Gal Schlezinger 708688dd26
[edge] enable edge compiler source maps by default (#38365)
since we no longer have a single compiler for browser & edge, we can enable
source map generation by default for all edge functions. This would make it
much easier to debug and understand what's happening when deploying to prod
as the log statements will show us the actual code location instead of post
bundling and minified location.

This also removes the experimental flag as it's not needed anymore.
2022-07-06 18:17:57 +00:00

54 lines
1.6 KiB

import curry from 'next/dist/compiled/lodash.curry'
import { webpack } from 'next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack'
import { ConfigurationContext } from '../utils'
export const base = curry(function base(
ctx: ConfigurationContext,
config: webpack.Configuration
) {
config.mode = ctx.isDevelopment ? 'development' : 'production' = ctx.isServer
? ctx.isEdgeRuntime
? 'edge-server'
: 'server'
: 'client'
// @ts-ignore TODO webpack 5 typings = !ctx.targetWeb
? 'node12.22'
: ctx.isEdgeRuntime
? ['web', 'es6']
: ['web', 'es5']
if (ctx.isDevelopment) {
if (process.env.__NEXT_TEST_MODE && !process.env.__NEXT_TEST_WITH_DEVTOOL) {
config.devtool = false
} else {
// `eval-source-map` provides full-fidelity source maps for the
// original source, including columns and original variable names.
// This is desirable so the in-browser debugger can correctly pause
// and show scoped variables with their original names.
config.devtool = 'eval-source-map'
} else {
if (
ctx.isEdgeRuntime ||
// Enable browser sourcemaps:
(ctx.productionBrowserSourceMaps && ctx.isClient)
) {
config.devtool = 'source-map'
} else {
config.devtool = false
if (!config.module) {
config.module = { rules: [] }
// TODO: add codemod for "Should not import the named export" with JSON files
// config.module.strictExportPresence = !isWebpack5
return config