRouteRegex!.groups[key].optional &&
(!value ||
(Array.isArray(value) &&
value.length === 1 &&
// fallback optional catch-all SSG pages have
// [[...paramName]] for the root path on Vercel
(value[0] === 'index' || value[0] === `[[...${key}]]`)))
) {
value = undefined
delete params[key]
// query values from the proxy aren't already split into arrays
// so make sure to normalize catch-all values
if (
value &&
typeof value === 'string' &&
) {
value = value.split('/')
if (value) {
prev[key] = value
return prev
}, {} as ParsedUrlQuery)
return {
function handleLocale(
req: IncomingMessage,
res: ServerResponse,
parsedUrl: UrlWithParsedQuery,
routeNoAssetPath: string,
shouldNotRedirect: boolean
) {
if (!i18n) return
const pathname = parsedUrl.pathname || '/'
let defaultLocale = i18n.defaultLocale
let detectedLocale = detectLocaleCookie(req, i18n.locales)
let acceptPreferredLocale
try {
acceptPreferredLocale =
i18n.localeDetection !== false
? acceptLanguage(req.headers['accept-language'], i18n.locales)
: detectedLocale
} catch (_) {
acceptPreferredLocale = detectedLocale
const { host } = req.headers || {}
// remove port from host and remove port if present
const hostname = host && host.split(':')[0].toLowerCase()
const detectedDomain = detectDomainLocale(, hostname)
if (detectedDomain) {
defaultLocale = detectedDomain.defaultLocale
detectedLocale = defaultLocale
addRequestMeta(req, '__nextIsLocaleDomain', true)
// if not domain specific locale use accept-language preferred
detectedLocale = detectedLocale || acceptPreferredLocale
let localeDomainRedirect
const localePathResult = normalizeLocalePath(pathname, i18n.locales)
routeNoAssetPath = normalizeLocalePath(
if (localePathResult.detectedLocale) {
detectedLocale = localePathResult.detectedLocale
req.url = formatUrl({
pathname: localePathResult.pathname,
addRequestMeta(req, '__nextStrippedLocale', true)
parsedUrl.pathname = localePathResult.pathname
// If a detected locale is a domain specific locale and we aren't already
// on that domain and path prefix redirect to it to prevent duplicate
// content from multiple domains
if (detectedDomain) {
const localeToCheck = localePathResult.detectedLocale
? detectedLocale
: acceptPreferredLocale
const matchedDomain = detectDomainLocale(,
if (matchedDomain && matchedDomain.domain !== detectedDomain.domain) {
localeDomainRedirect = `http${matchedDomain.http ? '' : 's'}://${
}/${localeToCheck === matchedDomain.defaultLocale ? '' : localeToCheck}`
const denormalizedPagePath = denormalizePagePath(pathname)
const detectedDefaultLocale =
!detectedLocale ||
detectedLocale.toLowerCase() === defaultLocale.toLowerCase()
const shouldStripDefaultLocale = false
// detectedDefaultLocale &&
// denormalizedPagePath.toLowerCase() === \`/\${i18n.defaultLocale.toLowerCase()}\`
const shouldAddLocalePrefix =
!detectedDefaultLocale && denormalizedPagePath === '/'
detectedLocale = detectedLocale || i18n.defaultLocale
if (
!shouldNotRedirect &&
!req.headers[vercelHeader] &&
i18n.localeDetection !== false &&
(localeDomainRedirect ||
shouldAddLocalePrefix ||
) {
// set the NEXT_LOCALE cookie when a user visits the default locale
// with the locale prefix so that they aren't redirected back to
// their accept-language preferred locale
if (shouldStripDefaultLocale && acceptPreferredLocale !== defaultLocale) {
const previous = res.getHeader('set-cookie')
res.setHeader('set-cookie', [
...(typeof previous === 'string'
? [previous]
: Array.isArray(previous)
? previous
: []),
cookie.serialize('NEXT_LOCALE', defaultLocale, {
httpOnly: true,
path: '/',
// make sure to include any query values when redirecting
pathname: localeDomainRedirect
? localeDomainRedirect
: shouldStripDefaultLocale
? basePath || '/'
: `${basePath}/${detectedLocale}`,
detectedLocale =
localePathResult.detectedLocale ||
(detectedDomain && detectedDomain.defaultLocale) ||
return {
return {