Leah c1c3675fc4
refactor tests for readability (#51051)
You'll probably want to disable whitespace in the diff

## Description

This allows for better editor support by using `describe` or functions called `describe` with the same syntax instead of custom names.

- `nextTestSetup` can be used instead of `createNextDescribe` keeping the same behaviour but being called inside a `describe` "block" (not applied everywhere)
- `getSnapshotTestDescribe` replaced with a custom `describe.each`
- `sandbox` helper function for `acceptance`/`acceptance-app` merged into a single shared one
- `outdent` to remove the indent from inline files in tests which helps with consistent snapshots
2023-06-21 19:47:21 +00:00

498 lines
17 KiB

/* eslint-env jest */
import { sandbox } from 'development-sandbox'
import { FileRef, nextTestSetup } from 'e2e-utils'
import path from 'path'
describe('ReactRefreshRequire', () => {
const { next } = nextTestSetup({
files: new FileRef(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'default-template')),
skipStart: true,
test('re-runs accepted modules', async () => {
const { session, cleanup } = await sandbox(next)
await session.patch(
`export default function Noop() { return null; };`
await session.write(
`window.log.push('init FooV1'); require('./bar');`
await session.write(
`window.log.push('init BarV1'); export default function Bar() { return null; };`
await session.evaluate(() => ((window as any).log = []))
await session.patch(
`require('./foo'); export default function Noop() { return null; };`
expect(await session.evaluate(() => (window as any).log)).toEqual([
'init FooV1',
'init BarV1',
// We only edited Bar, and it accepted.
// So we expect it to re-run alone.
await session.evaluate(() => ((window as any).log = []))
await session.patch(
`window.log.push('init BarV2'); export default function Bar() { return null; };`
expect(await session.evaluate(() => (window as any).log)).toEqual([
'init BarV2',
// We only edited Bar, and it accepted.
// So we expect it to re-run alone.
await session.evaluate(() => ((window as any).log = []))
await session.patch(
`window.log.push('init BarV3'); export default function Bar() { return null; };`
expect(await session.evaluate(() => (window as any).log)).toEqual([
'init BarV3',
// TODO:
// expect(Refresh.performReactRefresh).toHaveBeenCalled();
// expect(Refresh.performFullRefresh).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
await cleanup()
test('propagates a hot update to closest accepted module', async () => {
const { session, cleanup } = await sandbox(next)
await session.patch(
`export default function Noop() { return null; };`
await session.write(
window.log.push('init FooV1');
// Exporting a component marks it as auto-accepting.
export default function Foo() {};
await session.write('./bar.js', `window.log.push('init BarV1');`)
await session.evaluate(() => ((window as any).log = []))
await session.patch(
`require('./foo'); export default function Noop() { return null; };`
expect(await session.evaluate(() => (window as any).log)).toEqual([
'init FooV1',
'init BarV1',
// We edited Bar, but it doesn't accept.
// So we expect it to re-run together with Foo which does.
await session.evaluate(() => ((window as any).log = []))
await session.patch('./bar.js', `window.log.push('init BarV2');`)
expect(await session.evaluate(() => (window as any).log)).toEqual([
// // FIXME: Metro order:
// 'init BarV2',
// 'init FooV1',
'init FooV1',
'init BarV2',
// Webpack runs in this order because it evaluates modules parent down, not
// child up. Parents will re-run child modules in the order that they're
// imported from the parent.
// We edited Bar, but it doesn't accept.
// So we expect it to re-run together with Foo which does.
await session.evaluate(() => ((window as any).log = []))
await session.patch('./bar.js', `window.log.push('init BarV3');`)
expect(await session.evaluate(() => (window as any).log)).toEqual([
// // FIXME: Metro order:
// 'init BarV3',
// 'init FooV1',
'init FooV1',
'init BarV3',
// Webpack runs in this order because it evaluates modules parent down, not
// child up. Parents will re-run child modules in the order that they're
// imported from the parent.
// We edited Bar so that it accepts itself.
// We still re-run Foo because the exports of Bar changed.
await session.evaluate(() => ((window as any).log = []))
await session.patch(
window.log.push('init BarV3');
// Exporting a component marks it as auto-accepting.
export default function Bar() {};
expect(await session.evaluate(() => (window as any).log)).toEqual([
// // FIXME: Metro order:
// 'init BarV3',
// 'init FooV1',
'init FooV1',
'init BarV3',
// Webpack runs in this order because it evaluates modules parent down, not
// child up. Parents will re-run child modules in the order that they're
// imported from the parent.
// Further edits to Bar don't re-run Foo.
await session.evaluate(() => ((window as any).log = []))
await session.patch(
window.log.push('init BarV4');
export default function Bar() {};
expect(await session.evaluate(() => (window as any).log)).toEqual([
'init BarV4',
// TODO:
// expect(Refresh.performReactRefresh).toHaveBeenCalled();
// expect(Refresh.performFullRefresh).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
await cleanup()
test('propagates hot update to all inverse dependencies', async () => {
const { session, cleanup } = await sandbox(next)
await session.patch(
`export default function Noop() { return null; };`
// This is the module graph:
// MiddleA*
// / \
// Root* - MiddleB* - Leaf
// \
// MiddleC
// * - accepts update
// We expect that editing Leaf will propagate to
// MiddleA and MiddleB both of which can handle updates.
await session.write(
window.log.push('init RootV1');
import './middleA';
import './middleB';
import './middleC';
export default function Root() {};
await session.write(
log.push('init MiddleAV1');
import './leaf';
export default function MiddleA() {};
await session.write(
log.push('init MiddleBV1');
import './leaf';
export default function MiddleB() {};
// This one doesn't import leaf and also doesn't export a component (so it
// doesn't accept updates).
await session.write(
`log.push('init MiddleCV1'); export default {};`
// Doesn't accept its own updates; they will propagate.
await session.write(
`log.push('init LeafV1'); export default {};`
// Bootstrap:
await session.evaluate(() => ((window as any).log = []))
await session.patch(
`require('./root'); export default function Noop() { return null; };`
expect(await session.evaluate(() => (window as any).log)).toEqual([
'init LeafV1',
'init MiddleAV1',
'init MiddleBV1',
'init MiddleCV1',
'init RootV1',
// We edited Leaf, but it doesn't accept.
// So we expect it to re-run together with MiddleA and MiddleB which do.
await session.evaluate(() => ((window as any).log = []))
await session.patch(
`log.push('init LeafV2'); export default {};`
expect(await session.evaluate(() => (window as any).log)).toEqual([
'init LeafV2',
'init MiddleAV1',
'init MiddleBV1',
// Let's try the same one more time.
await session.evaluate(() => ((window as any).log = []))
await session.patch(
`log.push('init LeafV3'); export default {};`
expect(await session.evaluate(() => (window as any).log)).toEqual([
'init LeafV3',
'init MiddleAV1',
'init MiddleBV1',
// Now edit MiddleB. It should accept and re-run alone.
await session.evaluate(() => ((window as any).log = []))
await session.patch(
log.push('init MiddleBV2');
import './leaf';
export default function MiddleB() {};
expect(await session.evaluate(() => (window as any).log)).toEqual([
'init MiddleBV2',
// Finally, edit MiddleC. It didn't accept so it should bubble to Root.
await session.evaluate(() => ((window as any).log = []))
await session.patch(
`log.push('init MiddleCV2'); export default {};`
expect(await session.evaluate(() => (window as any).log)).toEqual([
'init MiddleCV2',
'init RootV1',
// TODO:
// expect(Refresh.performReactRefresh).toHaveBeenCalled()
// expect(Refresh.performFullRefresh).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
await cleanup()
test('runs dependencies before dependents', async () => {
// TODO:
test('provides fresh value for module.exports in parents', async () => {
// TODO:
test('provides fresh value for exports.* in parents', async () => {
// TODO:
test('provides fresh value for ES6 named import in parents', async () => {
// TODO:
test('provides fresh value for ES6 default import in parents', async () => {
// TODO:
test('stops update propagation after module-level errors', async () => {
// TODO:
test('can continue hot updates after module-level errors with module.exports', async () => {
// TODO:
test('can continue hot updates after module-level errors with ES6 exports', async () => {
// TODO:
test('does not accumulate stale exports over time', async () => {
// TODO:
test('bails out if update bubbles to the root via the only path', async () => {
// TODO:
test('bails out if the update bubbles to the root via one of the paths', async () => {
// TODO:
test('propagates a module that stops accepting in next version', async () => {
const { session, cleanup } = await sandbox(next)
// Accept in parent
await session.write(
`;(typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : window).log.push('init FooV1'); import './bar'; export default function Foo() {};`
// Accept in child
await session.write(
`;(typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : window).log.push('init BarV1'); export default function Bar() {};`
// Bootstrap:
await session.patch(
`;(typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : window).log = []; require('./foo'); export default () => null;`
expect(await session.evaluate(() => (window as any).log)).toEqual([
'init BarV1',
'init FooV1',
let didFullRefresh = false
// Verify the child can accept itself:
await session.evaluate(() => ((window as any).log = []))
didFullRefresh =
didFullRefresh ||
!(await session.patch(
`window.log.push('init BarV1.1'); export default function Bar() {};`
expect(await session.evaluate(() => (window as any).log)).toEqual([
'init BarV1.1',
// Now let's change the child to *not* accept itself.
// We'll expect that now the parent will handle the evaluation.
await session.evaluate(() => ((window as any).log = []))
didFullRefresh =
didFullRefresh ||
!(await session.patch(
// It's important we still export _something_, otherwise webpack will
// also emit an extra update to the parent module. This happens because
// webpack converts the module from ESM to CJS, which means the parent
// module must update how it "imports" the module (drops interop code).
// TODO: propose that webpack interrupts the current update phase when
// `` is called.
`window.log.push('init BarV2'); export {};`
// We re-run Bar and expect to stop there. However,
// it didn't export a component, so we go higher.
// We stop at Foo which currently _does_ export a component.
expect(await session.evaluate(() => (window as any).log)).toEqual([
// Bar evaluates twice:
// 1. To invalidate itself once it realizes it's no longer acceptable.
// 2. As a child of Foo re-evaluating.
'init BarV2',
'init BarV2',
'init FooV1',
// Change it back so that the child accepts itself.
await session.evaluate(() => ((window as any).log = []))
didFullRefresh =
didFullRefresh ||
!(await session.patch(
`window.log.push('init BarV2'); export default function Bar() {};`
// Since the export list changed, we have to re-run both the parent
// and the child.
expect(await session.evaluate(() => (window as any).log)).toEqual([
'init BarV2',
'init FooV1',
// TODO:
// expect(Refresh.performReactRefresh).toHaveBeenCalled();
// expect(Refresh.performFullRefresh).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
// But editing the child alone now doesn't reevaluate the parent.
await session.evaluate(() => ((window as any).log = []))
didFullRefresh =
didFullRefresh ||
!(await session.patch(
`window.log.push('init BarV3'); export default function Bar() {};`
expect(await session.evaluate(() => (window as any).log)).toEqual([
'init BarV3',
// Finally, edit the parent in a way that changes the export.
// It would still be accepted on its own -- but it's incompatible
// with the past version which didn't have two exports.
await session.evaluate(() => window.localStorage.setItem('init', ''))
didFullRefresh =
didFullRefresh ||
!(await session.patch(
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.localStorage) {
window.localStorage.setItem('init', 'init FooV2')
export function Foo() {};
export function FooFoo() {};`
// Check that we attempted to evaluate, but had to fall back to full refresh.
await session.evaluate(() => window.localStorage.getItem('init'))
).toEqual('init FooV2')
// expect(Refresh.performFullRefresh).toHaveBeenCalled();
await cleanup()
test('can replace a module before it is loaded', async () => {
// TODO: