2021-09-02 10:45:27 +02:00

119 lines
2.9 KiB

const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
// Cache for fs.lstatSync lookup.
// Prevent multiple blocking IO requests that have already been calculated.
const fsLstatSyncCache = {}
const fsLstatSync = (source) => {
fsLstatSyncCache[source] = fsLstatSyncCache[source] || fs.lstatSync(source)
return fsLstatSyncCache[source]
* Checks if the source is a directory.
* @param {string} source
function isDirectory(source) {
return fsLstatSync(source).isDirectory()
* Checks if the source is a directory.
* @param {string} source
function isSymlink(source) {
return fsLstatSync(source).isSymbolicLink()
* Gets the possible URLs from a directory.
* @param {string} urlprefix
* @param {string[]} directories
function getUrlFromPagesDirectories(urlPrefix, directories) {
return Array.from(
// De-duplicate similar pages across multiple directories.
new Set(
.map((directory) => parseUrlForPages(urlPrefix, directory))
// Since the URLs are normalized we add `^` and `$` to the RegExp to make sure they match exactly.
(url) => `^${normalizeURL(url)}$`
).map((urlReg) => {
urlReg = urlReg.replace(/\[.*\]/g, '.*')
return new RegExp(urlReg)
// Cache for fs.readdirSync lookup.
// Prevent multiple blocking IO requests that have already been calculated.
const fsReadDirSyncCache = {}
* Recursively parse directory for page URLs.
* @param {string} urlprefix
* @param {string} directory
function parseUrlForPages(urlprefix, directory) {
fsReadDirSyncCache[directory] =
fsReadDirSyncCache[directory] || fs.readdirSync(directory)
const res = []
fsReadDirSyncCache[directory].forEach((fname) => {
if (/(\.(j|t)sx?)$/.test(fname)) {
if (/^index(\.(j|t)sx?)$/.test(fname)) {
res.push(`${urlprefix}${fname.replace(/^index(\.(j|t)sx?)$/, '')}`)
res.push(`${urlprefix}${fname.replace(/(\.(j|t)sx?)$/, '')}`)
} else {
const dirPath = path.join(directory, fname)
if (isDirectory(dirPath) && !isSymlink(dirPath)) {
res.push(...parseUrlForPages(urlprefix + fname + '/', dirPath))
return res
* Takes a URL and does the following things.
* - Replaces `index.html` with `/`
* - Makes sure all URLs are have a trailing `/`
* - Removes query string
* @param {string} url
function normalizeURL(url) {
if (!url) {
url = url.split('?')[0]
url = url.split('#')[0]
url = url = url.replace(/(\/index\.html)$/, '/')
// Empty URLs should not be trailed with `/`, e.g. `#heading`
if (url === '') {
return url
url = url.endsWith('/') ? url : url + '/'
return url
function execOnce(fn) {
let used = false
let result
return (...args) => {
if (!used) {
used = true
result = fn(...args)
return result
module.exports = {