Leah 2a8f7ae1b1
Update Turbopack test manifest from GitHub Actions artifact (#58394)
### What?
We can use the GitHub actions artifact (which is already produced right
now) instead of a separate git branch to get the latest test results.

This also means we don't have a dependency back to the turbo repo for
the daily tests.

Closes PACK-1951
2023-11-24 16:48:12 +01:00

339 lines
11 KiB

const fs = require('fs')
const os = require('os')
const path = require('path')
const prettier = require('prettier')
const execa = require('execa')
const { bold } = require('kleur')
async function format(text) {
const options = await prettier.resolveConfig(__filename)
return prettier.format(text, { ...options, parser: 'json' })
const override = process.argv.includes('--override')
const PASSING_JSON_PATH = `${__dirname}/turbopack-tests-manifest.json`
const WORKING_PATH = '/root/actions-runner/_work/next.js/next.js/'
'compile successfully',
'should build successfully',
// please make sure this is sorted alphabetically when making changes.
'test/development/acceptance-app/ReactRefreshLogBox-builtins.test.ts': [
'ReactRefreshLogBox app turbo Module not found missing global CSS',
'test/development/acceptance-app/ReactRefreshRegression.test.ts': [
'ReactRefreshRegression app can fast refresh a page with dynamic rendering',
'ReactRefreshRegression app can fast refresh a page with config',
'test/development/acceptance-app/ReactRefreshRequire.test.ts': [
'ReactRefreshRequire app re-runs accepted modules',
'ReactRefreshRequire app propagates a hot update to closest accepted module',
'ReactRefreshRequire app propagates hot update to all inverse dependencies',
'test/development/acceptance/ReactRefreshLogBox.test.ts': [
'ReactRefreshLogBox turbo conversion to class component (1)',
'test/development/acceptance/ReactRefreshRequire.test.ts': [
'ReactRefreshRequire re-runs accepted modules',
'ReactRefreshRequire propagates a hot update to closest accepted module',
'ReactRefreshRequire propagates hot update to all inverse dependencies',
'test/development/basic/hmr.test.ts': [
'basic HMR, basePath: "/docs" Error Recovery should show the error on all pages',
'test/development/jsconfig-path-reloading/index.test.ts': [
/should automatically fast refresh content when path is added without error/,
/should recover from module not found when paths is updated/,
'test/development/tsconfig-path-reloading/index.test.ts': [
/should automatically fast refresh content when path is added without error/,
'test/e2e/app-dir/app-css/index.test.ts': [
'app dir - css css support server layouts should support external css imports',
'test/e2e/app-dir/metadata/metadata.test.ts': [
'app dir - metadata file based icons should handle updates to the file icon name and order',
'app dir - metadata react cache should have same title and page value on initial load',
'app dir - metadata react cache should have same title and page value when navigating',
'app dir - metadata static routes should have icons as route',
'app dir - metadata twitter should render twitter card summary when image is not present',
'app dir - metadata twitter should support default twitter app card',
'app dir - metadata twitter should support default twitter player card',
'app dir - metadata twitter should support twitter card summary_large_image when image present',
'app dir - metadata viewport should support dynamic viewport export',
'test/e2e/basepath.test.ts': [
'basePath should 404 when manually adding basePath with router.push',
'basePath should 404 when manually adding basePath with router.replace',
'test/e2e/middleware-rewrites/test/index.test.ts': [
'Middleware Rewrite should have props for afterFiles rewrite to SSG page',
'test/integration/absolute-assetprefix/test/index.test.js': [
'absolute assetPrefix with path prefix should work with getStaticPaths prerendered',
'test/integration/app-document-remove-hmr/test/index.test.js': [
'_app removal HMR should HMR when _document is removed',
'test/integration/app-document/test/index.test.js': [
'Document and App Client side should detect the changes to pages/_app.js and display it',
'Document and App Client side should detect the changes to pages/_document.js and display it',
'test/integration/css/test/css-modules.test.js': [
'CSS Modules Composes Ordering Development Mode should have correct color on index page (on nav from other)',
'CSS Modules Composes Ordering Development Mode should have correct color on index page (on nav from index)',
'test/integration/custom-error/test/index.test.js': [/Custom _error/],
'test/integration/dynamic-routing/test/index.test.js': [
'Dynamic Routing dev mode should work with HMR correctly',
'Dynamic Routing production mode should have correct cache entries on prefetch',
'Dynamic Routing production mode should render dynamic route with query',
'test/integration/dynamic-routing/test/middleware.test.js': [
'Dynamic Routing dev mode should resolve dynamic route href for page added later',
'Dynamic Routing production mode should output a routes-manifest correctly',
'test/integration/env-config/test/index.test.js': [
'Env Config dev mode with hot reload should provide env for SSG',
'Env Config dev mode with hot reload should provide env correctly for SSR',
'Env Config dev mode with hot reload should provide env correctly for API routes',
'test/integration/import-assertion/test/index.test.js': [
/should handle json assertions/,
* @param title {string}
* @param file {string}
* @param args {readonly string[]}
* @returns {execa.ExecaChildProcess}
function exec(title, file, args) {
logCommand(title, `${file} ${args.join(' ')}`)
return execa(file, args, {
stderr: 'inherit',
* @param {string} title
* @param {string} [command]
function logCommand(title, command) {
let message = `\n${bold().underline(title)}\n`
if (command) {
message += `> ${bold(command)}\n`
* @returns {Promise<Artifact>}
async function fetchLatestTestArtifact() {
const { stdout } = await exec(
'Getting latest test artifacts from GitHub actions',
['api', '/repos/vercel/next.js/actions/artifacts?name=test-results']
/** @type {ListArtifactsResponse} */
const res = JSON.parse(stdout)
for (const artifact of res.artifacts) {
if (artifact.expired || artifact.workflow_run.head_branch !== 'canary') {
return artifact
throw new Error('no valid test-results artifact was found for branch canary')
* @returns {Promise<TestResultManifest>}
async function fetchTestResults() {
const artifact = await fetchLatestTestArtifact()
const subprocess = exec('Downloading artifact archive', 'gh', [
const filePath = path.join(
`next-test-results.${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000).toString(16)}.zip`
await subprocess
const { stdout } = await exec('Extracting test results manifest', 'unzip', [
return JSON.parse(stdout)
async function updatePassingTests() {
const results = await fetchTestResults()
logCommand('Processing results...')
const passing = { __proto__: null }
for (const result of results.result) {
const runtimeError = > 0
for (const testResult of {
const filepath = stripWorkingPath(
const fileResults = (passing[filepath] ??= {
passed: [],
failed: [],
pending: [],
flakey: [],
const skips = SKIPPED_TEST_SUITES[filepath] ?? []
const skippedPassingNames = []
let initializationFailed = false
for (const testCase of testResult.assertionResults) {
let { fullName, status } = testCase
if (
status === 'failed' &&
INITIALIZING_TEST_CASES.some((name) => fullName.includes(name))
) {
initializationFailed = true
} else if (initializationFailed) {
status = 'failed'
if (shouldSkip(fullName, skips)) {
if (status === 'passed') skippedPassingNames.push(fullName)
status = 'flakey'
const statusArray = fileResults[status]
if (!statusArray) {
throw new Error(`unexpected status "${status}"`)
if (skippedPassingNames.length > 0) {
`${bold().red(filepath)} has ${
} passing tests that are marked as skipped:\n${skippedPassingNames
.map((name) => ` - ${name}`)
for (const info of Object.values(passing)) {
info.failed = [ Set(info.failed)].sort()
info.pending = [ Set(info.pending)].sort()
info.flakey = [ Set(info.flakey)].sort()
info.passed = [ Set(info.passed.filter((name) => !info.failed.includes(name))),
if (!override) {
const oldPassingData = JSON.parse(
fs.readFileSync(PASSING_JSON_PATH, 'utf8')
for (const file of Object.keys(oldPassingData)) {
const newData = passing[file]
const oldData = oldPassingData[file]
if (!newData) continue
// We want to find old passing tests that are now failing, and report them.
// Tests are allowed transition to skipped or flakey.
const shouldPass = new Set(
oldData.passed.filter((name) => newData.failed.includes(name))
if (shouldPass.size > 0) {
`${bold().red(file)} has ${
} test(s) that should pass but failed:\n${Array.from(shouldPass)
.map((name) => ` - ${name}`)
// Merge the old passing tests with the new ones
newData.passed = [ Set([...shouldPass, ...newData.passed])].sort()
// but remove them also from the failed list
newData.failed = newData.failed
.filter((name) => !shouldPass.has(name))
if (!oldData.runtimeError && newData.runtimeError) {
`${bold().red(file)} has a runtime error that is shouldn't have\n`
newData.runtimeError = false
// JS keys are ordered, this ensures the tests are written in a consistent order
const ordered = Object.keys(passing)
.reduce((obj, key) => {
obj[key] = passing[key]
return obj
}, {})
await format(JSON.stringify(ordered, null, 2))
function shouldSkip(name, skips) {
for (const skip of skips) {
if (typeof skip === 'string') {
// exact match
if (name === skip) return true
} else {
// regex
if (skip.test(name)) return true
return false
function stripWorkingPath(path) {
if (!path.startsWith(WORKING_PATH)) {
throw new Error(
`found unexpected working path in "${path}", expected it to begin with ${WORKING_PATH}`
return path.slice(WORKING_PATH.length)
updatePassingTests().catch((e) => {