Jiachi Liu 5b609e264f
Error on legacy runtime config under app dir (#48774)
When you're using `config` object with `runtime` we'll show a warning and recomment you to move to `export const runtime = ...` for runtime property as it's documented as recommended. This PR adds a error for `next build` to avoid logs are truncated during multi-workers build and you're aware of the config which doesn't take effect with seeing the error

Follow up for #48630
link [NEXT-426](
2023-04-24 18:33:29 +00:00

70 lines
2.1 KiB

import { createNextDescribe } from 'e2e-utils'
import { check } from 'next-test-utils'
'app-dir edge SSR',
files: __dirname,
skipDeployment: true,
({ next }) => {
it('should handle edge only routes', async () => {
const appHtml = await next.render('/edge/basic')
const pageHtml = await next.render('/pages-edge')
it('should retrieve cookies in a server component in the edge runtime', async () => {
const res = await next.fetch('/edge-apis/cookies')
expect(await res.text()).toInclude('Hello')
if ((globalThis as any).isNextDev) {
it('should resolve module without error in edge runtime', async () => {
const logs = []
next.on('stderr', (log) => {
await next.render('app-edge')
logs.some((log) => log.includes(`Attempted import error:`))
it('should handle edge rsc hmr', async () => {
const pageFile = 'app/edge/basic/page.tsx'
const content = await next.readFile(pageFile)
// Update rendered content
const updatedContent = content.replace('Edge!', 'edge-hmr')
await next.patchFile(pageFile, updatedContent)
await check(async () => {
const html = await next.render('/edge/basic')
return html
}, /edge-hmr/)
// Revert
await next.patchFile(pageFile, content)
await check(async () => {
const html = await next.render('/edge/basic')
return html
}, /Edge!/)
} else {
// Production tests
it('should generate matchers correctly in middleware manifest', async () => {
const manifest = JSON.parse(
await next.readFile('.next/server/middleware-manifest.json')
regexp: '^/group$',
originalSource: '/group',