JJ Kasper 6fd2a7fa31
Remove webpack4 types (#39631)
These types are no longer needed as we are only leveraging webpack 5 so this finishes migrating our types away from webpack 4's types.
2022-08-16 09:55:37 +00:00

140 lines
4.2 KiB

import type webpack from 'webpack'
import { NODE_RESOLVE_OPTIONS } from '../../webpack-config'
import { getModuleBuildInfo } from './get-module-build-info'
async function createTreeCodeFromPath({
}: {
pagePath: string
resolve: (pathname: string) => Promise<string | undefined>
removeExt: (pathToRemoveExtensions: string) => string
}) {
let tree: undefined | string
const splittedPath = pagePath.split('/')
const appDirPrefix = splittedPath[0]
const segments = ['', ...splittedPath.slice(1)]
// segment.length - 1 because arrays start at 0 and we're decrementing
for (let i = segments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const segment = removeExt(segments[i])
const segmentPath = segments.slice(0, i + 1).join('/')
// First item in the list is the page which can't have layouts by itself
if (i === segments.length - 1) {
// Use '' for segment as it's the page. There can't be a segment called '' so this is the safest way to add it.
tree = `['', {}, {page: () => require('${pagePath}')}]`
// For segmentPath === '' avoid double `/`
const layoutPath = `${appDirPrefix}${segmentPath}/layout`
// For segmentPath === '' avoid double `/`
const loadingPath = `${appDirPrefix}${segmentPath}/loading`
const resolvedLayoutPath = await resolve(layoutPath)
const resolvedLoadingPath = await resolve(loadingPath)
// Existing tree are the children of the current segment
const children = tree
tree = `['${segment}', {
// When there are no children the current index is the page component
children ? `children: ${children},` : ''
}, {
? `layout: () => require('${resolvedLayoutPath}'),`
: ''
? `loading: () => require('${resolvedLoadingPath}'),`
: ''
return `const tree = ${tree};`
function createAbsolutePath(appDir: string, pathToTurnAbsolute: string) {
return pathToTurnAbsolute.replace(/^private-next-app-dir/, appDir)
function removeExtensions(
extensions: string[],
pathToRemoveExtensions: string
) {
const regex = new RegExp(`(${extensions.join('|')})$`.replace(/\./g, '\\.'))
return pathToRemoveExtensions.replace(regex, '')
const nextAppLoader: webpack.LoaderDefinitionFunction<{
name: string
pagePath: string
appDir: string
pageExtensions: string[]
}> = async function nextAppLoader() {
const { name, appDir, pagePath, pageExtensions } = this.getOptions() || {}
const buildInfo = getModuleBuildInfo((this as any)._module)
buildInfo.route = {
page: name.replace(/^app/, ''),
absolutePagePath: createAbsolutePath(appDir, pagePath),
const extensions = => `.${extension}`)
const resolveOptions: any = {
const resolve = this.getResolve(resolveOptions)
const resolver = async (pathname: string) => {
try {
const resolved = await resolve(this.rootContext, pathname)
return resolved
} catch (err: any) {
const absolutePath = createAbsolutePath(appDir, pathname)
for (const ext of extensions) {
const absolutePathWithExtension = `${absolutePath}${ext}`
if (err.message.includes("Can't resolve")) {
return undefined
throw err
const treeCode = await createTreeCodeFromPath({
resolve: resolver,
removeExt: (p) => removeExtensions(extensions, p),
const result = `
export ${treeCode}
export const AppRouter = require('next/dist/client/components/app-router.client.js').default
export const LayoutRouter = require('next/dist/client/components/layout-router.client.js').default
export const HotReloader = ${
// Disable HotReloader component in production
this.mode === 'development'
? `require('next/dist/client/components/hot-reloader.client.js').default`
: 'null'
export const __next_app_webpack_require__ = __webpack_require__
return result
export default nextAppLoader