Balázs Orbán 33db463fe4
chore: upgrade jest (#56909)
### What?

Upgrade jest to its latest version

### Why?

#56899 fails because historically Jest stripped the globals in Node.js, but 28+ isn't doing that anymore. If we upgrade, we don't have to keep track of Node.js globals and when they are added. This will be useful in removing even more polyfills for things that are natively shipped in Node.js now.

### How?

Jest 29 introduced a change to the snapshot format:

First, I tried setting the old compat option to not require updating snapshots, but some tests were still failing: So going through the pain now instead.
2023-10-19 17:38:24 +00:00

540 lines
15 KiB

/* eslint-env jest */
import { transform } from '@babel/core'
const trim = (s) => s.join('\n').trim().replace(/^\s+/gm, '')
// avoid generating __source annotations in JSX during testing:
const NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV
;(process.env as any).NODE_ENV = 'production'
const plugin = require('next/dist/build/babel/plugins/next-ssg-transform')
;(process.env as any).NODE_ENV = NODE_ENV
const babel = (code, esm = true, pluginOptions = {}) =>
transform(code, {
filename: 'noop.js',
presets: [['@babel/preset-react', { development: false, pragma: '__jsx' }]],
plugins: [[plugin, pluginOptions]],
babelrc: false,
configFile: false,
sourceType: 'module',
compact: true,
caller: {
name: 'tests',
supportsStaticESM: esm,
describe('babel plugin (next-ssg-transform)', () => {
describe('getStaticProps support', () => {
it('should remove separate named export specifiers', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
export { getStaticPaths } from '.'
export { a as getStaticProps } from '.'
export default function Test() {
return <div />
`"export var __N_SSG=true;export default function Test(){return __jsx("div",null);}"`
it('should remove combined named export specifiers', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
export { getStaticPaths, a as getStaticProps } from '.'
export default function Test() {
return <div />
`"export var __N_SSG=true;export default function Test(){return __jsx("div",null);}"`
it('should retain extra named export specifiers', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
export { getStaticPaths, a as getStaticProps, foo, bar as baz } from '.'
export default function Test() {
return <div />
`"export var __N_SSG=true;export{foo,bar as baz}from'.';export default function Test(){return __jsx("div",null);}"`
it('should remove named export function declarations', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
export function getStaticPaths() {
return []
export function getStaticProps() {
return { props: {} }
export default function Test() {
return <div />
`"export var __N_SSG=true;export default function Test(){return __jsx("div",null);}"`
it('should remove named export function declarations (async)', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
export async function getStaticPaths() {
return []
export async function getStaticProps() {
return { props: {} }
export default function Test() {
return <div />
`"export var __N_SSG=true;export default function Test(){return __jsx("div",null);}"`
it('should not remove extra named export function declarations', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
export function getStaticProps() {
return { props: {} }
export function Noop() {}
export default function Test() {
return <div />
`"export var __N_SSG=true;export function Noop(){}export default function Test(){return __jsx("div",null);}"`
it('should remove named export variable declarations', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
export const getStaticPaths = () => {
return []
export const getStaticProps = function() {
return { props: {} }
export default function Test() {
return <div />
`"export var __N_SSG=true;export default function Test(){return __jsx("div",null);}"`
it('should remove named export variable declarations (async)', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
export const getStaticPaths = async () => {
return []
export const getStaticProps = async function() {
return { props: {} }
export default function Test() {
return <div />
`"export var __N_SSG=true;export default function Test(){return __jsx("div",null);}"`
it('should not remove extra named export variable declarations', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
export const getStaticPaths = () => {
return []
}, foo = 2
export const getStaticProps = function() {
return { props: {} }
export default function Test() {
return <div />
`"export var __N_SSG=true;export const foo=2;export default function Test(){return __jsx("div",null);}"`
it('should remove re-exported variable declarations', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
const getStaticPaths = () => {
return []
export { getStaticPaths }
export default function Test() {
return <div />
`"export var __N_SSG=true;export default function Test(){return __jsx("div",null);}"`
it('should remove re-exported variable declarations (safe)', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
const getStaticPaths = () => {
return []
}, a = 2
export { getStaticPaths }
export default function Test() {
return <div />
`"const a=2;export var __N_SSG=true;export default function Test(){return __jsx("div",null);}"`
it('should remove re-exported function declarations', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
function getStaticPaths() {
return []
export { getStaticPaths }
export default function Test() {
return <div />
`"export var __N_SSG=true;export default function Test(){return __jsx("div",null);}"`
it('should not crash for class declarations', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
function getStaticPaths() {
return []
export { getStaticPaths }
export class MyClass {}
export default function Test() {
return <div />
`"export var __N_SSG=true;export class MyClass{}export default function Test(){return __jsx("div",null);}"`
it(`should remove re-exported function declarations' dependents (variables, functions, imports)`, () => {
const output = babel(trim`
import keep_me from 'hello'
import {keep_me2} from 'hello2'
import * as keep_me3 from 'hello3'
import drop_me from 'bla'
import { drop_me2 } from 'foo'
import { drop_me3, but_not_me } from 'bar'
import * as remove_mua from 'hehe'
var leave_me_alone = 1;
function dont_bug_me_either() {}
const inceptionVar = 'hahaa';
var var1 = 1;
let var2 = 2;
const var3 = inceptionVar + remove_mua;
function inception1() {var2;drop_me2;}
function abc() {}
const b = function() {var3;drop_me3;};
const b2 = function apples() {};
const bla = () => {inception1};
function getStaticProps() {
return { props: {var1} }
export { getStaticProps }
export default function Test() {
return <div />
`"import keep_me from'hello';import{keep_me2}from'hello2';import*as keep_me3 from'hello3';import{but_not_me}from'bar';var leave_me_alone=1;function dont_bug_me_either(){}export var __N_SSG=true;export default function Test(){return __jsx("div",null);}"`
it('should not mix up bindings', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
function Function1() {
return {
a: function bug(a) {
return 2;
function Function2() {
var bug = 1;
return { bug };
export { getStaticProps } from 'a'
`"function Function1(){return{a:function bug(a){return 2;}};}function Function2(){var bug=1;return{bug};}"`
it('should support class exports', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
export function getStaticProps() {
return { props: {} }
export default class Test extends React.Component {
render() {
return <div />
`"export var __N_SSG=true;export default class Test extends React.Component{render(){return __jsx("div",null);}}"`
it('should support class exports 2', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
export function getStaticProps() {
return { props: {} }
class Test extends React.Component {
render() {
return <div />
export default Test;
`"class Test extends React.Component{render(){return __jsx("div",null);}}export var __N_SSG=true;export default Test;"`
it('should support export { _ as default }', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
export function getStaticProps() {
return { props: {} }
function El() {
return <div />
export { El as default }
`"function El(){return __jsx("div",null);}export var __N_SSG=true;export{El as default};"`
it('should support export { _ as default } with other specifiers', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
export function getStaticProps() {
return { props: {} }
function El() {
return <div />
const a = 5
export { El as default, a }
`"function El(){return __jsx("div",null);}const a=5;export var __N_SSG=true;export{El as default,a};"`
it('should support export { _ as default } with a class', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
export function getStaticProps() {
return { props: {} }
class El extends React.Component {
render() {
return <div />
const a = 5
export { El as default, a }
`"class El extends React.Component{render(){return __jsx("div",null);}}const a=5;export var __N_SSG=true;export{El as default,a};"`
it('should support full re-export', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
export { getStaticProps, default } from 'a'
`"export var __N_SSG=true;export{default}from'a';"`
it('should support babel-style memoized function', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
function fn() {
fn = function () {};
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
export function getStaticProps() {
export default function Home() { return <div />; }
`"export var __N_SSG=true;export default function Home(){return __jsx("div",null);}"`
it('destructuring assignment (object)', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
import fs from 'fs';
import other from 'other';
const {readFile, readdir, access: foo} = fs.promises;
const {a,b, cat: bar,...rem} = other;
export async function getStaticProps() {
export default function Home() { return <div />; }
`"import other from'other';const{a,cat:bar}=other;export var __N_SSG=true;export default function Home(){return __jsx("div",null);}"`
it('destructuring assignment (array)', () => {
const output = babel(trim`
import fs from 'fs';
import other from 'other';
const [a, b,]= fs.promises;
const [foo, bar] = other;
export async function getStaticProps() {
export default function Home() { return <div />; }
`"import other from'other';const[foo]=other;export var __N_SSG=true;export default function Home(){return __jsx("div",null);}"`
it('errors for incorrect mix of functions', () => {
expect(() =>
export function getStaticProps() {}
export function getServerSideProps() {}
`You can not use getStaticProps or getStaticPaths with getServerSideProps. To use SSG, please remove getServerSideProps`
expect(() =>
export function getServerSideProps() {}
export function getStaticProps() {}
`You can not use getStaticProps or getStaticPaths with getServerSideProps. To use SSG, please remove getServerSideProps`
expect(() =>
export function getStaticPaths() {}
export function getServerSideProps() {}
`You can not use getStaticProps or getStaticPaths with getServerSideProps. To use SSG, please remove getServerSideProps`
expect(() =>
export function getServerSideProps() {}
export function getStaticPaths() {}
`You can not use getStaticProps or getStaticPaths with getServerSideProps. To use SSG, please remove getServerSideProps`