Shu Ding 05a9e0ac49
Fix conflict when re-exporting multiple Client References (#49468)
Closes #49324. Default export should only be added in the loader
generated boundary file when it actually exists.

fix NEXT-1112
2023-05-16 12:35:12 +02:00

215 lines
7.4 KiB

import { createNextDescribe } from 'e2e-utils'
async function resolveStreamResponse(response: any, onData?: any) {
let result = ''
onData = onData || (() => {})
await new Promise((resolve) => {
response.body.on('data', (chunk) => {
result += chunk.toString()
onData(chunk.toString(), result)
response.body.on('end', resolve)
return result
'app dir - external dependency',
files: __dirname,
dependencies: {
react: 'latest',
'react-dom': 'latest',
swr: 'latest',
packageJson: {
scripts: {
setup: `cp -r ./node_modules_bak/* ./node_modules`,
build: 'yarn setup && next build',
dev: 'yarn setup && next dev',
start: 'next start',
installCommand: 'yarn',
startCommand: (global as any).isNextDev ? 'yarn dev' : 'yarn start',
buildCommand: 'yarn build',
skipDeployment: true,
({ next }) => {
it('should be able to opt-out 3rd party packages being bundled in server components', async () => {
await next.fetch('/react-server/optout').then(async (response) => {
const result = await resolveStreamResponse(response)
expect(result).toContain('Server: index.default')
expect(result).toContain('Server subpath: subpath.default')
expect(result).toContain('Client: index.default')
expect(result).toContain('Client subpath: subpath.default')
it('should handle external async module libraries correctly', async () => {
const clientHtml = await next.render('/external-imports/client')
const serverHtml = await next.render('/external-imports/server')
const sharedHtml = await next.render('/shared-esm-dep')
const browser = await next.browser('/external-imports/client')
const browserClientText = await browser.elementByCss('#content').text()
function containClientContent(content) {
expect(content).toContain('module type:esm-export')
expect(content).toContain('export named:named')
expect(content).toContain('export value:123')
expect(content).toContain('export array:4,5,6')
expect(content).toContain('export object:{x:1}')
// support esm module imports on server side, and indirect imports from shared components
'node_modules instance from client module pure-esm-module'
it('should transpile specific external packages with the `transpilePackages` option', async () => {
const clientHtml = await next.render('/external-imports/client')
it('should resolve the subset react in server components based on the react-server condition', async () => {
await next.fetch('/react-server').then(async (response) => {
const result = await resolveStreamResponse(response)
expect(result).toContain('Server: <!-- -->subset')
expect(result).toContain('Client: <!-- -->full')
it('should resolve 3rd party package exports based on the react-server condition', async () => {
await next
.then(async (response) => {
const result = await resolveStreamResponse(response)
// Package should be resolved based on the react-server condition,
// as well as package's internal & external dependencies.
'Server: index.react-server:react.subset:dep.server'
'Client: index.default:react.full:dep.default'
// Subpath exports should be resolved based on the condition too.
expect(result).toContain('Server subpath: subpath.react-server')
expect(result).toContain('Client subpath: subpath.default')
it('should correctly collect global css imports and mark them as side effects', async () => {
await next.fetch('/css/a').then(async (response) => {
const result = await resolveStreamResponse(response)
// It should include the global CSS import
it('should handle external css modules', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/css/modules')
await browser.eval(
).toBe('rgb(255, 0, 0)')
it('should use the same export type for packages in both ssr and client', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/client-dep')
expect(await browser.eval(`window.document.body.innerText`)).toBe('hello')
it('should handle external css modules in pages', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/test-pages')
await browser.eval(
).toBe('rgb(255, 0, 0)')
it('should handle external next/font', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/font')
await browser.eval(
).toMatch(/^__myFont_.{6}, __myFont_Fallback_.{6}$/)
describe('react in external esm packages', () => {
it('should use the same react in client app', async () => {
const html = await next.render('/esm/client')
const v1 = html.match(/App React Version: ([^<]+)</)[1]
const v2 = html.match(/External React Version: ([^<]+)</)[1]
it('should use the same react in server app', async () => {
const html = await next.render('/esm/server')
const v1 = html.match(/App React Version: ([^<]+)</)[1]
const v2 = html.match(/External React Version: ([^<]+)</)[1]
it('should use the same react in pages', async () => {
const html = await next.render('/test-pages-esm')
const v1 = html.match(/App React Version: ([^<]+)</)[1]
const v2 = html.match(/External React Version: ([^<]+)</)[1]
it('should export client module references in esm', async () => {
const html = await next.render('/esm-client-ref')
it('should support exporting multiple star re-exports', async () => {
const html = await next.render('/wildcard')
if ((global as any).isNextDev) {
it('should error for wildcard exports of client module references in esm', async () => {
const page = 'app/esm-client-ref/page.js'
const pageSource = await next.readFile(page)
try {
await next.patchFile(
await next.render('/esm-client-ref')
} finally {
await next.patchFile(page, pageSource)
`It's currently unsupport to use "export *" in a client boundary. Please use named exports instead.`