JJ Kasper 89ca0d10d4
Update to use getDataHref in fetchNextData (#14667)
This updates `fetchNextData` to re-use the `getDataHref` function from `page-loader` which has more verbose handling to ensure the correct `/_next/data` URL is built. Re-using this logic ensures the `/_next/data` URL can still be built even when a mismatching `href` and `as` value is provided to `next/link`.

This also fixes a case in `getDataHref` where optional values that weren't provided would fail to build the data href since the check requiring the param be present while interpolating the route values hasn't been updated to allow missing params for optional values.

An additional test case has been added to the prerender suite to ensure the `/_next/data` URL is built correctly when mismatching `href` and `as` values are provided

2020-06-29 15:14:45 +00:00

69 lines
2.1 KiB

import Link from 'next/link'
export async function getStaticProps() {
// throw new Error('oops from getStaticProps')
return {
props: { world: 'world', time: new Date().getTime() },
// bad-prop
unstable_revalidate: 1,
const Page = ({ world, time }) => {
return (
{/* <div id='after-change'>idk</div> */}
<p>hello {world}</p>
<span>time: {time}</span>
<Link href="/non-json/[p]" as="/non-json/1">
<a id="non-json">to non-json</a>
<br />
<Link href="/another?hello=world" as="/another/?hello=world">
<a id="another">to another</a>
<br />
<Link href="/something">
<a id="something">to something</a>
<br />
<Link href="/normal">
<a id="normal">to normal</a>
<br />
<Link href="/blog/[post]" as="/blog/post-1">
<a id="post-1">to dynamic</a>
<Link href="/blog/[post]" as="/blog/post-100">
<a id="broken-post">to broken</a>
<Link href="/blog/[post]" as="/blog/post-999" prefetch={false}>
<a id="broken-at-first-post">to broken at first</a>
<br />
<Link href="/blog/[post]/[comment]" as="/blog/post-1/comment-1">
<a id="comment-1">to another dynamic</a>
<Link href="/catchall/[...slug]" as="/catchall/first">
<a id="to-catchall">to catchall</a>
<br />
<Link href="/index">
<a id="to-nested-index">to nested index</a>
<br />
<Link href="/lang/[lang]/about?lang=en" as="/about">
<a id="to-rewritten-ssg">to rewritten static path page</a>
<br />
<Link href="/catchall-optional/[[...slug]]" as="/catchall-optional">
<a id="catchall-optional-root">to optional catchall root</a>
<Link href="/catchall-optional/[[...slug]]" as="/catchall-optional/value">
<a id="catchall-optional-value">to optional catchall page /value</a>
export default Page