Guy Bedford 8221c180a5
ncc 0.25.0 upgrade and fixes (#18873)
This upgrades to ncc@0.25.0 and fixes the previous bugs including:

* ncc not referenced correctly in build
* Babel type errors
* node-fetch, etag, chalk and raw-body dependencies not building with ncc - these have been "un-ncc'd" for now. As they are relatively small dependencies, this doesn't seem too much of an issue and we can follow up in the tracking ncc issue at
* `yarn dev` issues

Took a lot of bisecting, but the overall diff isn't too bad here in the end.
2020-11-06 02:33:14 +00:00

78 lines
2.3 KiB

import {
types as BabelTypes,
} from 'next/dist/compiled/babel/core'
// matches any hook-like (the default)
const isHook = /^use[A-Z]/
// matches only built-in hooks provided by React et al
const isBuiltInHook = /^use(Callback|Context|DebugValue|Effect|ImperativeHandle|LayoutEffect|Memo|Reducer|Ref|State)$/
export default function ({
types: t,
}: {
types: typeof BabelTypes
}): PluginObj<any> {
const visitor = {
CallExpression(path: NodePath<BabelTypes.CallExpression>, state: any) {
const onlyBuiltIns = state.opts.onlyBuiltIns
// if specified, options.lib is a list of libraries that provide hook functions
const libs =
state.opts.lib &&
(state.opts.lib === true
? ['react', 'preact/hooks']
: [].concat(state.opts.lib))
// skip function calls that are not the init of a variable declaration:
if (!t.isVariableDeclarator(path.parent)) return
// skip function calls where the return value is not Array-destructured:
if (!t.isArrayPattern( return
// name of the (hook) function being called:
const hookName = (path.node.callee as BabelTypes.Identifier).name
if (libs) {
const binding = path.scope.getBinding(hookName)
// not an import
if (!binding || binding.kind !== 'module') return
const specifier = (binding.path.parent as BabelTypes.ImportDeclaration)
// not a match
if (!libs.some((lib) => lib === specifier)) return
// only match function calls with names that look like a hook
if (!(onlyBuiltIns ? isBuiltInHook : isHook).test(hookName)) return = t.objectPattern(<Array<BabelTypes.ObjectProperty>>(
(patterns, element, i) => {
if (element === null) {
return patterns
return patterns.concat(
t.objectProperty(t.numericLiteral(i), element)
return {
name: 'optimize-hook-destructuring',
visitor: {
// this is a workaround to run before preset-env destroys destructured assignments
Program(path, state) {
path.traverse(visitor, state)