Gerald Monaco 1ebf26af78
Remove React version checks and warnings that are no longer needed (#25992)
Canary requires `react@>=17.0.2`, so we no longer need these checks.
2021-06-14 19:34:53 +00:00

113 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env node
import { resolve } from 'path'
import arg from 'next/dist/compiled/arg/index.js'
import { existsSync } from 'fs'
import startServer from '../server/lib/start-server'
import { printAndExit } from '../server/lib/utils'
import * as Log from '../build/output/log'
import { startedDevelopmentServer } from '../build/output'
import { cliCommand } from '../bin/next'
const nextDev: cliCommand = (argv) => {
const validArgs: arg.Spec = {
// Types
'--help': Boolean,
'--port': Number,
'--hostname': String,
// Aliases
'-h': '--help',
'-p': '--port',
'-H': '--hostname',
let args: arg.Result<arg.Spec>
try {
args = arg(validArgs, { argv })
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === 'ARG_UNKNOWN_OPTION') {
return printAndExit(error.message, 1)
throw error
if (args['--help']) {
Starts the application in development mode (hot-code reloading, error
reporting, etc)
$ next dev <dir> -p <port number>
<dir> represents the directory of the Next.js application.
If no directory is provided, the current directory will be used.
--port, -p A port number on which to start the application
--hostname, -H Hostname on which to start the application (default:
--help, -h Displays this message
const dir = resolve(args._[0] || '.')
// Check if pages dir exists and warn if not
if (!existsSync(dir)) {
printAndExit(`> No such directory exists as the project root: ${dir}`)
async function preflight() {
const { getPackageVersion } = await import('../lib/get-package-version')
const [sassVersion, nodeSassVersion] = await Promise.all([
getPackageVersion({ cwd: dir, name: 'sass' }),
getPackageVersion({ cwd: dir, name: 'node-sass' }),
if (sassVersion && nodeSassVersion) {
'Your project has both `sass` and `node-sass` installed as dependencies, but should only use one or the other. ' +
'Please remove the `node-sass` dependency from your project. ' +
' Read more:'
const port =
args['--port'] || (process.env.PORT && parseInt(process.env.PORT)) || 3000
const host = args['--hostname'] || ''
const appUrl = `http://${host === '' ? 'localhost' : host}:${port}`
startServer({ dir, dev: true, isNextDevCommand: true }, port, host)
.then(async (app) => {
startedDevelopmentServer(appUrl, `${host}:${port}`)
// Start preflight after server is listening and ignore errors:
preflight().catch(() => {})
// Finalize server bootup:
await app.prepare()
.catch((err) => {
if (err.code === 'EADDRINUSE') {
let errorMessage = `Port ${port} is already in use.`
const pkgAppPath = require('next/dist/compiled/find-up').sync(
cwd: dir,
const appPackage = require(pkgAppPath)
if (appPackage.scripts) {
const nextScript = Object.entries(appPackage.scripts).find(
(scriptLine) => scriptLine[1] === 'next'
if (nextScript) {
errorMessage += `\nUse \`npm run ${nextScript[0]} -- -p <some other port>\`.`
} else {
process.nextTick(() => process.exit(1))
export { nextDev }