Mojtaba 2579ad7648
updated zustand example to 4.3.6, changed out deprecated methods (#46911)
updated zustand example to 4.3.6
changed out zustand's deprecated methods (createContext, create)
converted the example to typescript

## Why
zustand's example in nextjs repo is for zustand v3 which is quite
different to how things are done in v4, it was also in javascript.
back when when I started to use zustand in my nextjs app, this example
helped me a lot and now, I wanna do the same for devs that come here to
see how they can integrate next and zustand.

## Documentation / Examples
[✓] Make sure the linting passes by running pnpm build && pnpm lint
[✓] The "examples guidelines" are followed from [our contributing


Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2023-03-13 21:26:08 -07:00

23 lines
556 B

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